One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 154 The Devil's Son Nico Robin

Chapter 154 The Devil's Son Nico Robin

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

It has been a week since the first battle in Sabaody, and the morale of the headquarters is still very low.

The powerful strength of the Beasts Pirates made many sailors confused, not knowing how to fight each other, but in New World, there is more than one pirate group that can rival beasts.

In the marshal's office, veterans including Sengoku and Garp were present, and Vice Admiral even rushed back from North Blue.

Kong was silent for a long time, and said: "The G5 branch has news that Beasts, Ten Thousand Kingdoms, and Giant Pirates have all returned to New World, but we don't have enough troops to pursue them."

Facing the mighty Royal Pirates, unless the Marines come out with all their strength, it is impossible to annihilate them.

In the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, Marine teamed up with Roger and only managed to defeat the Rocks Pirate, but Whitebeard and other key members all fled.

Once the opponent is allowed to escape, they will soon be able to make a comeback. Today's situation is the consequence of not completely destroying Rocks Pirate.

Marine can't afford it.

To make matters worse, the World government was extremely dissatisfied with Marine's failure this time, and directly cut 20% of Marine's military expenditure for the next year!

Kong suppressed his anger, and Marine fought on the front line all the time. In the face of the era of great pirates, there is an urgent need to expand its troops, but military expenditure is Marine's biggest weakness.

Sailors also need to support their families.

"How are Sakazuki and Polusalino's injuries?"

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral has awakened and is fine for the time being, but Polusalino Vice Admiral is still in a coma."

Apart from the dead sailors, Akainu and Kizaru were the most injured. Facing Kaido, they were still a little immature.

Both Kong and Sengoku looked ugly, which should be the responsibility of their veterans, but Kaido obviously came prepared and took advantage of the safety of the holy land to lure them away.

Naked conspiracy!

Nothing is more important than protecting the safety of the Holy Land, even if they know that Kaido and Big Mom are just pretending!

"Marshal Kong, there is one more thing I need to report to you."

The intelligence officer said in a deep voice: "Gekko Moria, the cadre of the Beasts Pirates, is making a fuss in West Blue and has already destroyed three Marine branches. According to the existing intelligence analysis, Moria is probably looking for Nico Robin, the survivor of Ohara!"

The office fell silent, and everyone's faces were not very good-looking. Moria is not difficult to deal with, but when it comes to Beasts Pirates, one must proceed with caution.

"Nico Robin, Kaido sure enough"

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention that the big pirates have been looking for ways to interpret historical texts. It is not surprising that Ohara, the holy land of knowledge, is being targeted.

Today, when Ohara is destroyed, Nico Robin is the only one who can decipher the ancient text, and Marine also has the task of searching for Robin!

"The Beasts Pirates must be stopped!"

If Kaido gets Robin, with the strength and potential shown by the other party, it is very likely to become the second One Piece in the future!

But the question is who to send, Moria is very powerful, the ordinary Vice Admiral may not be his opponent.

Everyone looked at Aokiji in unison, Akainu and Kizaru are still recovering from their injuries, and only Aokiji is left to take on the big job.

As for Garp, in this war, Garp hardly participated in the battle except to escort the Celestial Dragons to evacuate safely.

The World government was already dissatisfied with Garp, and this time it took advantage of the issue, trying to hold Garp accountable for his lack of effort, but he suppressed it.

There is indeed Garp's responsibility here. His resistance to Celestial Dragons is well known, so Garp needs to take a long vacation to avoid the limelight for a while.

"I'll go!"

Aokiji spoke calmly.

How can he not care about the little girl he personally let go, but the responsibilities of being a Marine and the questioning of his dead friend Saul made him confused.

Was the hunt for Nico Robin justice!

Soon, word reached Mariejois.

In the hall, Five Elders frowned.

"The Beasts Pirates are also on the trail of Nico Robin."

"This matter cannot be concealed after all."

"Post a bounty, Nico Robin is still in West Blue, it's in our favor."

"Marine sent Kuzan to deal with Moria, but we also had to send in agents just in case."

"Let that guy go!"

In terms of combat power, Aokiji is trustworthy, but if you want to find Nico Robin, intelligence work is more important.

A few days later, word spread of a bounty for Nico Robin, Son of the Devil, throughout West Blue, and even the Grand Line.

A bounty of 79 million Baileys is offered!

Not only was the high bounty offered, but the crime of "destroying six Marine warships" caused a sensation in the world!

All of a sudden, all the forces in West Blue were eyeing Nico Robin, especially the money-hungry bounty hunters, their eyes were red with excitement.

The pirate with the highest bounty in West Blue is only about 50 million Baileys. Only the big pirates in the Grand Line can have such a high bounty.

Catch Robin and sell it to the World government!

West Blue has reached a consensus among all the forces with some strength!

Grand Line, a tavern in Alabasta, the guests peeped at the man who was reading the newspaper, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Why did he appear here!"

"The legendary Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"Sand crocodile, Crocodile!"

As the Seven Warlords of the Sea hand-picked by the World government, Crocodile's reputation today is second only to the Emperor of the Sea.

His deeds of challenging Whitebeard are widely circulated.


Crocodile was holding Nico Robin's reward order, and his laughter was very sinister. He had already found out information about the Ancient Weapon Pluton.

And this girl from Ohara is the only help he needs, even God is helping him!

Once he gets the Ancient Weapon Pluton, he can take Whitebeard's head off!

"West Blue!"

West Blue, Kingdom of Nostra.

This is one of the five major gangs in West Blue, the headquarters of the "gangster", with a strong force, and even the royal family has to avoid it by three points.

"Son of the devil?"

Inside the luxurious castle, Capone Bege held Robin's reward order, grinning at the corner of his mouth, that was the smile of seeing the prey.

"Find her!"

"Yes, Godfather!"

The subordinates acted immediately, as the largest underground force in West Blue, how could this kind of thing be left behind.

However, not long after the subordinates left, screams came from outside!

"what happened!"

Capone Bege's face changed suddenly, his castle was attacked, it is possible that other gangsters came to kill him.

Soon, the subordinates rushed into the hall in a panic: "Godfather, it's a pirate!"


Capone Bege sneered, the pirates were just a group of wild dogs biting around, and compared to the gangster's style, I don't know how many grades.

What's more, his castle is impenetrable and full of gun towers, how could a group of pirates attack it!

"Don't panic, we're gangsters!"

Capone snorted coldly, stood up, and came to the terrace of the castle. When he saw the pirates below, he broke out in cold sweat!

"Gekko Moria!"

As a big pirate born in West Blue, Gekko Moria's name is known to everyone, everyone knows it!

"Hey hee hee!"

Moria stood at the entrance of the castle, holding a gangster in each hand, completely ignoring the hail of bullets, with an unusually sinister smile.

"Capone Bege, get out!"

(end of this chapter)

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