One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 267: Pirates With Filters

Chapter 267: Pirates with Filters

In the spacious cabin, the tables and chairs on the ground are wiped spotless, and drinks and food are also ready.

The reward orders of Beasts Pirates cadres are also posted on the surrounding walls, among which Kaido's reward order is an enlarged version, occupying the C position.

Beata pulled out the chair, smiling brightly like a flower.

"Boss Kaido, please sit down!"


Kaido sat in the main seat speechlessly, watching Beate serving tea and water attentively, he really didn't know how to complain for a while.

He probably doesn't have the mysterious charm of Buggy!

"Don't be too busy, let's talk about business."


Beat quickly cleaned up the table, and then sat down opposite Kaido.

"Boss Kaido, we are headed to The Fish Men Island at full speed. At the speed of the Death Revolver, it only takes three days. Counting the coating time, we can reach the paradise in less than half a month!"

If the pirate ship wants to go to the paradise, it can only choose the route of The fish men island, and the martial arts country is not too far away from the Red Line, at most three to five days' voyage.

Beat rolled up his sleeves: "Boss, when we arrive at the paradise, should we go to Naval Headquarters or the Undersea Prison first?"


Kaido was astonished, when did he let this kid have the idea that he was going to fight with Marine?

"Beate, why do you think so?"

"Of course!"

Beata took it for granted: "Boss Kaido, according to the rumors, you like to challenge Marine and the other Four Emperors alone the most, you are so handsome!"


Kaido rubbed his chin, as if there were indeed similar rumors.

"Well, it's really interesting to fight with Marine, but this time I have other things to do. After arriving in the paradise, I will go to the capital of water first."

"Water capital?"

Beata had a look of pity, but he quickly realized that he covered his eyes with his arms, choked up and wept.

"Boss Kaido, you didn't want to affect us, so you let Marine go, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have thought about it."


Kaido's eyes twitched hard.

Is this idiot delusional? No matter what he thinks, the pirates have no reason to provoke Marine. Admiral is not a vegetarian.

Beat wiped away the tears, his eyes sparkled again: "Boss Kaido, what are we going to do in the water capital? Are we going to loot there?"

"Hey, Beat."

Kaido pointed to the clock on the wall, and spoke solemnly.

"It's almost 11 o'clock."

"11 o'clock?"

Beat looked at the clock with a question mark on his forehead.

What's the meaning?

"Eleven is bedtime."

Kaido's serious interpretation of the Eight Classics.

"As a great pirate, you must have a clear sense of time!"

"I go to bed on time at 11 o'clock every night, and I have to sleep for 8 hours. I will never leave stress and fatigue until the next day."

"Good work and rest can make the body grow stronger!"

It was obviously nonsense, but Beate was very solemn, and took out a small notebook to record Kaido's words, which seemed to be wise words.

"Boss Kaido is imparting the secret of his incomparable power!"

"Start with a good night's sleep!"

"Cha la la la, I will observe every word and deed of Boss Kaido, and I will never miss a single detail."


Close the notebook.

"Boss Kaido, your room is at the top deluxe single room, please rest well, I won't bother you!"

Beata bowed at ninety degrees, and then stepped back and left the cabin hall. He didn't straighten his back until he returned to the deck.

"Little ones, listen to me!"


The crowd gathered around, not knowing why.

"Wash up immediately, before 11 o'clock, you must fall asleep!"

"Why? Captain."

"Idiot, this is a valuable experience taught by Kaido boss, and you must sleep for eight hours!"

"So that's the case, since the Kaido boss said it, then there's no problem."

The crew members suddenly realized, laughed and dropped the tools in their hands immediately, and returned to the bottom of the cabin to prepare for sleep.

The boat stopped directly in the sea.

Time passed day by day, getting closer and closer to the paradise.

Staying on the ship, there is basically nothing to do, so Kaido can only have some fun, but under the colored glasses of the crew, it seems to have another meaning.

In the morning, the training room.

"Boss Kaido is practicing in secret!"

"Record it!"

"100 push-ups, 100 squats, sit-ups"

Afternoon, deckside.

"Boss Kaido is fishing!"

"What fishing is called tempering the will!"

"It's been several days, and I haven't caught a single fish. If we were impatient, we would have blown the cannon into the sea long ago!"

"Think about it carefully, with the powerful strength of Kaido's boss, if you really want to catch fish, does it take so much trouble?"

"It makes sense!"

Warming up is regarded as practice, fishing in the air force is regarded as tempering the will, and drinking saliva can be over-interpreted.

The atmosphere on the ship was extremely strange, and the crew became more and more excited, as if they had mastered a lot of mysterious knowledge.

"Another day for the Air Force."

In the evening, Kaido put away the fishing gear and sighed speechlessly.

As Luffy's intended enemy, he knew his luck would not be very good, but it was a bit irritating to be in the air force for many days.

Fortunately, Paradise is almost here.

The pirate ship traveled all the way, passing The fish men island and the Sabaody Archipelago, except that it took a while to resupply, and hardly stopped.

Half a month after leaving the Kingdom of Martial Arts, the Revolver of Death arrived at the City of Water.

"It's spectacular!"

"It's my first time here!"

"I heard that there is the world's largest shipbuilding industry here, and even warships can be manufactured!"

Everyone in the Black Rose Pirates dropped their jaws in shock when they saw the distinctive shape of the city of water.

"Hello, let's go."

Kaido put on his cape and hood, he didn't want to cause a commotion.

Most of the crew remained on board, only Beate and a few others followed Kaido, and soon they were full of doubts.

"It looks so bleak here!"

The streets were extremely deserted, most of the shops were closed, and there were still many homeless people lying on both sides of the road.

Such a scene, and the imagined industrial island in full swing, are completely two extremes.

Kaido said lightly: "It used to be brilliant here, but since Roger's death, the city of water has been in a slump, and now it can only survive."


Beata understood what was going on.

It's a pirate!

Roger's death caused a surge in the number of pirates, and the most direct impact was a fatal blow to the business between the islands.

There are a large number of shipyards on this island, and the demand for resources is naturally huge. However, pirates have changed the transportation environment on the sea.

If in the past ten transport ships went to the water capital, at most three encountered pirates, now at least seven will be robbed by pirates.

Under such a harsh environment, the development of the water capital is self-evident.

This island is about to end.

Beate was very puzzled, since the boss of Kaido knows that there is no oil to be squeezed out of the Water City, and he also knows the dire situation in the Water City, why is he here?

If you don't understand, just ask.

"Boss Kaido, what are we doing here?"


Kaido looked at the No. 1 Dock in front and smiled.

"Come to the shipyard, of course you want to build a ship!"

He wants to prepare a graduation gift for his daughter in advance!

(end of this chapter)

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