One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 18 The Samurai's Spine Is Broken!

Chapter 18 The samurai's spine is broken!


Leopard Goro, Shimotsuki Yasuie and other four daimyos looked at each other, sighed, and there was a hint of dejection in their eyes.

Kaido of the Beasts was much smarter than they imagined. Instead of relying on the strongest force, they were defeated by virtue of ethics alone. They were not at all like the violent and irritable reckless image in the rumors.

Everyone glanced at Oden, and smiled wryly in their hearts. If this kid wasn't too reckless, they probably wouldn't be in this muddy water, but I'm afraid this is also in Kaido's calculation!

Still, it's not all lost yet!

No matter how many weapons factories are built, as long as the belief of the samurai is still there, there is still hope for this country!

Shimotsuki Yasuie said in a deep voice: "Kaido, please stop this farce. I will pay for the crimes committed by these samurai, how about it?"

"Oh lah lah, it's really touching. Since you are so righteous, it would be too ruthless for me to refuse again."

Kaido's smile was exceptionally bright, but his gaze was even colder.

"Don't worry, my request is very simple, no blood will be shed, and no one will be harmed."

Kaido stood up, did not directly state the conditions, but walked between the six people, came to the center of the execution ground, and faced tens of thousands of people, his voice was like thunder!

"The Flower City is the most prosperous and safest capital city in Wanokuni, but right under our noses, more than two hundred warriors gathered in the Flower City to launch a rebellion!"

"Among them are gangsters, gangs of thieves who rob the people, and lawless wandering warriors. They are a group of criminals who despise the law and disrupt order!"

"Seeing the details, under this bustling capital, I don't know how many crimes are hidden, and I don't know how many innocent people have suffered from it!"

"As King Protector, I must protect the peace and order of Wanokuni and expel all evil and unstable elements!"

A righteous speech made the people of Flower City bewildered, Kurozumi was stunned, and the backs of the six Oden were chilled!

The Kaido in their hearts is not such a righteous man!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Kaido turned to face Oden and the others with a brighter smile.

"I planned to execute all the rebels to warn the criminals hidden in the dark, but the big names from all townships came to intercede, hoping to let them live."

"The lives of more than two hundred samurai, even I can't bear it, so I decided to agree to the request of the daimyo and exempt the samurai from their crimes!"

As soon as this remark came out, Oden and the daimyos were relieved, no matter how they develop afterwards, their goal has been achieved.

However, someone fried the pot.

"Hey, Kaido!"

The big snake jumped up, its ferocious eyes were bloodshot, and roared angrily, "How could you let the warrior go so easily!"

Kaido gave Orochi a sideways look, and the cold eyes immediately made Orochi feel like falling into an ice cellar, and swallowed all the words he wanted to say.

After being a general for many years, he almost forgot who is the real boss!

Kaido withdrew his eyes and continued to speak.

"Last night, I went to sleep very late and I kept thinking about what caused this situation."

"Later I figured it out, it's the power without restraint that lets these bastards do whatever they want, bringing chaos to Wanokuni!"

"So, I want to take away this power to do evil!"

"Here today, in the name of King Huguo Ming, I announce that all Wanokuni people are forbidden to wear weapons when traveling without permission, and it is forbidden to keep weapons privately at home. All existing weapons must be handed over!"

"Violators shall be punished as felonies!"

Knife ban!

The sword is the soul of the samurai and the most important partner of the samurai. A samurai without a sword is just a joke.

And, this is just the beginning.

Because it is impossible for the samurai to put down the sword in their hands easily, which means they chose to surrender!

The process of implementing the ban on knives will further persecute the samurai, and the period will inevitably be filled with blood and despair!

Kaido looked at the sluggish daimyos, grinning to the ears: "Everyone cares about the common people and kneels down for the prisoners. You will definitely guard the peace of Wanokuni with me, right?"


The six of Oden clenched their knives at the same time, gritting their teeth.

They are totally wrong, Kaido's real purpose is not as simple as building more weapons factories, but to destroy the samurai and break the backbone of this country!

If the samurai is lost, Wanokuni will no longer have the voice of resistance, and will be completely enslaved by Kaido!

"What, you want to go back on your word?"

Kaido raised the corners of his mouth playfully, the daimyo's reaction was as he expected.

If the daimyo agreed to the ban on knives, it would be tantamount to cutting off his own arms, and the act of saving prisoners would lose its main meaning.

Originally, he wanted to implement the ban on knives in this samurai country, at least until Oden died, so that he could use force to suppress all voices of resistance.

And now, these lovely guys come to their door, how could he not treat them well!

"Angry? I advise you to give up unrealistic ideas."

Seeing the horrific appearance of several people clenched their sabers and chomping at each other, Kaido was not worried at all, instead his smile became brighter.

"Look around, if you are ready to sacrifice, then resist as much as you want!"

Hearing the words, the six of Oden raised their heads and looked around, filled with anger as if being poured by ice water, and instantly cooled down.

At some point, the Beasts Pirates had appeared at the execution ground, and joined forces with Orochi's subordinates to surround their guards.

The most important thing is that tens of thousands of people in the capital of flowers are in front of them. If they fight Kaido here, the safety of these tens of thousands of people will be in danger!

Never start a war here!

"we lose!"

The hand holding the knife was unable to let go.

The daimyo laughed bitterly, Kaido had planned their reaction long ago, and the people in the capital of tens of thousands of flowers were the hostages who threatened them to compromise.

From the start, they lost.

Lost completely!

Kaido of the Beasts, a demon even scarier than Kurozumi Orochi!

"Since you don't have the courage to sacrifice, what are you waiting for?"

Kaido snorted coldly: "Put down all your sabers. If you don't hand over your weapons, how can the warriors be willing to put down their swords?"

Under the witness of tens of thousands of people, the township daimyo took the lead in handing over their weapons, which is tantamount to acknowledging the existence of the ban on knives.

And if the daimyo hand over the sword, the subordinates must follow suit!

At that time, how can the samurai class who trust the daimyo not be disappointed, knowing that the team will be difficult to lead if the hearts of the people are scattered!

After a long time, Oden picked up Tian Yu Yu Zhan and Yan Mo, and closed his eyes in pain. These two knives have been with him for more than 20 years, and the feelings are self-evident!

"Take it, these two knives are rare treasured knives in the world, please treat them kindly!"

Putting his love knife down, Oden turned and left.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would lose control of himself!

Kaido turned to look at the remaining people, and spoke calmly.

"Put down the knife and get out."

(end of this chapter)

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