Chapter 221 Whitebeard!


The rock was pushed away, hitting the ground and splashing a lot of dust.

Kaido was panting heavily, and there was a deep bloodstain on his chest, extending from his shoulder to his abdomen, and the blood continued to flow out.

The injury was serious, and if left unattended, it would definitely leave scars, but compared to the tiny cracks on the internal organs, this trauma was nothing worth mentioning.

The moment he was hit, his body collapsed and cracked!

Fortunately, Qinglong's huge body is easy to be hit, and at the same time, the upper limit of damage it can withstand has also been doubled.

If it was hit in human form, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Life Returned Bound!"

The muscles contracted to close the blood vessels, and the split skin on both sides also consciously entangled together, quickly stopping the bleeding.

"What a dreadful old fellow!"

Kaido wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, inserted the mace on the ground beside him, sat cross-legged, and quickly adjusted the breath in his body.

Zoan's toughness, and the bonus effect of his tough body, coupled with the precise control of life return, make his injuries recover quickly.

However, the consumption of physical strength is also greater.

In just three minutes, there was no change in the trauma on the body surface, but more than half of the shattered wounds on the internal organs had recovered, and important parts such as the heart beat even more strongly.


Kaido opened his eyes, got up and picked up the mace at his feet, he could feel the breath of Whitebeard approaching!

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The sound of weapons hitting the ground was approaching from far away.

Soon, the two sides will face each other again!

Whitebeard stared at Kaido, his heart couldn't be more shocked, even if Roger took his full blow, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

He was sure that Kaido had definitely suffered a serious injury before, but at this moment Kaido's breathing was smooth and smooth, not looking injured at all.

What's going on, has Kaido's green dragon fruit awakened?

Whitebeard's heart sank, if that was the case, he would have to defeat Kaido once and for all.

Otherwise, with the terrible resilience of the Zoan Awakened, even if they are severely injured, they can quickly recover their combat power.

"Gu la la la!"

Whitebeard's eyes were cold: "It's amazing that he can still stand up!"

"It will be good to rest this little scar!"

Kaido raised his mace and charged furiously!

"Keep fighting, Whitebeard!"

The goal of the blue dragon form is too big, and it is easy to repeat the same mistakes. The outbreak of Whitebeard just now has proved this point.

Then fight in close quarters and give full play to Zoan's greatest advantage. Even if his Haki application lags behind Whitebeard's, his physical strength can more or less fill the gap.


"Gu la la la!!!"

In the snow, with battle roars, the mace and naginata crazily clashed.

Both of them are burly and strong men with wide movements, focusing more on strength and Haki than skills!


Every collision of the weapon makes the island vibrate, and the violent Haki impact can be clearly felt even on the sea 10,000 meters away!

At some point, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates returned to the battlefield, watching Dad's battle from a distance.

On the other side, the core cadres of Hundred Beasts also appeared one after another. Even if they were affected by the battle, even if they died accidentally, they still wanted to witness the battle of Kaido boss!

One hour. Two hours a day.

As the sun goes down, the fight doesn't stop!

The sun is rising, and the two sides are still fighting!

The island, which was originally considered complete, is already riddled with holes, cracks and potholes everywhere, and sea water poured in!

There are more and more scars on the two of them!

"How long will this battle last!"

"Hey, who keeps track of the time?"

"Three days!"

The officers of Beasts were parched from the longest battle they had ever seen before, at the fire festival at Wanokuni.

In the Fire Festival that year, Kaido boss and Big Mom fought for a day and a night.

Now this fight has lasted for three days, and the scorching battle shows no sign of slowing down, but intensifies.

Those who fought were not tired, but those who watched the battle were almost tired!


The hearts of the captains also raised their hearts. After following Dad for so many years, only when facing Roger, the Pirate King, Dad will do his best.

But even if they fight Roger, the two sides will rest after the night comes, instead of fighting day and night.

Such a high-intensity fight consumes a lot of physical and mental strength, and if you are a little careless, you will be doomed!

Dad's body won't be able to handle it!

Time is still passing fast, the breathing of both sides is gradually disordered, and the movements of the shots are becoming more and more rigid, and each blow requires a long time of panting.

However, no one stopped attacking!

Both sides in the battle are waiting for the moment when the other party is exhausted, and only then can the winner be determined!

This is the strongest battle!


When they collided again, the mace and naginata flew into the sky at the same time, spinning and piercing into the ground far away, and the two also staggered backwards!

The moment has finally come!

"Hey, it's the first time I feel so tired!"

Kaido gasped heavily, his chest rose and fell violently, and his heartbeat was unprecedentedly terrifying, roaring like a war drum.

However, this is not a problem.

Physical exertion has little effect, as long as he slows down his attacking rhythm, he can fight for another ten days at least, but Haki has already been exhausted and needs enough time to recover!

The importance of Haki is self-evident!

Whitebeard was even more tired, his hands were shaking uncontrollably, and competing with Zoan in physical strength was the next choice.

But he can only choose this way. It is not difficult to suppress Kaido, but it is as difficult as heaven to defeat Kaido alone!

Deplete Kaido's Haki, reduce it to the kill line, and then go all out for a one-hit kill, that's his tactic!

In the face of Kaido's terrifying resilience, it doesn't matter if you can't defeat him in one hit.

"Gu la la la, Kaido, you are too immature."

Whitebeard jumped up, a circle of vibrating force appeared on his right foot, and he slammed heavily towards Kaido!

Kaido's eyelids twitched, and he jumped back quickly. If he is concentrated by the shock ability, he will definitely be seriously injured!


The ground was cracked layer by layer, and countless large cracks spread towards the surroundings. The fragmented islands were completely turned into pieces of floating islands!

Just as he was about to stabilize his figure, Whitebeard came in front of him again, swept his right leg across, and kicked him hard in the waist and abdomen with a "bang" sound!


Kaido's eyes were bloodshot, and his waist and abdomen were bent inward.

Under the impact of the powerful force, the body flew out uncontrollably, rolled and collided in the ruins, and smashed down boulders!


A mouthful of blood was coughed up, and the internal organs were rolling!

It's Haki's inner destruction!

Before he could catch his breath, Whitebeard came after him, wrapped his fist around Haki, and slammed into his stomach again!


Kaido's back was arched high, and another big mouthful of blood spurted out. Under the internal destruction of Haki, the dragon scale defense was extremely limited.

No, I can't pay it back!

Whitebeard gasped and pounded Kaido with punch after punch, with each punch sending Kaido backwards with Haki's blessing!

Whether it is Devil Fruit's ability or Haki's strength, Kaido is not inferior to him, and his physical strength is far superior to him.

But the difference in combat experience between the two sides is vast.

Taijutsu, the use of Haki, and even the rhythm of the battle!

Fighting for seven days in a row, Kaido's Haki has been exhausted, and he would rather get injured and keep a part of Haki, just for this moment!


With one full blow, Kaido was blasted into the massive walls of the fortress!

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling vibration emerged from Whitebeard's fist, his arms were stretched back sharply, and he smashed into the air with all his strength!

Branch-like fissures, centered on Kaido, spread to the entire fortress!

This is his last shaking power!


The main body of the fortress collapsed quickly, and a large amount of rubble fell to the ground. Among them, the huge stone with the word "Justice" fell down and directly buried Kaido!

In an instant, the fortress became a mountain of rubble!


The captains roared in surprise!

"Daddy won!"

(end of this chapter)

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