One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 20 Destroy Its Shape, Destroy Its Meaning

Chapter 20 Destroy its shape, destroy its meaning

In the early morning of the next day, Fu Lushou led the royal family and the warriors of the Jianhui group to completely block the water around Huabao Wulang's house.

Huabao Goro stood at the door of the house, almost ran away in anger, anyone who was blocked early in the morning, could not be emotionally stable.

"What do you want to do!"

"Boss Leopard Goro, excuse me."

Fu Lushou said to bother, but there was no apology on his face, but his smile became brighter and brighter.

"According to Lord Ming Wang's ban on knives, search all suspicious places where weapons may be hidden. As the boss of the gangster in the capital of flowers, your home is the key target!"

The biggest obstacle for Yuiban and the Jianhui team to perform tasks is the Leopard Goro. They have conflicted with each other more than once, and they have suffered more than once, even the big snake can't do anything.

Today, I can finally get back to the round happily!

Before Bao Wulang could reply, Fu Lushou's expression suddenly darkened, and he shouted, "Search for me, and don't let go of any corner!"


The ninjas and samurai swarmed up to find everything they thought was suspicious.

All of a sudden, the sound of ping, bang, bang and clang became one, looking at the bad scene in the house, it was not so much a search, it was better to say it was vandalism, and it was still in front of the other party.

It didn't take long for the tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans, etc. in Huabao Goro's house, almost everything was smashed to pieces!

The ninjas and samurai retreated and reported loudly on purpose: "Master Fu Lu Shou, no suspicious items were found!"


Fu Lu Shou nodded calmly. He had expected this for a long time. Hua Bao Goro was not Oden, and he was not so easy to fall into the trap.

"Boss Leopard Goro, we are the ones who offended us today, please bear with it!"

"In the future, we will often visit your residence. Please don't hide weapons privately. If you are caught, you will be sentenced to hard labor!"

"By the way, General Orochi sympathized with you, and specially ordered a batch of wooden knives. I will send someone to deliver them to you this afternoon."

"Hahahaha, let's go!"

After the merciless cynicism, Fu Lushou led his subordinates away, showing off his might as if he had won a battle.

"Big snake!"

Looking at the ruined home, Huabao Goro trembled with anger. Since he became the boss of the gangster in the capital of flowers, this is the first time he has suffered such a big humiliation in decades!

If it wasn't for his wife standing in front of him, he would definitely enter the big snake city and settle accounts with that bastard big snake!

The same scene was staged in various regions of the capital of flowers.

The Imperial Court Fanzhong and the warriors of the Jianhui Group went door-to-door to check, especially the younger brother of Huabao Goro, who were all given special care, and several people were arrested for possessing weapons.

For a time, everyone in the capital of flowers was in danger.

On the other side, You Kuo.

The quiet performance of shamisen echoed in the street, as if all the chaos outside could not interfere with this place.


The roar of the warrior broke the silence!

In the center of the street, the two faced each other far away.

Sasaki was covered in bandages and had not fully recovered from his injuries, but he stopped in front of Kaido, with an angry look, as if he wanted to fight again!

Yesterday, he woke up from a coma, and quickly learned everything that happened in the execution ground. As an orthodox warrior, it is impossible for him to be indifferent to the ban on knives!

Kaido is going to destroy this country!

"I said, early in the morning, can you calm down, I just came back to pick up my daughter."

Kaido frowned, as if he didn't feel the other party's anger, and said dissatisfiedly: "You girls have worked hard all night, and it's time to rest, it's not good for you to be so noisy!"


Sasaki's breath was stagnant, and he almost couldn't catch his breath, bastard, now is the time to care about Yuu's sleep!

Anger turned into anger, his voice subconsciously lowered a lot, he was recuperating in You Kuo for the past two days, and indeed he was taken care of by You Nu, and he was ashamed to disturb You Nu's sleep.


The man who was still yelling just now is now shouting like a conspiracy.

"Why do you want to save me?"

Of the more than two hundred assassins, he was the only one who received special treatment. Not only did he not kill him, but he was taken to You Kuo to recuperate, no matter how you think about it, it is wrong.

Moreover, it is undoubtedly a great shame for a warrior to be rescued by the enemy's mercy. His pride is crying, and he can't wait to commit seppuku immediately!

Kaido raised his eyebrows, without concealing his purpose: "I think your strength is not bad, and I want to take you as a subordinate."


Sasaki denied it without hesitation, his eyes burning.

What a joke, as a samurai, how can he give in to the enemy, he is not the rubbish that is in the back group!

"Let's fight it out, Kaido!"

Sasaki pulled out his long sword with a look of determination in his eyes. The ban on swords has been promulgated, so this is likely to be the last time he fights with a sword.

He wants to go through the last journey of his life as a warrior!


Kaido took out a mace and bullied him, and before Sasaki could react, he was blown away tens of meters with one stick!

The battle ended instantly.

[After your careful guidance, Sasaki's ability to resist attacks has improved a little, you are very relieved, and your physique +1. 】

"Ask for trouble."

Kaido shook his head and turned to go to the largest custom shop. He did not forget the original intention of coming to the Flower City, and the establishment of Fei Liubao was the top priority.

When he came to the door of the store, Yamato rushed out immediately, hugged his calf, and greeted him angrily.


She was so angry that she was left in Youkou and stayed alone for two days, thinking that she had been sold.

super scared!

Kaido smiled dumbly, reached out and rubbed the little girl's head: "Yamato, I feel relieved when I see you. I'm worried about you these two days."



"Oh well."

Yamato suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy, and very naively believed the adult's lie, but he didn't know that his father was having a good time in the big snake city and didn't think of her at all.

"Father, did you kill Mr. Sasaki?"

Just now, Sasaki, who was recovering from his injuries, seemed to sense something, picked up the knife and rushed out.

Then, he was instantly sent flying.

"No, I'm going to take him in as a subordinate. That guy is a samurai and will help us a lot in controlling Wanokuni."

Samurai is the belief of Wanokuni, Kozuki who ruled the country is a samurai, the daimyo of each town is a samurai, even the boss of the gangster is a samurai.

The ban on knives can make the samurai group disappear slowly, but it is not easy for the people to let go of their trust in the samurai class.

He didn't want to see people looking forward to Kozuki's return after more than 20 years. He wanted to transfer the trust of the people of Wanokuni to the Kozuki clan to other warriors.

"Yamato, that guy will be your direct subordinate from now on!"

(end of this chapter)

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