One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 257 Vice Principal Recruitment Plan

Chapter 257 Vice Principal Recruitment Plan

Time passed day by day, and the gap between students widened rapidly.

80% of the students can't even get a stamp, and some students have collected ten medals, and they are not even satisfied.

The more stamps you get, the more opponents you will eliminate. The first competition among the students has already begun.

"Lu Qi is so strong!"

"It's almost 40, does he want to collect all the mentor's seals?!"

"The momentum of the Yamato crowd is also amazing!"

On the big screen in the college square, the ranking of the students' seals is broadcast, which is also to prevent fraud.

When the students were fighting for the ten stamps, Rob Lucci rode the dust and left everyone far behind.

38 stamps!

And the numbers continue to rise!

Physical skills, kendo, archery, boxing, kicking skills, etc., the instructors of each dojo gave Lu Qi a high evaluation, and regarded him as a once-in-a-century super genius!

The time to obtain the stamps is one month. According to Lu Qi's plundering speed, it is really possible to collect a hundred stamps before the end.

The person who ranked second only had fifteen seals.


Robin put the fifteenth stamp into the box with a smile, and he was satisfied.

All the seals that can be obtained are in hand. The tests of other mentors are more focused on combat. With her current strength, she can't get them, so there is no need to waste time.

"Second place, so conspicuous!"

When Robin saw her ranking, she couldn't help but pooh-poohed. It's not a good thing to be in the limelight. Fortunately, in two days, other people will surpass her.

"Hey, Smoker and Hina!"

The third and fourth place went to Smoker and Hina, both of whom got 14 stamps. The two were from majors and had an advantage in this respect.

And Yamato, Jack and others have also won ten medals one after another. Although they are much slower than Lu Qi, they are still among the best.

Principal's office.

Kaido looked at the ranking status of the students, resting his chin with one hand and meditating.

"The test is a little too simple."

The difficulty for students to obtain the seal reflects the lack of teachers.

More than a hundred instructors all master a certain style of fighting skills and are quite famous in their hometowns, but this does not mean how strong they are.

In fact, there are only a handful of mentors who can beat Yamato.

For example, Shimotsuki Ushimaru and Haku Shifan are really good, and their teaching level is also popular among students, but their reputation is not enough, so that outsiders can't feel how strong the faculty of the college is.

The college lacks a powerful and well-known deputy dean. It would be best if he can calm the students and the outside world when he is not around!

"Hey, hey, I have to run."

The corners of Kaido's mouth curled up. For the position of vice principal, he had already had his favorite goal, and after the selection competition was over, he would invite him to join the academy.

However, it shouldn't be so easy to persuade the other party.

"Master Principal, Marine's recruit training ship has just docked."

As time went by, various forces arrived in the Kingdom of Martial Arts one after another, among which very few could be received by him personally.

Zephyr, happens to be one of them.

"come yet."

Kaido's spirit shook.

Zephyr is also one of the best choices for the vice principal, but Zephyr still has hope for the World government, and it is impossible to betray Marine in a short time.

At the school gate, Smoker and Hina were looking forward to it, and there were other exchange students behind them, a total of ten people in total.

Half an hour later, Zephyr led the Marine recruit team to the academy.


Smoker, Hina and the others immediately went up to greet them, bowing their heads excitedly.

"Teacher Zephyr!"

Although it has been a year since they came to the academy, their hearts will always belong to the Marine training camp, they are Marine!

"Smoker, Hina, Carlo"

Zephyr read out the names of several people one by one, and said with relief: "It's really hard for you to keep you here!"

"No, no, we don't work hard, this is our task!"

Several people waved their hands again and again, and looked at each other guiltily.

The food in the academy is better than the training camp, the accommodation is more spacious and comfortable than the training camp, the training equipment is more complete than the training camp, and there are even more types of courses, and you can even learn the six styles.

Not only is it not hard, but it is very refreshing.

This year is much more comfortable than before in the training camp, like a vacation.

The most important thing is that their strength did not stand still because of the comfortable environment, but improved faster than before.

Most of this is due to the guidance of Principal Kaido.

So, I have the nerve to say hard work.

Suddenly, the sailors exclaimed.

"Smoker and Hina are on the leaderboard!"

The sailors looked at the screen in the square with envy.

On the way, they listened to Mr. Zephyr explain the general content of the autumn selection competition, and the high scholarships were really enviable.

They choose to become sailors not only for justice, but also for favorable treatment and good social status, which is unmatched by other professions.

But in Baishu College, as long as you make it into the top 100, you can get a lot of money rewards every year, and there are other benefits.

And as the top marine students, they not only often face pirates, but also face many dangers, and they have no salary before they become regulars.

They are also students, so why is there such a big disparity in treatment!

After a few pleasantries, Hina volunteered: "Teacher Zephyr, let me show you around the academy!"

"I'm sorry, Hina."

Zephyr nodded slightly, eager to see what changes had been made in the academy.

When I came last time, the college was still very simple, with construction sites and workers everywhere, and there were not even a few landscape trees.

Now that the academy has taken shape, training venues can be seen everywhere, and there are many more martial arts schools to learn.

Zephyr observed silently, feeling more and more solemn.

He could see that Kaido had really invested heavily in this martial arts academy. It is estimated that even the headquarters of Beasts did not invest so much money.

Establish a franchise country, pay the heavenly money, build a college, create an excellent learning environment, and a high-value scholarship system, with at least 10 billion Berries invested.

I'm afraid the Beasts Pirates are going to be gutted.

As a teacher as well, he could faintly perceive Kaido's true intentions.

If you guessed right, Kaido is laying a big net, trying to connect all forces through the academy.

And there is only one reason why Kaido should do this.

God, Celestial Dragons!

"It's better to say that the ignorant are fearless, and it's better to be indifferent."

Zephyr shook his head. It would be foolish for a mere academy to shake the order of the world. The two sides are not at the same level at all.

This is absolutely impossible!

Unless, this academy can guide a group of top experts like Four Emperors and Admiral, and let them work together!

But this is even more impossible!

"Teacher Zephyr."

Hina reminded in a low voice: "The No. 1 waterfall training ground is ahead, and Principal Kaido is there, do you want to meet up there?"


Zephyr smiled.

This Four Emperors Kaido has more pursuit than ordinary pirates!

(end of this chapter)

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