Chapter 30 Shimotsuki Ryoma

The backyard of the shrine, the tomb of Ryoma.

Looking at the cubic stele engraved with strange characters on the surface, Kaido couldn't help showing astonishment in his eyes.

"Historical Text!"

The historical body is a special item made by craftsmen of Wanokuni eight hundred years ago, and it is distributed in all corners of the world, with a total of about thirty pieces.

Kaido never expected that Ryoma's tombstone turned out to be a piece of historical text, but given Ryoma's status in Wanokuni, it's normal to have this kind of treatment.

"This should record the life of Ryoma, but unfortunately, I can't understand it."

Kaido shook his head regretfully, the text of history meant nothing to him, unless he could find Nico Robin, he would not be able to understand the text above at all.

"According to the calculation, Ohara should not be wiped out yet."

He can't remember when Ohara was destroyed, but Robin is not currently on the bounty, so Ohara should still be there.

If you have spare time in the future, you can go to West Blue to see if you can catch the leak. After all, no one can replace Robin's particularity.

Yamato came to the altar and looked at the two fruits placed on it. Almost instinctively, he picked up the fruit that looked like a persimmon, with curiosity on his face.

"Father, is this what you are looking for?"

"That's right."

Kaido smiled and nodded, seductively: "Do you want to eat it?"


Yamato looked at the persimmon in his hand, swallowed subconsciously, and a trace of expectation rose in his heart.

"Is it tasty?"


Kaido nodded affirmatively.

He already has the ability of the blue dragon fruit, and the Devil Fruit he got later will naturally be used to strengthen his own people, and his daughter Yamato is the best candidate.


After driving all morning, Yamato was already hungry, and the persimmon in his hand was bright in color, which looked delicious, and his stomach immediately protested.

want to eat!

The little girl opened her mouth wide and was about to swallow the fruit in one gulp, but Shimotsuki Niuwan came to the backyard and interrupted her eating.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru looked at the Devil Fruit in Yamato's hand with complicated eyes.

"Little girl, the magic fruit in your hand is attached to the power of the wolf god, and it has great significance to Wanokuni."

"Wolf God? What is that?"

Yamato looked at the fruit suspiciously, what is the wolf god, does it live in this little persimmon?

Shimotsuki Ushimaru explained: "The wolf god is a sacred beast that protects Wanokuni. According to legend, the wolf god can distinguish between good and evil. It will protect the good and drive out the wicked."


Yamato's eyes glowed. Although he didn't know how powerful the wolf god was, it sounded very powerful.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru sighed, "I was going to give it to Oden, hoping he would protect Wanokuni, but I was rejected."

"Uncle, are you talking about that foolish Highness dancing?"

Yamato asked curiously, it seems that in the eyes of the samurai, Kozuki Oden is very trustworthy, and his father also said that Oden is the most troublesome enemy.


Shimotsuki Ushimaru was silent for a long time, and smiled helplessly: "That's right, it's the dancing fool Your Highness."


Yamato nodded, looked at the fruit on his lips, hesitated, and asked in a low voice, "Then can I eat this?"

"Yes, I have no ability to stop you."

Shimotsuki Ushimaru stared at Yamato, who he already knew from the few words he heard was Kaido's daughter.

"I just want to tell you that whoever eats this fruit will be protected by the wolf god and will also bear the fate of guarding Wanokuni."

"That's it, then leave it to me!"

Yamato grinned heartlessly, bit off half of the fruit in one bite, and muttered while chewing: "Smelly Daddy wants me to be a general, although I don't want to, it's so bad! But I can't beat him now, wait After I become a general, I will naturally have to protect Wanokuni, wow, it's so unbearable!"

The originally happy little face was wrinkled into a bun because the fruit was too unpalatable, and tears of pain almost fell out.

She is still young, and she is most afraid of suffering.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru was stunned. He didn't expect Yamato to say such a thing, nor did he expect Kaido to have such a plan. Thinking that the other party is Kaido's daughter, there is indeed such a possibility, and it is very big!

"It's a coincidence."

The power of the wolf god that guards Wanokuni happens to be obtained by someone who may become a general, and it seems that there is a will in the dark.

Yamato swallowed the remaining half of Devil Fruit in one gulp, and looked at Kaido angrily: "Smelly old man, it doesn't taste good at all!"

"Yeah, that might be my memory."

Kaido didn't change his face, and he didn't feel guilty about cheating the children at all.

If you tell Yamato that the fruit is hard to eat, then the little girl can't eat it, and she doesn't care about the fruit's ability.

"you're lying!"

Yamato put her hands on her hips angrily. She was beaten and resisted every day these days, which made her temper a lot hotter. She also understood the truth that any fact must be based on strength.

"Stinky old man, sooner or later, I will defeat you, and then I can go wherever I want!"

"I am looking forward."

Kaido shook his head and smiled, leaned over and patted the little girl's forehead: "You play here for a while, I still have something to deal with."


Yamato looked at his father, then at Shimotsuki Ushimaru, and suddenly realized that his father was going to beat someone up again.

Kaido turned to face Shimotsuki Ushimaru, his eyes fell on the knife hanging on the other's waist, and his eyes were slightly concentrated.

When we met just now, the other party was not wearing a weapon, and in this shrine, there was only one enshrined sword.

Black knife Qiushui.

"Change the place."

"I know a good place."

"lead the way."

During the implementation of the ban on knives, it is naturally impossible for him to take the initiative to come to him with a knife for the sake of reminiscing about the old days.

One in front of the other, the two soon came to the other side of the mountain. The top of the mountain here seemed to have been deliberately cut off, and there was an unusually flat platform under their feet.

"This is the place where dragons and horses cut dragons, just right for the next battle."

Shimotsuki Ushimaru picked up the famous sword Shusui, as if performing a sacred ceremony, slowly drew it out.

"Kaido, we, the Shimotsuki clan, have guarded Ryoma's tomb for generations. Do you know why?"

"I don't know."

Kaido shook his head slightly. His knowledge of Wanokuni basically comes from information from his previous life. He remembers the overall plot clearly, but some small details are hard to remember.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru pulled out the autumn water, looked at the extremely black blade, and his thoughts fell into memories.

"Eight hundred years ago, Wanokuni was not a closed country. At that time, Wanokuni was called the country of gold, which attracted countless people from overseas, including many vicious pirates like you!"

"At that time, Ryoma stopped countless pirates and world nobles from coming, and let the whole world know that Wanokuni has samurai, so he became a hero of Wanokuni, and has been worshiped by the people after his death."

"One more thing I have to mention, Ryoma's full name is Shimotsuki Ryoma, the ancestor of our Shimotsuki clan!"

Shimotsuki Niuwan was full of momentum: "As a citizen of Wanokuni, I have the obligation to protect Ryoma's tomb from harm, and as a descendant of Ryoma, I can't just watch you take away the tribute of the ancestors!"

"Let's fight to the death, Kaido!"

(end of this chapter)

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