One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 260 We Are A Formal Training Institution

Chapter 260 We Are a Formal Training Institution

Seven floating Sky Islands, the level of danger increases layer by layer, especially those upgraded beasts affected by IQ, each one is extremely powerful.

"Iron Body!"

Smoker's body is half squatting, his legs are stretched out, and the blood and muscles of his whole body are accelerated, and his body is as hard as steel in an instant!

The next moment, a bear paw that was bigger than a human slapped him on the body!


A muffled sound!

Smoker was slapped by the giant bear, and the veins all over his body were bulging, but his body still couldn't stop moving backwards.

"Iron Body. It's about to collapse!"

The proud Iron Body is extremely limited in the face of the terrifying power of the long-armed bear. I am afraid that even the real Iron Body will be easily destroyed by it.


The long-armed bear roared loudly, and the arm exerted strength again!


Smoker's complexion changed drastically, and his body shot backwards like a cannonball, breaking several big trees before stopping.


A mouthful of blood was spat out.

"Damn it, the second island is so difficult!"

Smoker wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up with the help of the stone next to him, and fixed his eyes on the long-armed bear running in front of him.

Not only is his strength amazing, but his body is also so durable that it is a headache. His fist hit the long-armed bear's body, like scratching an itch.

And beasts like long-armed bears can be seen everywhere on the island.

"Smoker, relying on ability is your biggest shortcoming. You have to remember that Haki is the existence above everything else!"

Smoker recalled the principal's exhortation, silently took out a cigar from his arms and lit it, and the smoke he exhaled condensed into the word "Haki".

In this autumn trial, unless it was the final decisive battle, he would never use the ability of the smoking fruit.


With his hands wrapped around Haki, the boy charged at the giant bear again!

When night fell, the island, which had been fighting fiercely for a day, finally returned to calm.

The students hid in shelters such as tree holes, took the time to rest, and prepared for the next day's battle.

The difficulty of this test far exceeded their expectations.

In most of the day, less than 100 people successfully reached the sixth island, and only three people reached the fifth island.

The rest of the people are all on the seventh island, and it is extremely difficult to survive, let alone go to the more dangerous floating Sky Island.

Many students returned the same way and gave up the trial.

In the living room of the teaching building, the college held a welcome dinner.

"It's wonderful!"

"That Miss Guiji is so strong!"

"Rob Lucci is also very good, I am more optimistic about him!"

The guests were discussing with great interest, and the topic focused on the most outstanding students, especially the three who arrived on the fifth island.

As for the eliminated students, no one cared at all.

They only care about who can become the top ten seats and win high bonuses.

Among the students, Yamato and Lu Qi performed the most outstandingly. Both of them showed strength far beyond ordinary students.

Lucci's calmness is more popular than Yamato's bravery, and it's even more surprising that Lucci has no reputation at all.

Some guests flattered and complimented: "Principal Kaido, these students are so good, when they grow up and join the Beasts Pirates, they will definitely make Beasts stronger!"

"Well, that's not necessarily the case."

Kaido shook his head with a smile, looked at the puzzled guests, and explained: "Our Baishu Academy is a formal martial arts school, which aims to train fighters, not train recruits for Beasts Pirates!"

"After the students graduate, whether they become marines, soldiers of the kingdom, or go out to sea as pirates, neither I nor the academy will interfere."

"They are free!"

As soon as this remark came out, the guests couldn't help being extremely surprised, even Linlin was surprised.

Knowing that the forces behind the academy are the Beasts Pirates, they acquiesce that the academy is a place for beasts to train warriors.

But from what Kaido said, it seems that this is not the case.

As the Four Emperors, the other party should not be able to lie in front of so many guests, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"Hey, everyone, please look!"

Kaido clapped his hands, and his subordinates, who had been prepared for a long time, switched the screen immediately, showing the photos of Smoker and others.

"The performance of these students, I believe everyone can see it today."

"It's Smoker and Hina!"

The guests nodded in response.

Both Smoker and Hina are reserve members of the "Ten Seats".

Kaido narrowed his eyes and said, "They are all Marine recruits, exchange students entrusted by Naval Headquarters to our Baishou Academy!"


Everyone was full of question marks, subconsciously looking at Zephyr sitting next to Kaido, they were very concerned a long time ago, why did the former Marine Admiral come here.

Faced with questioning eyes, Zephyr knew very well that Kaido was advertising in the name of Marine, but he still nodded and admitted.

"It turned out to be like this!"

The suspicious eyes disappeared instantly.

No matter how influential Kaido is, it is impossible for the former Marine Admiral and the current Marine recruit chief Instructor to help lie!

Even Naval Headquarters sent recruits to study at Baishou Academy, one can imagine the strength of this academy in cultivating talents.

The outstanding performance of the students is indeed surprising.

These little guys don't look like fourteen or fifteen-year-old students at all, and their combat effectiveness is quite good, even real pirates are no match for them.

"Everyone, our Baishou Academy is a professional martial arts training institution with only one purpose, to train elites for this sea!"

Kaido's gaze was like a torch, and he swept across King Liku and other representatives of various countries one by one.

"The living environment in New World is harsh. The major kingdoms are more than enough to protect themselves, but presumably they don't have enough money and energy to raise children."

"However, if countries can send their children to Baishou College to study, it will not only save worry and effort, but also save a lot of money and time."

"When the children are successful in their studies, they will be able to have fighting power far beyond their peers and defend their country."

The minds of the royal families of various countries turned quickly. In this selection competition, even the students who fell last, showed quite good combat prowess.

If the children from China are sent here and can be trained to the same level as the trial students, it will undoubtedly be a good deal.

The most important point is that there is nothing to lose by trying. There are not a few orphans in China, who can just use waste, and at most waste a little tuition.

No matter what, Kaido's face has to be given!

"As the principal of Baishou College, I very much welcome outstanding young people from all over the world, and I am also happy to train talents for all countries."

Kaido continued: "One more thing, when the first batch of students graduate, I will invite you to come again, and hope that you can provide suitable jobs for the graduates!"

External enrollment, as well as campus job fairs!

Almost all the righteous forces of the New World were present, and many kings of the franchise countries came in person. This is a very good opportunity for publicity.

One of the purposes of setting up the "Ten Seats" and holding the selection competition is to attract people's attention and show the teaching achievements of the college.

With so many students, they need to support themselves after graduation, so they have to find a suitable place to go. Package allocation is also an important indicator for evaluating the quality of a college!

(end of this chapter)

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