Chapter 290 This Is Unreasonable

The Drum Kingdom is not big, and the news that Prince Wapol burned down the hospital quickly spread throughout the towns, angering everyone.

The people spontaneously took to the streets and gathered towards the palace, wanting to ask His Majesty the King to punish Prince Wapol.

Hospitals were burned down, killing dozens of doctors and patients.

This is an unforgivable crime.

They firmly believe that His Majesty the King, who is kind and just, will make a correct judgment. Even if he cannot be severely punished, Prince Wapole will have to be imprisoned for several years.

"It's very noisy outside."

Kaido sat on the sofa, looking out the window casually.

Dalton took the people away in a hurry, and now there is no one to entertain them in the inn, and the recruitment activities cannot be carried out.

Also, he was being watched.

"Hey, Tsuru Vice Admiral."

Kaido turned his head and looked at the crane Vice Admiral with his legs crossed on the opposite sofa, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Do you think this country has a future?"

"It's not something I could have predicted."

Crane Vice Admiral folded his hands on his chest and replied calmly.

Even if you don't know the country well, you can tell what's going on when you hear the noise outside.

That Prince Wapole seems to be a troublesome guy.

But here is a member country, and how to govern the country is a matter for the king. Even if Wapol committed a serious crime, Marine has no right to interfere.

Moreover, protecting the royal family is one of Marine's important responsibilities.

"Whoa, what a sarcasm."

Kaido laughed.

"This is a peaceful small country. The king is deeply loved by the people, but the prince is worse than a pirate."

"However, because of blood, even if he knows that the prince may destroy the country, he can still inherit the throne."

"Tsuru Vice Admiral, is this reasonable?"

This is unreasonable!

Crane Vice Admiral answered silently in his heart.

The hereditary throne system is neither democratic nor fair.

Just like the country under your feet, once there is a problem with the heir, the entire kingdom will be in turmoil.

In comparison, the electoral systems of advanced islands such as Water City are more reasonable and fair, allowing talented people to display their ambitions.

Marine's promotion rules are also very perfect, basically there will be no waste at the top. Although the World government is corrupt, there are also clean people.

But the state of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom is the true portrayal of the world.

The Celestial Dragons rule the world, and the princes and nobles rule the kingdoms, which have not changed for eight hundred years.

Having been in a high position in Marine for so many years, she has already seen the essence of the world clearly.

Relying on personal power, it is basically impossible to change this terrible world where the people are struggling to survive and pirates are rampant.

Unless that person can be like a bond, tightly linking the entire world together, turning fighters from all over the world into his companions, and challenging that goal together.

That is the most terrifying force on the sea!

Crane Vice Admiral shook his head, laughing at his own thoughts.

The protagonist of that era can only appear in comic books.

"There will be time to verify whether it is reasonable or not!"

Without the idea of ​​debate, there is no right answer to this kind of thing.

Crane looked at Kaido with deep eyes.

After the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, the situation in the world has changed extremely rapidly. The new generation of pirates is too fierce, but Marine is still standing still.

There are still vacancies for three Admiral positions, but Sakazuki and the others are too young, and they need to practice for a few years before they can stand alone.

In this case, in order to deal with the surge of pirates, the World government even came up with the stupid trick of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The balance of the sea is disturbed.

"Kaido, you experts look at the doorway, what will happen to this sea in the future?"

"Hmm, Tsuru Vice Admiral, don't worry too much."

Kaido waved his hand, it was clear what Tsuru wanted to ask.

"The sea will be quiet soon."

"Four Emperors, Seven Warlords of the Sea, Marine!"

"The three major forces are taking shape, and they contain each other, forming a delicate balance, and no one will disappear easily!"

"After all, this is what the World Government wants to see!"

As night fell, in a dimly lit room.

Mr.3 lowered his head, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth: "Boss, everything is going according to plan. It won't be long before Prince Wapole will be able to stay in this country!"

"You are doing well, Mr. 3."

Kaido sat by the window, stroking Lily's hair with his palms, the woman squinted her eyes, and lay on his lap like a kitten.

"However, Mr. 3, taking away Wapol is just a matter of effort for me, why should I hand it over to you?"


Mr.3's heart tightened.

"This is a trial."

Kaido said lightly: "Mr.3, everything you do will determine your future, think carefully about how to complete the task."

"Yes, boss!"

Cold sweat broke out on Mr. 3's forehead, and he didn't even dare to take a breath. After leaving the station, he breathed a sigh of relief.


Facing the boss's questioning, he didn't even dare to breathe hard.

"What purpose does the boss have?"

Mr.3 thinks desperately, the boss said this to him specifically, there must be other needs, and what else in this country can attract the boss?

treasure? wrong!

The Drum Kingdom is not a rich country, the only special place is world-class medical technology.

"This is it!"

Mr. 3 pushed the lens, a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes, walked into the snowflakes alone, and quickly disappeared.

Early the next morning, the people of the Kingdom were awakened again.


Late last night, the doctors who escaped from the fire in the hospital all died. Many doctors looked very painful before they died, as if they had suffered for a long time.

Dalton rushed to the scene at the first time. When he saw the "Wapole" written in blood next to the doctor, his anger overflowed his chest.

More than one person left evidence, and all the evidence pointed to Wapole and Wapole's personal guards.

There is no doubt that this is His Royal Highness' revenge against the doctor!


Dalton turned into a bull angrily and ran towards the palace. He had to ask His Royal Highness why he killed these innocent people!

In the palace hall, the king looked at Wapole with a sad face.

"You really didn't do this?"

"No, I just happened to meet."

Wapole held his booger with an indifferent attitude.

He was considered the murderer by the people at the beginning, and he admitted in a fit of anger that he did it himself, but there was no need to lie when faced with his father's questioning.

The guards all knelt in the hall to testify for Wapole.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness really didn't do this. We played with His Royal Highness. When we arrived at the hospital, the fire had already started."

"I see."

The king sighed. Although Wapole was stubborn, he never lied to him. What's more, if this kind of thing was really done by Wapole, Wapole would definitely admit it.

In the past, Wapole burned down many houses, but he never escaped.

So he believed in his son.

However, the common people don't think so. Everyone has heard the story of the wolf coming.

He can understand the common people. His son has done too many ridiculous things, and it is only natural that he be identified as the murderer.

But as a father, he must do his best to protect his son!

(end of this chapter)

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