One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 209 Everyone Is Crying Poor

Chapter 209 Everyone is Crying Poor

"Nine sons of the volley!"

In the structure of the Beasts team, there were nine more senior cadre positions at once, which instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the cadres.

With the rapid expansion of the team size, the number of ordinary cadres is also increasing day by day, and hundreds of real fighters have long been eager for the top position.

The big kanban and Fei Liubao only have nine positions, which is not enough!

"Hey, don't be too happy too early, if you want to become a member of the Lingkong Nine, the difficulty will be even higher than that of the Qiqi Sixers!"

Kaido looked sideways at Fei Liubao.

"Do you have an opinion?"


The six shook their heads indifferently. Now that there are many members in the regiment and the territory is ridiculously large, it is inevitable to increase the number of senior cadres.

And they are all busy. Last year, except for Jack in the academy, everyone else has been running around without a day off. They are basically pirates dealing with rebellious forces and troubles.

It's best to share it with someone.

The most important thing is that everything in the team is based on strength. If you want to become the Nine Sons of Ling Kong, you need to be strong enough first!

Kaido nodded in satisfaction, Beasts still needs stronger cadres, the ability to start from the ancient species, at least the elite Vice Admiral level.

According to his expectation, Fei Liubao's strength is around 300 million Baileys, which is enough to deal with ordinary Vice Admiral.

And the bounty of Ling Kong Nine Sons must exceed one billion Baileys, otherwise, how can they compete with the World Government!

After drinking with his subordinates for a while, Kaido got up and went to the small banquet hall next door. There were only a few people here, so it was much cleaner.

Jhin, Moria, Black Maria, Nico Robin, etc., are either big cadres or future core members.

Ms. Stussy is also there.

Kaido sat down and looked at Guy Sakurang, who also followed, as if he was in some trouble.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Heh heh heh, Boss Kaido."

Guy smiled shyly and took out a man-made Devil Fruit. After more than a year of research and development, he has already produced a few finished products.

"The research and development of SAD has been successful and can be mass-produced, but there are still some technical difficulties in cultivating artificial Devil Fruit on a large scale."

"What difficulty?"

Kaido looked at Guysa playfully. The man-made Devil Fruit was indeed successfully developed, but the output was pitifully low. It can be said that every one was cultivated by Guysa himself.

Add up to less than 10 a year.

At present, the only weapon that can successfully eat the man-made Devil Fruit is the Onikiri given to Linlin. This kind of efficiency is definitely not enough.

Whether you keep it for yourself or sell it, you need a stable output!

"Boss Kaido, the most difficult thing now is to cultivate a suitable fruit container!"

Guy rubbed his hands, there is no difficulty in making SAD, it is the product of extracting a large amount of ferocious beast genes combined with the blood factor of Zoan ability users, simply put, it is nourishment.

The key is to cultivate plants that can absorb these nutrients and bloom and bear fruit. Ordinary plants will die immediately after absorbing SAD.

After Guy explained, his face was full of honey and confidence: "Boss Kaido, please give me some more time, I will definitely solve this problem, but"

"Just what?"

"Hey, blah blah, scientific research is based on countless failures, and it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to achieve something, so I need sufficient funds!"

Guy showed his fox tail, complaining is false, asking for money is the purpose.

If you don't have money, you can't spend time and wine, and you can't watch Miss Mermaid dance, that will cause him to be in a bad mood, and in a bad mood, he won't be able to seriously conduct scientific research!

He is dedicating himself to science!

Kaido looked at Guy's wretched and expectant eyes, sighed speechlessly, and looked at Tezolo next to him.

This kid is in charge.

"Master Kaido, there is no money!"

Tezolo's words made Guy's heart go cold. However, this is the real situation of the Beasts Pirates at present.

Under the strategy he formulated, many islands under Hundred Beasts are undergoing economic transformation, and a large number of industrial facilities such as factories have been established.

After a year of development, the economies of the islands are barely on the right track, but they are still in the stage of recovering their capital. It will take another two or three years to usher in a real profit explosion period.

This can be said to be a miracle!

When he first took over, it was such a mess that a dog would shake his head.

But the problem is spending money faster!

Tezolo had a headache, the expedition of beasts needed money, the banquet cost money, the maintenance of ship equipment cost money, and the pirates had to send money for consumption.

This is nothing, with him here, this little money is affordable!

However, he can't understand the way his boss spends money at all, and there are other bastards who keep making things difficult for him.

"Boss Kaido, Wu Zhiguo's investment is too large. With our current profitability, we can't keep up with the expenditure."

"Also, your subordinates often violate the law and order in the islands, and the compensation is also a huge sum of money."

"By the way, Quinn occupied more than 30 impoverished islands before, and it would cost a lot to support them."

Tezuolo continued to sneer, his eyes sweeping over everyone's faces one by one.

The boss spends money like water, and other people are also holding back. In the huge Beasts Pirates, there is no one who can help him, but only adds to his troubles.

A bunch of trash!

Everyone turned their heads away with guilt, not daring to fart.

If others dared to stare at them, they would have copied the guy long ago, but the man in front of him is in charge of the money, and they are their parents!

How fierce you are now, how cowardly you have to be when you ask for money.

This is a lesson in blood!

"I see."

Kaido nodded slightly, feeling that it was indeed a bit hard for Tezolo, even if the other party was very good at making money, it was impossible to conjure money out of thin air.

As for his subordinates causing trouble and sabotage, the pirate can't be restrained so easily, all he can do is pay compensation in place.

and quinn

Just think of earning a good reputation, although a good reputation is of little use to pirates.

Kaido stared at Tezolo: "Is there a solution?"


To everyone's surprise, Tezolo nodded confidently.

"The main reason for our lack of money lies in the weakness of the industry!"

Tezzolo took out the plan and put it in front of Kaido: "Boss Kaido, if you want to earn more money, you must have an underground industry similar to arms trading!"

The most profitable business of Hundred Beasts is naturally selling weapons.

Other industries are formal businesses, such as food and clothing, with relatively thin profits and long cycles, and they have to seize the market.

So Beasts needs a new money-making industry!

"Gulan Tezzolo!"

Kaido looked at the plan and quickly understood Tezolo's idea. This kid wants to create the world's largest entertainment city!

That is the Golden City!

What makes the most money, of course, are those shady businesses!

Tezolo wants to meddle in the dark market!

Kaido stared at Tezolo and quickly laughed.

"Well, let it go, I will remove all obstacles for you!"

(end of this chapter)

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