One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 283 Old fox! You are so cruel

Thangka took the Qinglong Halberd without saying a word. The next second, a lightning far beyond Philip's was lit up instantly.

The Qinglong Halberd instantly emitted bursts of white light, and then began to tremble slightly, and a trace of electric current emerged from the Qinglong Halberd.

It was obviously activated.

And Tangka felt it most clearly. He could feel the electric current he released passing through the Qinglong Halberd, first being swallowed and then released with multiple amplification.

The original electric current was completely formed into a thunder dragon after amplification, and it was even more exaggerated than the short knife amplification before.


Thangka waved the Qinglong Halberd, and every time he waved it, a thunder dragon would appear. Seeing this, the people around him hurriedly retreated.

As Tangka waved faster and faster, his eyes were full of shock and joy.

As the last thunder dragon exhaled, Tangka slammed the Qinglong Halberd into the ground.

And he himself was breathing slightly.

Tangka looked at the Qinglong Halberd in his hand, and his heart was full of emotion. The power of this weapon is so huge.

"How is it? It feels great, isn't it? The feeling of having your own ability infinitely magnified and amplified."

Tiechui smiled and looked at Tangka with a look of emotion.

Tangka nodded. It must be said that this weapon is indeed very pleasing.

But he also found a drawback, that is, the current he released is far from the upper limit that the weapon can absorb.

Seeing his doubts, Tiechui walked up and patted him on the shoulder.

"To fully activate this weapon, you need lightning. Although the talents of the fur tribe can also use electric shocks, the difference between ordinary current and lightning is still very large."

"It is already amazing that you can initially activate the Qinglong Ji with the electricity you generate. After all, this weapon is prepared for the Thunder Fruit ability."

"Only the Thunder Fruit, which is itself thunder and lightning, can fully control this weapon."

"If you are curious, you can go to the G88 branch with me to play around, and then you can see the true face of this weapon."

It must be said that Tiechui's invitation is very appropriate, and Tangka is very tempted.

After all, his strength has not been improved for a long time, so he spent more time training the guards.

But now the weapons made by Tiechui let him see the possibility of improvement, and Tangka's desire to pursue strength was active again.

"If there is a chance, I will go."

Tiechui smiled in his heart after hearing this answer, thinking: You only need to go once, it's enough, once is enough to make you stay in my branch honestly.

"Old Yuan, the weapons are made, and my work is done."

"As for the damage caused, I will ask Shirley to send some supplies as compensation later."

"Oh, by the way, Shirley, how is the fundraising situation?"

Yuan Lao's face darkened, this Tiechui, is really straightforward.

The people of my country ran away for refuge, and he wanted to settle it with a few words? Wishful thinking!

"Humph, Lieutenant General Tiechui, you made a lot of noise, what about compensation?"

Tiechui's face froze.

Damn! Old fox! How can you be a white ape? You should be a fox, okay!

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I'll let Shirley make a list for you, is that okay?"

"Let's make it now."

Iron Hammer: .... I've met an opponent, this guy won't retreat even a step.

Old Yuan: Boy, you're too young to fight me!

"50 tons of food, 50 boxes of wine, 100 pieces of hot weapons, and a number of bullets."


Iron Hammer gritted his teeth and read out a list. When he finished reading the last word, his back teeth were bitten so hard that they hurt.

On the contrary, Old Yuan smiled and began to stroke his beard. It was obvious that he was satisfied with the price offered by Iron Hammer.

"Footwear, I want something that is not available on Zou, preferably some sea king meat, I miss it very much."

Iron Hammer: Me! @#! %##%! @#

I've always been the one who took advantage of others, but today I got caught. Humph! Little old man, don't be complacent, sooner or later I will make it back!

"Shirley, how is your recruitment plan going?"

Iron Hammer, who really didn't want to pay attention to Yuan Lao, asked Shirley again.

"Well, there are 6 people at present, including Fili and the three little ones."

"Fox Holder, Cheetah Dunli."

"I have discussed with Captain Tangka. If the defense force is not affected, more guards will join the G88 branch in the future."

Iron Hammer nodded. Not bad, after all, Zou's current guard team has only 50 people in total.

And the three little ones?

If I guessed correctly, it should be Pedro, Jiebo and Beckmus, which is also OK.

"Don't worry, when I return to the G88 branch, I will start to arrange to send defense forces to Zou."

What does the G88 branch have the most? It must be hot weapons. Various hot weapons can definitely fill the defense force of Zou.

"Okay, let's take a break, and then we'll prepare to return to G88 branch."

"Tangka, you really don't want to go with me to G88 branch?"

Tangka: .... I want to go, what if I go to the escort team? Humph!



One day later, on the sea, a not very big sailboat was sailing on the sea.

"Wow, is this the sea? It looks really good. Don't you think so, Holder?"

Cheetah Fur Clan Dunli is also a young force of the Guard. He is just 22 years old and is very strong, even compared to the older members of the Guard.

This time he chose to go to sea because he was full of yearning for the sea, and after watching the battle between Shirley and Captain Tangka, he wanted to experience military life.

"Yes, but no matter how beautiful the sea is, it is not as beautiful as..."

After coming out of Zou, Holder's eyes have never left Shirley.

Tiechui was extremely helpless watching from the side. He had heard about Holder from Shirley.

Did he fall after being defeated by Shirley?

He has completely become a licking... fox?

Forget it, who cares, when we return to the branch, someone can deal with him.

The three little ones made Tiechui very curious.

"Hey, why are you staring at us?"

The young Pedro was not as mature and steady as the future. Facing Tiechui's gaze, he directly spoke up.

Shirley, who was steering the helm, chuckled when she heard it.

"Oh, kid, you're my soldier, but you're so arrogant to your superior?"

"I'm not "Hey", I'm your highest superior."

"Remember to use honorifics!"

The hammer waved his hand casually, and a hammer hit Pedro's head directly.

Then hammer after hammer began to hit him.


"What is that!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop it!"

Under the exquisite control of the hammer, these hammers only hurt Pedro, and will not cause him any harm, but even so, he was beaten and ran away with his head in his hands, sighing continuously, and looked at Jie Bo and Beckmus who were standing beside him as if they had seen a ghost.



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