One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 331 I pushed the door open and saw Zhan Guo hitting the hammer again!

"Hahaha, Hammer, I have to say, you are really good at making these weapons."

"The quality is much better than the original saber."

"I support your approach, and I will send your drawings to all arsenals immediately."

Tie Zhui looked at the three veteran cadres wielding swords and guns in front of him and felt a little incredible.

After he came to Malinfando, he directly gathered the veteran cadres for a meeting.

Go straight to the point and start selling, no, promoting his Chinese cold weapons.

Unexpectedly, the three veteran cadres took a fancy to these weapons at a glance.

Old Man Kong has used the Bingqing Sword, and he is extremely fond of long swords.

Drawing out the Eight-sided Han Sword was a gesture, and then Sengoku and Ms. He joined in.

The three of them were very satisfied with Iron Hammer's move to improve the cold weapons of the entire army.

It was a rare success. The shocked Tie Hammer quickly took two cigars in his mouth, picked up the ashtray and smoked hard.

But problems soon followed.

"Iron Hammer, although these weapons of yours are very good, once they are all put into production, our military expenditure pressure will increase sharply."

"After all, there was originally only one type of knife to produce, but now there are many more, as well as the production of guns and firearms."

"Military spending is a big issue."

Warring States put down the Huanshou Sword in his hand with a very serious look on his face.

He now takes over most of the affairs of the headquarters and records every military expenditure.

You know, the world government allocates only so much military funds every year, including personnel salaries and various maintenance expenses.

The consumption of munitions has always been high. If we carry out revisions and promote new weapons at this time, more military expenditures will be invested in munitions.

"Hey, what do I mean, old man from the Warring States Period, you still don't have enough brains."

Iron Hammer behaved very casually when faced with the questions raised by Warring States.

This made the Warring States Period a little puzzled. How come the issue of military expenditure is not a problem?

Seeing the mean smile on Tie Shui's face, Warring States slapped his forehead sharply.

"How could I forget? You are the head of the Logistics Department. How could you not know where military spending is going?"

"Stop giggling like that! Tell me! Is there any good idea?"

Old Man Kong on the side looked at the intimate communication between Warring States and Iron Hammer with an aunty smile on his face.

He will retire soon, and then the Warring States Period and Iron Hammer will take over. Hahaha, it would be better to train him early.

"What you're worried about is just the cost of materials, that is, the issue of steel."

"What if we could mine it ourselves? Wouldn't it be great if we were completely self-sufficient instead of buying from outside?"

After hearing this, Zeng Guo's face suddenly dropped.

"It's as if you didn't say it! If we can mine it, why do we need to purchase it?"

"You bastard! Are you sincerely making fun of me!"

"Believe it or not, I will feed you a shock wave!"

Looking at Warring States who was about to shine, Tie Hammer laughed.

The next second, the ashtray in his hand floated directly towards Sengoku.

Sengoku, who was already furious, actually dared to throw an ashtray at him when he saw the hammer.

It will shine immediately.

But Old Man Kong and Ms. He stood up suddenly and held down Sengoku who was about to shine.

"Warring States, look carefully, he didn't throw it here."

"The ashtray is floating..."

Yes, the ashtray flies very slowly, really floating away bit by bit.

Only then did Seng Guo react, looking at the ashtray with a hint of surprise.

"Hey, gentlemen, the world is progressing and technology is advancing."

“Some things weren’t possible before, but they are now.”

"You said...isn't it right..."

After the words fell, Iron Hammer waved his hand slightly, and all the weapons originally placed on the table rose into the air.

The ashtray slowly floated back into his hand.

"Piao Piao Fruit?"

"It's impossible. It's impossible for one person to eat two Devil Fruits."

"But the ability to levitate and fly objects is indeed the fluttering fruit of that bastard Golden Lion!"

Warring States eyes widened, as did Old Man Kong and Ms. He.

"Hammer, what on earth is going on?"

Hammer laughed.

Then he waved his hand again and restored all the items.

Stretched out his right hand.

"Asshole Tie Hammer, I asked you to talk about Piaopiao Fruit, why did you reach out your hand?"

"You're a blacksmith, but your hands are so rough. Hey, you'd better learn how to return them with your life."

"I don't want you to be a black coal ball when I see you in a few years."

Warring States slapped away the hammer's right hand with a look of disgust.

This directly made Tie Hammer's face darken.

He took a deep breath, thinking about taking a step back and enduring the calm for a while.

Forbearance... what a fart!

The old bastard from the Warring States Period is going too far!

"Old bastard! I'll fight you!"

The hammer suddenly rushed up and rushed towards Warring States with a tiger's lunge.

Warring States had long been on guard against Tie Hammer's move, he stood up suddenly to dodge it, and then started laughing.

But the hammer is no longer stunned and waving lightly with its right hand.

The ashtray just now broke through the speed of sound in an instant and hit Sengoku.


The ashtray hit Seng Guo directly on the head, and the ash covered his face.

This time, Warring States' face was directly covered with a layer of colorful black and glass particles.

"Hmph! I'll make you laugh!"

Yes, this time the Warring States Period was also angry.

The old man and the young man started to fight with each other.

Just then, an inopportune voice appeared.

"Report, Marshal Kong, there is news from the archaeological team!"

Then a soldier pushed the door open with a report in hand, and just saw General Zhan Guo riding on... Lieutenant General Tiechui...

My God, what did he see? Will he be silenced? ? ?

"I didn't see anything! I'll come back later, Marshal Kong!"


The door was shut heavily, and everyone in the room was stunned.

Old man Kong couldn't stand it anymore.

"You two bastards! Look at what you have done! If you mess around again, I will tie you two up in the square, believe it or not!"

He punched the table hard, and with a crash, the table broke into pieces.

Table: Damn it, I'm the one who gets hurt every time!

Ashtray: I'll be with you this time, brother, you won't be lonely.

Tiechui and Zhan Guo stopped.

But both sides glared at each other viciously.

"Iron Hammer, stop messing around, tell me what the Float-Float Fruit is all about."

This time, Iron Hammer didn't play dumb, and came clean.

"I killed Golden Lion, and the Float-Float Fruit happened to be reborn on the island where we fought."

"I got the Float-Float Fruit and sent it to Punk Hazard."

"Vegapunk has developed an ability that allows objects to eat devil fruits."

Then Iron Hammer took out the whip that ate the Thorn Fruit.

"Look, this whip ate the Parahuman Thorn Fruit."


The next second, countless spikes appeared on the long whip, which looked very scary.

"And my ring ate the Float-Float Fruit and gained the ability of the Float-Float Fruit."

Iron Hammer took off the ring and put it on the table.

The three old cadres instantly lay on the table together and looked at the magical ring in front of them.



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