One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 150 The Wrath Of Murloc Street

Chapter 150 The Wrath of Murloc Street

"Blu Bru~~"


Kaido put down the phone bug, took out a stack of Baileys and put them on the table, then waved goodbye to Shyarly with a smile.

"Little guy, thank you for your hospitality."


Shyarly snorted and quickly hid behind the bar, she was worried that Kaido would force her away.

Kaido left with a smile, and walked towards Murloc Street in a leisurely manner, observing the situation of The fish men island by the way.

beautiful view.

However, under this dreamlike and beautiful appearance, there is a living environment that is bloated to the limit. It is not too big an island, with a population of five million people.

Only the upper class are eligible to live on land, while the poor can only live in the main body of the island built by the coral below.

It's like a pigeon cage.

"Hmm, there must be a lot of people trying to escape from here!"

Kaido laughed loudly, turned into a blue dragon and flew in the air, his huge body could be seen clearly from anywhere on The fish men island.

"Is that Kaido of the Beasts!"

Needless to say, just look at it, and you will know that it is indisputably powerful!

Murloc Street is located on the edge of the island.

Whether it is the murlocs at the bottom or the mermaids with a high status, they all keep a respectful and distant attitude towards the murlocs.

But at this moment in Murloc Street, the atmosphere was tense, and the guards of Dragon Palace City glared and surrounded the cadres of Beasts.

However, no one dared to do it.

"Brother Tiger, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Jinbei picked up the seriously injured Tiger, and carefully placed him on the corner of the wall, his heart burning with anger.

If King Neptune and Princess Otohime were not there, he would definitely launch an attack on the Beasts Pirates and seek justice for Big Brother Tiger.


The blue dragon, which was comparable in size to Sea Kings, approached from a distance, and soon hovered over Murloc Street, its huge dragon head overlooking everyone.


Neptune gasped, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful transformation form, how to fight such a monster!

Princess Otohime didn't care so much, and asked loudly: "Kaido, why did you do this?"


The green dragon circled and danced, and suddenly the wind rose and the clouds surged, the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled, and the whole sky darkened.

"Hmm, I'm selecting qualified subordinates."

Kaido released his transformation and came to Princess Otohime with a cold look in his eyes.

"I heard that Murloc Street is a lawless area. There are a large number of criminals and orphans gathered here. Even Dragon Palace City has given up managing this place, right?"

"That's right."

Princess Otohime didn't want to lie, Murloc Street was indeed a no-nonsense area, Dragon Palace City tried many times to take over this place, but all failed.

Kaido laughed: "Since that's the case, the Beasts Pirates are here to choose their subordinates, why should you care?"


Princess Otohime blushed: "The children of Murloc Street are also part of The Fish Men Island. If the beasts are just recruiting subordinates, I will not object, but I will never forgive them for hurting them!"

"Hmm, Princess Otohime, you seem to have made a mistake."

Kaido shook his head and smiled, pointing at the murlocs in Murloc Street.

"We act according to the rules here. Those murlocs recognize strength, not the rules of Dragon Palace City. Maybe you should ask them if they need the protection of Dragon Palace City."


Princess Otohime was speechless. Tiger was able to become the boss of Murloc Street because of his fists. The Murlocs here really resisted the help of Dragon Palace City.

"Princess Othime, thank you for your kindness."

Tiger staggered to his feet, stood in front of Otohime, and faced Kaido. He was seriously injured and might die at any time, but he didn't back down.

"This is a private matter of Murloc Street, please go back!"


Princess Otohime was anxious, and Neptune couldn't help but want to speak to persuade her.

Tiger is not only the pride of The Fish Men Island, but also a guest of Dragon Palace City, both of them respect each other very much.

"Please go back!"

Tiger shouted loudly!

Otohime closed her mouth, she could feel Taige's determination, in this matter, the other party did not want any help from Ryugu City.

There were also conscious murloc murlocs who gathered behind Tiger with all their strength, without even looking at Otohime.

Only in this kind of matter, they are unwilling to accept Longgong City's kindness.

Jinbei also stood behind Tiger, took off his standard armor, and turned his back to Otohime and his wife.

"Please go back, Ottohime Princess, we will settle this matter ourselves."

Princess Otohime couldn't understand, and after a brief stalemate, she could only sadly follow Neptune back to Dragon Palace.

When she returned to the room and there were no outsiders, she immediately threw herself into Neptune's arms and cried out with a "wow".


I can't cry.

Neptune hugged Otohime distressedly, not knowing how to comfort her, he spoke sadly after a long time.

"It was our fault."

Murloc Street is a gathering place for orphans. The corruption and incompetence of the managers has led to the current situation. The orphans there can only survive by violence.

For the murlocs in Murloc Street, it was The fish men island who ruthlessly abandoned them, ignored them, and even wished for them to disappear.

The seeds of hatred had already been planted. It would be too shameless for Dragon Palace City to want to help them now. If they intervene forcefully, it will only make the murlocs there even more angry.


Neptune looked dazed. He knew that Murloc Street was the biggest hidden danger, but he kept avoiding this problem. He didn't know how to resolve this hatred.

And the violent behavior of the beasts finally exposed the invisible gap between Murloc Street and Dragon Palace City.

He couldn't even resolve internal conflicts, not to mention the hatred between the murlocs and humans.

And if the human persecution doesn't stop, orphaned murlocs will continue to be born, and the problem of murlocs will always exist.

It's a dead end.

Will Otohime's dream come true?

"The future of The fish men island may really depend on that Kaido!"

For some reason, this idea came to Neptune's mind. He originally thought that Whitebeard's protection would change The fish men island.

But just relying on a flag is not enough.

That just pushed the issue back decades, and when Whitebeard is old, The fish men island's situation won't change a bit.

And Kaido's relocation proposal will bring great danger to The Fish Men Island, and at the same time make it possible for The Fish Men Island to face humans directly.

"Rely on The fish men island's own strength to survive in the sun."

Perhaps it is precisely because of hiding in the depths of the sea that the powerful murlocs have become targets of human plunder!

On Murloc Street, the bloody murlocs faced Kaido with undisguised hatred in their eyes, especially Arlong and others.

A large part of them became orphans precisely because of human plunder, and they were reduced to where they are today.

"Whoa, what a great look!"

Kaido laughed and pulled out his mace.

"Let me see your anger!"

(end of this chapter)

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