One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 280 Forced recruitment into the navy

"Kid, I don't know why you hate the navy so much, but with your strength, it's still too early to provoke the navy."

Looking at the disgraced Pedro lying on the ground, Shirley once again taunted her soul.

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Pedro was so angry that his beard stood up.

"Pirates are the freest ones. What do you, a navy, know?"

I have to say that Roger has a very strong influence on others. Even though he only met him once, Pedro regarded Roger as his life goal and even regarded pirates as his ideal.

Of course, this is under the premise that he has not met Shirley.

"Damn kid, what's so good about being a pirate!"

"Burning, killing, looting, committing all kinds of evil!"

"I have to change your damn mind!"

Shirley, who originally wanted to let Pedro go, was directly angered by his words.

Seeing this scene, Tie Zhui suddenly thought of Wang Lufei in the future. Tsk tsk, I have to say that Wang Lufei's will is really strong, and he never backed down in the face of old man Garp.

Now Pedro is about to face Shirley's crazy whipping, and I don't know if Pedro can persist.

The bonfire party was still going on, and Shirley dragged Pedro towards the jungle, accompanied by Jiebo and Beckmus.

Among the three little ones, Jiebo is the oldest at 11 years old, Pedro is 10 years old, and Beckmus is only 5 years old.

Seeing Pedro being taken away by Shirley, Jiebo and Beckmus followed him worriedly.

"Asshole woman! Let me go!"

No matter how Pedro shouted along the way, Shirley ignored him and dragged him forward.

Soon they reached the jungle. Shirley threw Pedro to the ground and said coldly:

"Kid, I'll give you another chance and say, you won't be a pirate!"

Shirley, who has experienced tragedy, knows how disgusting evil is to the sea, and pirates are one of them.

"Hmph! I just want to be a pirate!"

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing! Don't come over!"

After hearing Pedro's words, Shirley slowly walked towards him and slowly raised her right fist. Shirley's sandbag-sized fist hit Pedro. Pedro closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to come.

However, the expected pain did not come.

Pedro opened his eyes in confusion and found that Shirley's fist stopped only a few centimeters away from his face.

Shirley looked at Pedro with complicated eyes, and finally lowered her fist.

"You can go." Shirley's voice came.

Pedro was stunned for a moment, then quickly got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and asked in confusion:

"What do you mean?"

Faced with Pedro's inquiry, Shirley couldn't help but sigh. She knew that once the seeds of some things were planted, it was difficult to change, but she could not watch her compatriots go the way of pirates.

"I am a marine, and I also hope that my people can stand on the side of justice. Even if they are not involved, they can be independent."

"You have never stepped into the sea, so you don't know the evil deeds on the sea."

Shirley looked at the kid in front of her and the other two kid's not far from them with a complicated expression.

"Pirates are not what you think. I don't know who you saw or who you were influenced by."

"Anyway, I don't think I will let my people become pirates in front of me!"

At the end of the sentence, Shirley clenched her fists again.

But this time, the direction of the fist blast was not Pedro's side, but the other side of the jungle.

The punch containing domineering power and electricity directly penetrated one big tree after another, and did not stop until far away.

Pedro and the other three were completely shocked by Shirley's punch, what kind of destructive power it had.

Shirley's thunder and lightning fist perfectly combines the six styles, domineering and natural electric shock. It is her personal stunt and very powerful.

"So strong..."

Pedro was already stunned, stunned by Shirley's strength.

"Want to learn?"


"Then do you want to be a navy?"


"Huh? I heard it, very good, Private Pedro, I will be your commander from now on!"

"Huh??? What??? I don't want to be a navy!"


The stunned Pedro didn't know why he casually agreed to Shirley's words, and by the time he realized it, it was already too late.

She wanted to refuse, but Shirley punched her directly in front of her face.

In an instant, a big hole suddenly appeared less than 20 centimeters in front of him.


Pedro was so frightened that he swallowed his saliva instantly. He looked up at Shirley's half-smiling look, and he didn't dare to speak.

"Very well, when we leave in a few days, I will take the three of you with me."

"Okay, you can go back by yourselves. I'm going to continue dancing."

After saying that, Shirley shaved her head and disappeared, leaving the three little ones looking at each other.

"Brother Pedro, are you okay?"

"Are we really going to be navy? Didn't we agree to be pirates?"

Beckmus ran to Pedro and looked at his eldest brother.

Jiebo also stepped forward.

"What kind of navy...we just want to be pirates!"

"I won't..."

"call out!"


Before he finished speaking, a blue slash suddenly whistled from behind them.

Before the three little ones could react, the tree in front of them was cut in half.

The three little ones were so scared that they ran back instantly.

As the tree fell, the three little ones swallowed their saliva at the same time.

"I think it's not impossible to be a navy..."

Hearing Pedro's words, Jie Bo and Beckmus nodded fiercely, fearing that the terrifying slash would appear again and cut them in half.

When Shirley, who was fifty meters away from them, heard it, she showed a treacherous smile.

Everyone says that if you keep company with the red, you will be red.

Shirley has been with Tiechui for so long, whether it is deceiving or intimidating, she has learned it 100%.

It's just three little ghosts, isn't it easy for her to control them?

Tiechui, who sensed Shirley's operation through his observation color, laughed.

In his heart, he silently gave Shirley 32 thumbs up.

As the two-day bonfire party came to an end.

The mining of star iron was also completed. Tiechui looked at the baskets of star iron in front of him and was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

In his opinion, these ores can fully fulfill his vision.

Based on star iron, he made a magic weapon suitable for the thunder fruit.

For this reason, Tiechui directly handed the task of recruiting soldiers to Shirley, and he directly pulled a basket of star iron into the forging room, and asked Philip to help him be on guard and not let anyone disturb his creation.



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