One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 486: Mind Force Crushing·Blood Rain Pouring

The car lights illuminate the high-speed intersection leading to the city. With a sound of "Boom!", a bat was photographed on the windshield.

The bat was not dead, and the sharp hook hit the windshield one by one.

Then, a hand suddenly grabbed it from above, and the bat struggling to flew twice, and a bat head rolled off the windshield, stuck in the vent of the wiper fan, and **** breath passed into the carriage.

"Huh...Joker, you are disgusting."

The window cleaning nozzle sprayed cleaning agent, and the wiper started to work.

Luffy extended his arm and bounced the bird's head stuck in the vent.

"Ah, my cute little bat, what will you reward me for eating you?"

Cadillac followed the herringbone intersection, all the way into the city, all the cars blocking the front were pushed to the ends of the lane by Nian force, like an icebreaker, driving in the glacier, free and easy.

As the car window fell, a few "fluttering and cold" birds flew in front of them.

The salty sea breeze is blowing on the face.

"Why is there still sea breeze? Didn't we drive inland?"

Kayaba Akihiko called up the map, "We are here before, and then we cross diagonally. The one in front is a port city."

Isn't the port city connected to the sea?

"Then let's take the boat faster? Or in a straight line."

Akihiko Kaaba hesitated, "It stands to reason, that's right, but didn't you mean looking for a car?"

Luffy took a long breath.

Looking at the big circle on the map, I can't help but feel a little angry.

"Go around as far away as you can, and you will gain something anyway."

Group chat...

Joker: Guess what abilities I gained?

Sasuke: The big hairy ears of a big-eared bat?

Joker: I'll go, how did you guess it?

Sasuke:? ? ? ?

Sasuke: True or false, I just think the bat that died just now has really big ears.

Luffy: You won't inherit the sense of hearing of bats, will you? Are you deaf?

The higher the frequency, the thinner the sound will sound.

Bats can hear 1,000 to 120,000 Hz.

The frequency of human vocalization is between 85 and 1100 Hz.

In other words, the bats can only hear the most shrill sounds that a person can make.


"Brother Ugly?"

no response.

Sasuke continued calling: "Ugly son?"

no response.

"Hey Hey……"



Sasuke stopped laughing and looked around, "Who called me?"

"Are you ugly?"

Sasuke's smile froze, "Can you still hear? Didn't your ears become bats?"

"I just opened a pair of big ears. The original ears are not gone."

This is also OK?

Luffy stretched his neck from the window to the roof.

Before the fruit awakens, although Luffy's body can be stretched, it will retract due to its elasticity after being stretched.

Nowadays, this kind of direct extension is to liquefy the rubber from other parts of the body to supplement the neck, and the neck is lengthened so that there is no problem of retraction.

"I go!"

"You have a pair of donkey ears, right?"

A pair of big furry brown ears grow symmetrically on the ends of the top of the head of the clown.

The ears are slender, twice as long as a human face, and have a pointed tip, just like a green ear.


The clown looked blank and greeted, "Quickly, take out a mirror and I'll take a look."

Luffy handed the mirror to the clown.

The clown took a picture up and down.

The ears of clowns are not the same as the ears of normal bats. They have many features and are not fleshy ears.

Luffy recalled that the ears of the bat that hit the car window were also hairy, and I didn't know what animal gene it got.

"Brother Ugly has a pair of donkey ears? I have a look too."

Sasuke stretched out half of his body from the other window.

"Puff! Hahahaha!"

"It's like donkey ears, but it's also suitable for rabbit ears."

Sasuke stretched out his hand like a rabbit, grabbing the clown's two big ears.

Unexpectedly, the clown suddenly opened his mouth and bit on Sasuke's hand. A pair of canine teeth bite extremely deeply, and blood was seen in an instant.


The properties of Chaclare have changed!

The clown who plans to **** blood instantly turns on the vibration mode.

Even with Alex, who was next to the clown, was electrocuted.

Group chat...

Alex: Ahhhh, what does this have to do with me? Why power me?

Joker: So comfortable, go on, don't stop.

Sasuke withdrew his hand, looked at the scar, his palm was bitten through.

"I'll go, you are so cruel, clown."

"Didn't I just call my grandson? You can call it back."


"Sister Inoue, help me heal."

"Shuangtian return to the shield!"

Sasuke's hand repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and healed in 5 seconds.

Thanks to Inoue, Sasuke connected a chain to the lock on the clown.

The clown was punished by thunder.

On the dark streets, the street lights on both sides were all broken and extinguished.

The eight-seater Cadillac activated all the way to the city center with lightning.

The monsters living in the city are attracted by the light.


There was an abnormal noise, and the side window was attacked.

Looking up, Sasuke was shocked instantly.

A human head rushed into the field of vision!

At night, a head suddenly appeared outside a high-speed car. This kind of scene is creepy just thinking about it, let alone suddenly encountered it.

And Sasuke is afraid of ghosts.



The lightning arc hit the human face, piercing through with one strike.

Looking towards the rear window, Sasuke saw a fluffy tuft with two wings.

Human head and bird body.

"Scare your grandpa!"

"It turned out to be a bird, I thought I had encountered it."

The big bird in the sky flew, and a pair of five-fingered eagle claws grabbed Sasuke's head.

Sasuke pointed his finger at the bird's head, and there was another lightning flash, and the arc went straight into the sky, leaving a light.

"There is still in the sky!"

"There are so many monsters, but I can't count them!"

"Boss, let me get in the car!"

Alex's eyes widened.

In the bright moonlight, dark shadows hovered above the head, and the black was pressed, making the scalp numb.

In a daze, seeing a strange bird attacking again, Alex's consciousness appeared outside the store with the HAMMERJACKS brand.


With a rush, the bullet penetrated his brain.


The moonlight was still above his head, and the circling black shadow pounced on his face.

He's not dead?

The phantom of death!

The monster that Nian Liping pushed down was pushed up.

"Guina, can you control two hedging thought powers at the same time?"

"Hedging? I'll try."

The Nianli wall was removed, and the strange bird rushing in front flew away, and the strange bird behind that did not know the situation rushed down.

Sitting in the driving seat, Guina looked up at the sky and stretched out her hands, slapped each other.

In the sky, in Guina's field of vision, the two mind powers oppose each other under the guidance of both hands.

For a time, within a hundred meters above the head, the birds and beasts were swept to one place and smashed.

A rain of blood, with the car as the axis, showered vertically, drawing a long blood line on the ground.

"I'm going! Handsome!"

Sasuke looked back at a blood line left on the road with a look of admiration.

There was a broken section in the middle of the bloodline. It was because the car blocked a bit.


Screams came from the roof of the car.

It was Alex's voice.


"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

It was accompanied by the clown's frantic laughter.

What's wrong?

"Not good! Stop!"

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