One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 178 All goes well, according to my will, the spirit will appear quickly!

At the same time, the new world.

The Sky Pirates.

"Boss, are we acquiring weapons and equipment to expand our power?"

The Golden Lion's order is an imperial edict in the Sky Pirates.

But even if it is an imperial edict, some people will question it.

In order to collect weapons and equipment in large quantities, they even had a battle with Wang Zhi and Silver Ax on Honeycomb Island.

Although half of the swords and firearms on Honeycomb Island were robbed, there were also many casualties.

After all, it is a paradise for pirates, and it was originally the headquarters of the Rocks Pirates.

Even though the Rocks Pirates have been destroyed now, the majesty of Beehive Island remains.

It was even occupied by the great pirate king Nao and Silver Ax.

"Humph, expansion? Why expand? Who told you that I collect weapons and equipment to expand my power?"

Shiji, the golden lion who took the lead at the helm of the huge ship, walked out slowly on his wooden clogs.

The big pirate with a gloomy face looked very unhappy.

"Why is that?"

The golden lion's words made all the younger brothers even more confused. They couldn't figure out what their boss wanted to do.

"Don't worry about it, continue to collect swords and guns, don't let go of cannons and so on."

"You will know when you collect it to a certain extent!"

After leaving the order, the golden lion turned and left.

The golden lion turned his back with a hint of ferocity on his face.

You bastard kid, you dare to put the rudder on my head, just wait!

I will let you know the price of offending me!

Shiki the Golden Lion has ground-length golden hair, just like a lion's mane. In addition, Shiki's sideburns and beard are both golden, and his sideburns are also very long. He now has a rudder inserted into his head, which is too deep and would be life-threatening if removed. Shiki would always think he looked like a rooster when he looked in the mirror.

And what caused him to become like this was that damn navy!


He, the Golden Lion, allowed himself to be injured! He won't get angry because he is injured.

But he will never allow anyone to trick him!

Or take the opportunity to trap him while he is fighting with others!

Well, there is no doubt that the Golden Lion is planning to take revenge on the Hammer.

Beehive Island

"Asshole Golden Lion! He actually stole half of the weapons and equipment. His fruit power is so annoying!"

Wang Zhi looked at his half-empty warehouse and spat viciously.

Both Wang Zhi and Silver Ax were part of the crew of the Rocks Pirates. The Rocks Pirates were defeated in the Valley of Gods. Both of them survived and later became famous pirates. Afterwards, Wang Zhi and Silver Ax jointly occupied Honeycomb Island, the former stronghold of the Rocks Pirates.

They had been living quite comfortably. Relying on their own considerable strength and the favorable terrain and savings of Beehive Island, almost no one would mess with them.

But the Golden Lion is a special case.

Golden Lion is also a member of the Rocks Pirates and knows the structure of Beehive Island very well.

Moreover, they used the Piao Piao Fruit to fly in the air and launched a sudden attack, causing Wang Zhi and Yin Ax to suffer miserably.

He watched helplessly as half of his reserves were taken away.

Moreover, the two of them had nothing to do with the flying golden lion, so they could only be dumb and unable to explain the pain of eating Coptis chinensis.

"By the way, what's going on with the rudder stuck in this old bastard's head?"

Although Silver Ax was annoyed that he was robbed, but as a pirate, you rob me and I rob you, so he didn't care too much. At worst, he would just go out to sea and rob others.

On the contrary, it was the weird shape of the golden lion that made Silver Ax a little curious.

"Humph, he had a fight with that bastard Roger in At Wall, and ended up being tricked by the Navy."

"The rudder was also made at that time."

"It seems to be related to the world-famous craftsman who rose up in the navy."

Having said this, Wang Zhi suddenly fell into thinking.

What the Golden Lion was grabbing was weapons and equipment, not gold and silver treasures. Coupled with his character of revenge, Wang Zhi suddenly understood what the Golden Lion had done.

Huh, but what does it have to do with Wang Zhi? If he has that kind of skill, he might as well think about how to quickly fill up the robbed warehouse again.

With the appearance of the golden lion, the calm sea stirred up waves again.

But none of this has anything to do with a hammer bent on striking iron.

Ten days have passed since he dismissed everyone and entered sage mode.

A section of the arsenal has now become an ice cellar.

The original temperature of Baoyu Iceberg was very low, and after experiencing the assimilation of Kuzan's frozen fruits, the temperature became even colder.

And as the hammer forging progressed, the cold air quickly began to spread from the forging room.

Even several other partitions have been affected, and work efficiency has been greatly reduced.

This also made Sengoku, who was waiting for exclusive weapons, notice that something was wrong.

But because of the Golden Lion thing, he couldn't be distracted and couldn't ask Iron Hammer.

"Ah sneeze!"

"It's so cold. When will Lieutenant General Hammer finish? I'm the only one in my group now! Old John and the others are all cold."

The remaining workers gathered together to complain.

In just a few days, the cold became more and more intense. Many workers fell ill from cold, and the remaining ones were unable to work properly.

While they were chatting, suddenly the coldness spread again.

This time the temperature was lower and more ferocious.

"Hahaha! It's done!"

A loud voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was shivering from the cold, but there was a burst of joy in their hearts.

Because they know that this is not the end of the hard life for people!

I saw that the source of the cold air was held in the hammer's hand.

That is a piece of jade.

The shape of Ruyi is like a long-handled hook, and the hook head is as flat as a bay leaf. It feels smooth to the touch, like touching silk. It looks crystal clear and shiny.

What is different from the usual Ruyi is that the top of this Ruyi is completely ice blue, while the handle is black.

This makes Ruyi look a lot weirder.

"Hahahaha! As you wish, follow my will and your spirit will appear quickly!"

I saw the hammer swinging casually.

The freezing air spurted out instantly, enveloping the hammer.

Dazzling blue light emanates from the freezing air.

Then a loud shout came from the blue light!

"Brother Chicken! Transform!"

The blue light instantly became more dazzling as the sound sounded.

Soon the freezing air and light all converged.

The hammer soon reappeared.

At this time, he had undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, Ruyi has disappeared.

In its place was a blue-black bicycle.

The bicycle is a 28-year-old bicycle, which looks very simple, but if you look carefully, you can see that there is a layer of texture on the frame, which is very exquisite.

The Hammer himself has completely changed, wearing black overalls and holding a hockey puck in his hand.

Well, this is very chicken!

"Huo, it's so cold! Hahahaha!"

"Brother Chicken! If you have this thing in the future, I will stop all your warships for you!"

“Get ready to ride your bike!”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Name: Ice turns into jade Ruyi!

Materials: Jade Iceberg (fusion version), cryolite, mithril, black hammer.

Activation attributes: Frost Amplification and Creation, you can use the formula to create objects made of ice according to your thoughts. And it is practical.

There are three passwords, representing three objects and three different abilities.

Ruyi Ruyi: Summons a bicycle. The bicycle has super speed and the ability to repair itself. When combined with ice, it can activate the jet state again, but it has some losses.

According to my wishes: Summon overalls, black overalls, well, exclusive to Brother Chicken, absolutely exclusive. After wearing them, the current mood doubles, and it has super defense and independent defense. It can generate sonic attacks to defend against incoming attacks.

Quick Appearance: Summons a freezing ball, the main attack method, which greatly enhances the intensity of ice attributes, surpassing absolute zero! It is estimated that no one can use it except Kuzan.

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