One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 390: Surprise attack on Beehive Island, Sanji is born

Beehive Island was the base camp of the Rocks Pirates back then.

Located in the New World, it is known as a paradise for pirates. According to statistics, the number of pirates on Beehive Island has even exceeded 100,000.

Some of them are the remnants of the Rocks Pirates.

"Old man, are you crazy?"

"How much combat power do you need to attack Beehive Island?"

"That island is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

Tiechui was shocked. He didn't expect that Old Man Kong had such courage to attack Beehive Island directly.

The current controllers of Beehive Island are Wang Zhi and Silver Axe, who are also cadres of the Rocks Pirates.

"I know, so I had given up this idea."

"But Tiechui, you are back, isn't this opportunity coming again?"

Old Man Kong set his eyes on the ring on Tiechui's hand.

"The Float-Float Fruit..."

"That's a solution. After all, if the navy enters the New World in large numbers, it will definitely lead to a counterattack from all the pirates in the New World."

"But if we fly directly from the sky, it can not only play a role of surprise attack, but also avoid a lot of trouble."

Ms. Crane made a very rational analysis. After she said this.

Tiechui suddenly felt that the idea of ​​old man Kong was not so unrealistic.

"Tiechui, because of your disappearance, Sengoku's promotion was postponed."

"Look at me, how old I am this year. I really want to go to Marijoa to enjoy my life."

As he spoke, old man Kong showed a trace of sadness.

But this poor acting can't confuse Tiechui at all.

Tiechui curled his lips and said with disdain: "Forget it, if you want to make merit and retire, just say so. Why find such a lame excuse?"

"When do you want to start?"

"But, as I said before, I am only responsible for taking some people to fly over, and I don't care about fighting."

Hearing Tiechui's resignation, Old Man Kong smiled instantly.

With Tiechui's floating fruit, he is fully confident of clearing Beehive Island.

When the news is reported and the reputation is gained, he can go to Mary Geoise to take office!

"The specific battle deployment has not yet begun."

"But with you here, I will start to arrange it after I go back."

"Within three months, accurate intelligence and combat plans will be arranged."

Old Man Kong is full of fighting spirit, but if he wants to launch such a battle, he still needs to make some arrangements.

After all, he can't ignore the suppression work in other sea areas because of this large-scale battle.

As for Tiechui, please, the Five Elders just don't let him make it public, but they didn't say that Tiechui can't be used.

Besides, this time, Tiechui is not allowed to take action, but just to help lead the team. There is no problem.

"Okay, since you want to fight, then fight, you are the marshal."

"I have seen the output of weapons in the past three years, it is not bad. Half of the soldiers in the navy now use Han swords or ring-headed swords."

"In the near future, I will focus on making a batch of sharp weapons for attacking."

Tiechui is the Minister of Logistics, and the weapons funds are originally allocated from him.

When the old man Kong heard this, he was so happy.

This really made Zhan Guo on the side a little nervous.

He has to work with Tiechui in the future. No, he has to ease the relationship. Well, otherwise, this little bastard will really deduct his military expenses. Will he be able to get by?

"Oh, by the way, Tiechui, what do you think about Germa 66 entering your branch?"

Vinsmoke Judge is the king of a member country of the World Government after all.

So although they knew that Judge entered the G88 branch, they did not stop it.

Now that Tiechui is back, he is still very curious about Tiechui's thoughts.

"How do you see it? Stand and see."

"If he wants to stay here, then let him stay. After all, his scientific research is of great help to arms."

"And now the excavation of seastone and ferromagnetic iron ore has also made a lot of efforts by his clones."

"Wouldn't it be better to have more of this kind of pie in the sky?"

Upon hearing this, Old Man Kong nodded. His original intention was to let Germa stay here.

After all, he is a strong scientist. Although he is not as good as Vegapunk, he is also close behind.

The most important thing is that Vegapunk does not belong to their navy, but Judge is different. As long as Judge lives in the G88 branch, he is under the supervision of their navy.

It is much more convenient to use.

Finally, Old Man Kong left with a red face.

Prepare for his last battle.

Tiechui was about to go back to forge iron, but was called away by Judge.

In the laboratory, Tiechui sat on a white chair.

There were all kinds of instruments all around. Judge was wearing a white coat and recording something in his hand.

"Hey, Judge, why did you call me over here?"

"Shut up, you idiot, don't you think the lines on your body are very familiar?"

After Judge said this, Tiechui remembered that he also had lines on his body.

He was indeed very familiar with these lines, because they looked like devil fruits.

"Devil fruit?"

"Well, it seems you are not stupid."

Judge put down the notebook in his hand and walked slowly to Tiechui.

"The lines on your body are the lines of the devil fruit, but I don't know why they appear on the skin."

"Based on my observation and guess, there is a possibility."

Then, Judge took out a devil fruit, which made Tiechui stunned.

When did Devil Fruit become so common?

"What are you looking at? Can't my noble Germa have a few Devil Fruits?"

"This is an animal-type fruit, so it's different from the lines on your body. The ones on your body should be the lines of the Superman-type Hammer Fruit."

Gaji put the Devil Fruit aside and looked at the hammer again.

"If I'm not wrong, since this pattern appeared, have you used your abilities stronger?"

Iron Hammer nodded. His ability is indeed stronger now. The intensity of hammer blows is far greater than before, and each hammer blow contains a variety of abilities that were originally developed.

"That's right. Although your Devil Fruit has awakened, with the appearance of lines."

"It further stimulates the potential of Devil Fruit, and these lines represent it."

Gaji was very excited, and the emergence of this situation was also of great help to his research.

After all, he is a scientist who studies bloodline factors. This situation of Iron Hammer perfectly fits the potential characteristics of bloodline factors.

This drove him completely crazy.

"Gaji, don't get excited yet. I can understand what you are saying, but why are you so happy?"

Iron Hammer was a little confused.

"Because you proved to me that even with a fixed bloodline, there is still the possibility of breaking through the limits again!"

"Oh, you don't know, I already have 5 children."

As soon as Iron Hammer heard this, he quickly worked his brain.

reached a conclusion.

Damn it, the sexy cook was born?



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