One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 251 This Is My Trump Card

Chapter 251 This is my trump card

"Shut up! You guys!"

"Pfft, haha, he's talking again!"

Pica's sharp scolding voice not only failed to shut up the zombies, but made them laugh even harder.

Only the cadres of the Donquixote Family present were sullen, and everyone knew that something bad was about to happen.

Pika is very concerned about his own voice, once he is ridiculed by outsiders, he will kill them cruelly.

"I'm going to bury you alive with rocks!"

Pika's eyes were ferocious, her body gradually melted into the ground, and soon disappeared without a trace. The strange ability made people have to pay attention.

"That guy is also a capable person?"

The zombies were full of curiosity. Today I met a bunch of capable people. Everyone's abilities are very interesting. I don't know what kind of abilities this big man with a high-pitched voice will show.

"Oops, go back to sea!"

It was not the outsiders who were the first to panic, but the cadres of Don Quixote's family.

Torrebol picked up Diamanti and directed everyone to retreat. If they stayed any longer, they would definitely be affected by Pica's ability.

"Gladius, blast the front!"


Gladius responded in a deep voice, before being surrounded by the zombie army, he had secretly touched the ground with his hand to set up an explosive trap, and this is the right time to use it.

The ground in the square directly in front of them swelled up with big bumps, and the zombies staying on it were all stumbling around and unable to stand still.

But there are more serious cases!

"Is it going to explode?"

The zombies stared blankly at the swollen ground below, and they were no strangers to this scene. It was also the same scene when the opponent used the explosive ability before.

Before they could react, the expanding ground exploded one after another.

"Blast Rock Rock Festival!"

In an instant, the encirclement of the zombie army was blown out of a passage leading to the outside!

"Quick retreat!"

Needless to say, the cadres immediately ran along the passage. Zombies are immortal. Even if they are blown away, they can stand up again very quickly, not to mention the amazing number of them.

"Don't try to escape, General Zombie, stop them!"

Absalom roared loudly, and the elite among the zombies quickly filled the line of defense. These zombies were strong before they were alive, and their fighting power was ten times and a hundred times that of ordinary zombies.

However, the cadres have long been prepared!

"Sticky Meteor!"

Torrebol pulled the chain of snot and smashed houses on both sides of the passage, temporarily blocking the siege of zombies.

All it takes is a little time for them to escape.

"Hey hee hee!"

However, the most troublesome existence appeared!

"Who told you to leave!"

Countless shards of bats flew around, stopped at the end of the passage, quickly gathered into Moria's shadow, and then turned into a flesh body!

"How is it possible, why didn't the young master stop this monster?!"

Torrebol looked back in shock. During the time when Pika was accumulating strength, the young master would definitely stop the other party and buy them time to escape.

When he saw clearly the mysterious existence fighting the young master, his heart was shocked again.

"That's it, the shadow?"

The young master did stop Moria, but the opponent's ability was so strange that his body and shadow could swap positions!

"Hehehehe, you don't even want to escape!"

The corners of Moria's mouth reached to the ears. The strength of these cadres is not bad. Cutting out their shadows can create many elite zombies.

Torrebol's face was ugly, most of the cadres were seriously injured, and only he and Gladius were left with fighting strength.

"I'll hold him back!"

Gladius took the initiative to block in front of Moria, turned his back to the crowd, and shouted: "Hurry up, don't come into my attack range!"

"give it to you!"

Torrebol didn't hesitate, and immediately called everyone to leave. The most important thing now is to preserve the strength, and when Pika appears again, the victory will be established!

"Hehehe, Absalom, take that snow girl away."

"Yes, Captain Moria!"

There was a response in the air.

Moria didn't go after him, and after giving an order, she focused on Gladius. She chose to stay for her companion. This courage is commendable.

"Hey, what's your name, and how much is the bounty?"

"Gladius, there is a bounty of 31 million Baileys!"

Gladius whispered back, arms in front of him!

"Explosive projectile!"

Several projectiles shot out, accurately blocking all Moria's evasive positions, and then quickly expanded to the size of a cannonball!

"Boom boom boom!"

Flames and smoke soared into the sky.

"Did you make it?"

Gladius looked solemnly, he was sure that the explosion hit the opponent just now, but it was a bit whimsical to think of defeating the opponent so easily.

Sure enough, the burly figure walked out of the smoke and dust, with no injuries except for some dust on his body.


Cold sweat fell from his forehead, resisting his explosion without any injuries, what a strong physique and Haki.

"Hehehe, very good ability."

Moria applauded and walked towards Gladius step by step.

The explosive ability is indeed very good, but that's all. If you want to hurt him, this power is far from enough.

At this moment, Brother Ming came flying from the sky and shouted, "Moria, your opponent is me!"

"Young master, don't come here!"

Gladius roared loudly, looking at Moria approaching him, the whole body directly swelled into a huge sphere!

His ability needs to touch inorganic objects to be effective. The more prepared he is, the stronger his fighting power will be. But there is no time to prepare bombs now.

So, you can only detonate yourself!

"The whole body explodes!"

"Huh? Suicide attack? No fun."

Moria's eyes turned cold.

In terms of pure visual effects, the opponent's detonating himself is indeed like committing suicide, and it must be far more powerful than ordinary explosions.

"Weep in the dark abyss!"

Moria shook her head regretfully, turned her back to Gladius, and a large number of shadows gathered on the ground around him.

He hadn't planned to kill the other party, but since the other party chose a suicidal move, there was nothing he could do.

"Shadow Box·Black Coffin!"

The shadow rose from the ground, instantly forming a huge black cube, enclosing Gladius like a coffin.

In Black Coffin, the blades and axes formed by countless shadows will punish all life with ten thousand arrows!


With a muffled sound, Black Coffin swelled a lot, and then turned into a shadow and disappeared. Gladius, who had already exploded, regained his human form, and fell to the ground bloodied all over his body.

"Hey hee hee!"

Moria looked at Doflamingo in the sky, and mocked at the corner of her mouth: "If you have any hole cards, use them as soon as possible, otherwise, you will be like my subordinates."


Blue veins popped into Brother Ming's brows, and the cadres fell down one by one, causing his anger to rise in a straight line, but he had nothing to do with them.

What worries him the most is that the opponent is only the third-ranked cadre in the Beasts Pirates bounty, and there are "King of Flame" and "Plague" on top of it!

What a powerful Kaido that can make these monsters follow!


The earth trembled violently, and a stone giant comparable to a mountain peak appeared next to the town, and its shape was exactly the same as Pika.

"What is this stuff?"

Moria was stunned. With such a huge body, every move could bring about a power comparable to natural disasters. In terms of ability alone, it was too exaggerated.

"Chichi, this is the price of being an enemy of our family!"

The stone giant moved, and a huge fist fell from the sky, like a hill hitting the center of the town.


The earth churned and shook like waves!

When the giant raised its fist, the huge army of zombies were all buried in the ground, their bodies shriveled like a piece of paper.

With just one blow, all zombies are wiped out!

Moria climbed up from the ruins, her eyes were bright: "It's amazing, is this your trump card? Doflamingo!"


Mingo responded to Moria with a laugh.

That's right, he has the invincible Pika, nothing to worry about!

(end of this chapter)

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