One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 198: A Cloud Piercing Arrow

Chapter 198: A Cloud Piercing Arrow

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder, Crocodile lay sprawled on the ground, not a single part of his body was intact, and even his beloved big cloak was broken into pieces of cloth.

"Hey, see you next time, you should be able to master the awakening!"

Kaido sat on the rock next to him, gulped down his drink, and flipped through the teaching records by the way, with a smile on his face.

In addition to being a bit unlucky, this guy has excellent talent and potential, and he is also a rookie captain who was born halfway, growing much faster than Marko and the others.

And after his epiphany, Crocodile has a little understanding of awakening, and it is estimated that after a few more years of training, he will be able to master awakening.

The future is promising!

"You are also eligible for admission!"

Throwing the acceptance letter in Crocodile's face, Kaido picked up the mace, laughed and got up to leave.

There are many good seedlings on the island, and I don't know who else I will meet next, so I can't help but look forward to it.

As for the task of finding the Golden Lion, just leave it to his subordinates and others. For him, preaching and teaching is more important than finding people.

"Hey, Yamato's breath has become weaker."

Kaido looked up into the distance, and in his perception, Yamato's aura dropped significantly, which was a signal of injury.

"who is it?"

Kaido narrowed his eyes, transformed directly into a dragon form, and quickly flew towards Yamato's position.

He wants to see who is bullying his daughter.

On the seventh island, the sky was full of flames, and all the subordinates of the Golden Lion who guarded the treasure were killed and injured. Among the corpses, stood a man with black wings.

The subordinates swallowed, and reported loudly with some fear.

"Master Jhin, we found the treasure!"

"Move all, and the others will follow me to the next island!"

Jin gave an order in a cold voice, then jumped up with two steps in the run-up, transformed into a pterosaur form, and flew towards the adjacent island rapidly.

The terrifying speed even exceeded the sound, leaving circles of sonic boom clouds in the sky, which disappeared from the field of vision in a blink of an eye.

"The speed is so fast!"

"This is the horror of the ancient species!"

"Even the blue dragon of Kaido's boss can't catch up with Lord Jhin!"

The subordinates are envious, the flying ability is as rare as Logia, and Lord Jhin is the most powerful ancient species, the top of the flying predators.

Similar situations are also happening on other islands. Except for the Four Emperors, the strength of the three disasters of Beasts can all be ranked in the forefront in New World, and it is not difficult to seize the treasure.

However, the enemy is not all weak!

On Island Nine, the battle has reached a stalemate.

The Golden Lion's troops have been killed, but there is only one person, who has been unable to conquer, and even suppressed all the beasts in terms of momentum.

World Destroyer, Byrnndi World!

"Multiplied · 100 times shotgun!"

World grabbed a handful of lead bullets and threw them out forcefully. With the multiplication ability, the bullets that were originally the size of marbles swelled a hundred times in volume, and their power was comparable to that of a cannon!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The roar didn't stop for a moment, and a large number of warriors of the beasts were blown away.

Even an ordinary flintlock gun can play the effect of a cannon under the ability of multiplying fruits.

The difficult ability makes all beasts helpless for a while.

"Hehehe, what a hassle!"

Moria rushed to World, smirked and waved a knife: "Old guy, you are just a loser from the last era, don't be too arrogant!"

"Little ghost, who do you think Laozi is!"

World roared and picked up a long knife!

"Multiply, 100 times slash!"

In an instant, the long knife swelled into a hundred-meter giant blade!

World raised the giant blade and slammed it directly at the rushing Moria. The huge size and weight alone were enough to destroy everything!


The earth is split open!

On the fourth island, Quinn also encountered big trouble.

Both sides, who had been fighting for a long time, had bottomed out at this moment, but the commander of the Golden Lion remained calm and showed no signs of panic.

"The difference in military strength is too great!"

Capone Bege was smoking a cigar, staring at Quinn with a sneer.

On his chest, a series of small doors fell, and a large number of heavily armed soldiers rushed out of them, quickly surrounding Quinn and his party!

"Eh? What is this?"

Quinn was so frightened that he almost jumped up. He had killed all the opponent's subordinates. Why did so many troops suddenly appear again?

Moreover, these guys looked obviously elite, not only well-equipped, but also extremely ferocious.

"These guys!"

Quinn stared at the enemy with wide eyes, and the cold sweat on his forehead grew more the more he looked.

"Piloc the Dismemberer!"

"Sewing Expert Baroda!"

"Laughing Killer Gunn"

They are all well-known bounty criminals, and many of them are ruthless with bounties exceeding 100 million!

If there were only a few bounty criminals, he wouldn't take it to heart, but with hundreds of bounty criminals, even he couldn't beat them!

These guys are the prisoners the Golden Lion brought out from Impel down!

"Wait, I have something to say!"

Quinn stretched out his hand to indicate a pause, then took a deep breath, and immediately turned around and shouted at the subordinates behind him.

"Idiot, call someone!"


The subordinates reacted and immediately lit the signal flare, and a gorgeous Hundred Beasts fireworks exploded above the island!

"Over there, it's Quinn!"

Just as Jhin was about to land on Island No. 8, when he saw the Beast Fireworks on the right, he immediately flapped his wings, turned around and flew over.

The beast warriors on other islands also saw the fireworks, and they were the highest-level signal for help. As long as they can spare their hands, they must rush to support them as soon as possible!

"Barbarian, come with me!"


Flying Six Cells, True Fighters, Barbarians, Murloc Corps, and warriors of beasts quickly gathered towards Island No. 4 like a torrent.


Kaido has seen the movements of his subordinates and has no intention of intervening. If even the impromptu team of Golden Lion can't handle it, then his subordinates are a bit too unqualified.

He looked at where Yamato was, the little girl was cut with several bloodstains, her injuries were quite serious, and her breath was extremely disordered.

Her opponent is a famous strong man in the future.

"It's the Marine Hunter, Hawkeye!"

Kaido's eyes are fixed, Hawkeye is not well-known yet, but its strength should not be underestimated, especially the behavior of hunting Marine, which moved many people.

There are not many pirates who specifically fight against Marine!

This kind of behavior has violated the bottom line of Marine, and they will inevitably send strong men to attack, and Hawkeye can be safe and sound only because of its strong strength!

On the battlefield, Hawkeye frowned.

"Your swordsmanship is really good, but it's too early to defeat me. When you grow up, come to me for a duel!"

"I'll wait until you defeat me, I don't feel any pain now!"

Yamato grimaced in pain, but this injury was far from the limit for her, and she could still fight for a long time.

Father said, facing the enemy, if you give up, it is tantamount to handing over your fate to the opponent for judgment!

She can't be so weak!



(end of this chapter)

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