One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 343 A Rain Fell On My Body

Chapter 343 A rain fell on my body

The situation on the battlefield has exceeded everyone's expectations time and time again. Before the war, no one would have imagined that Crocodile would be so powerful.

When Hawkeye left, they expected Crocodile to quickly defeat Redhead, but unexpectedly the battle ended in a stalemate.

"It's so strong, it actually blocked Crocodile's attack!"

On the battlefield, the offense and defense between the two were constantly changing, far less shocking than the previous natural disasters, but the battle situation was more dangerous, and the winner could be decided at any time.

The four whirling and contracting dust tornadoes that became more and more powerful made everyone's hearts rise to their throats.

Among them, the Red Hair Pirates are the most intense.

"If this goes on, something will happen!"

The cadres such as Laqi Lu and Yasopp were extremely anxious. The battle situation seemed to be evenly matched, but in fact it was developing in a bad direction.

The four dust tornadoes are like a countdown to death, once they gather together, the captain will have no chance at all.

"Brother Beckman, let's go support the captain!"

"Calm down, everyone!"

Beckman scolded, pointed to the dust tornado and asked, "Is there a way for you to stop that thing?"


The cadres shook their heads in unison.

"If not, be quiet!"

Beckman took a puff of his cigarette and explained helplessly: "In the face of such a natural disaster, the number is meaningless. If we rush into the island, it will only distract Shanks!"


The cadres were speechless, not knowing how to refute.

The situation is indeed as Beckman said, when you enter the island now, the first thing you have to face is the violent salon roll.

After half an hour of growing, the dust tornado has not yet gathered together, but they have already been related to each other.

The strong wind pressure has reached the point where it can be seen by the naked eye, if you break through without authorization, you will probably be smashed to pieces.

"Brother Beckman, are we doing nothing?"

"No! Get ready for battle!"

Beckman took out his flintlock and ordered in a deep voice: "As soon as the sandstorm disappears, we will immediately support Shanks."

"Oh oh oh!"

The cadres held their weapons aloft.

Although the captain asked them not to intervene in the duel, how could they stand idly by when the captain encountered a life and death crisis.

In the center of the desert, there are traces of battles everywhere, and the two sides fighting with all their strength are already exhausted and approaching the limit.

"Double Cleave!"

"Desert Vajra Saber!"

The Slash Wave collided with the Sand Blade again and turned into flying sand.

Crocodile panted heavily, looking at Shanks with bloodshot eyes, full of anger and confusion.

Under the influence of his ability, Shanks was already in a severely dehydrated state, his skin was wrinkled and his muscles shriveled like a mummified corpse.

But the other party was still able to hold the blade tightly, and his eyes did not waver in the slightest.

This is unreasonable!

The red hair is just an ordinary human being, not a monster like Kaido, it is impossible to have such a strong physique!

Crocodile was furious and asked angrily, "You bastard, why don't you fall down!"


As soon as the words fell, the red hair lay straight on the ground.


Crocodile was stunned for a while before he realized it.

He won?

"No, it might be waiting for me to take the bait."

Suspicious character, so he can not believe that red hair fell down so easily, maybe it was red hair's conspiracy.

"My physical strength has also reached its limit,"

"Use the strongest attack to determine the outcome!"

"The last desert sword!"

The right arm was transformed into a sand blade, and just about to launch a slash, the sand blade collapsed instantly.

Not enough power!

Crocodile had a gloomy face, he didn't expect to be so weak, but compared to the red-haired state, he still had an overwhelming advantage.

"Chop off his head!"

This fight is related to the throne of the Four Emperors. He wants to hold the red-haired head and announce to the world that he is the Four Emperors!

Crocodile walked towards the red hair with a slow pace, and when the distance between the two sides was reduced to five meters, he stopped.

"Going forward, there will be danger!"

The more you get to the end, the more you can't be careless.

Pirates are full of deception, especially when one of the parties thinks that they have a chance to win, but it is the most dangerous time.

You can laugh at your opponent, but you must not be stupid when facing an evenly matched enemy!

"Sand forging soldiers!"

The sand gathered in his hand, and gradually formed a three-meter-long square halberd, with a sharp cold light shining on the crescent-shaped side.

Crocodile held Fang Tianji tightly, weighed it, and held it firmly.

Now that his physical strength has bottomed out, he cannot use stronger attacks, but it is not difficult to make a weapon.

"Go to hell and hate me, redhead!"

Clokerda raised Fang Tianji, not in a chopping posture, but in a throwing posture. Even at this time, he was unwilling to get close to the red hair.

This is the lesson of blood!

The redhead just fell down, not dead, then it was possible to fight back!

"Desert Fangtian Halberd!"

The three-meter-long Fang Tianhalberd was thrown out with all its strength, and shot at the red-haired neck. As long as it hits, its head will be cut off!


Fang Tianji plunged into the sand!

At the moment of death, Shanks rolled his body with difficulty, avoiding Fang Tianji dangerously.

"Ha~ha~haha, as expected!"

Crocodile laughed, quite satisfied with his judgment, the red hair deliberately lured him forward, trying to kill him with his last strength.

Looking up and looking around, the sandstorm is getting closer and closer, and it can submerge this place in ten minutes at most.

Just wait, no risk.

After all, his condition is also very bad. If he is hit by the red hair, there is indeed a possibility of defeat.

"Am I going to die?"

Shanks looked up at the sky, the corners of his chapped lips moved slightly, he couldn't even speak, the tumbling just now had exhausted his strength.

For the first time in my life, I was so close to death.

His eyes turned slightly, looking at the mummy-like withered arm next to his head, and the other parts of his body seemed to be the same.

Still alive in this state is already a miracle.

"What a terrifying ability."

Sand-Sand Fruit is very powerful, but its ability is not unsolvable, only this dry power makes him unable to deal with it.

The protracted battle lasted nearly an hour, and the body was drained of water.

"If only it could rain."

Shanks closed his eyes, thinking a little extravagantly, but wanting to rain in the desert is a bit whimsical, but he really doesn't want to die so uselessly.

"Captain Roger, I have let you down."

In the final consciousness, bits and pieces of the Roger Pirates emerged, as well as the eye-catching red nose.


"Tick tock!"

A drop of water landed on the corner of his lips.

"Tick tock! Tick tock!"

More and more water droplets fell, gradually began to rain heavily.

"It's raining?"

Crocodile raised his palm, looked at the splashing rain, and remembered the bad time in Rain Island.

"Unfortunately, the rain came too late!"

He looked at the lifeless red hair and snorted coldly. If it had been earlier, this rain might have changed the outcome of the war.

Now, he has won!

"Stop the sandstorm first!"

After a short rest, his physical strength has recovered a lot, and the sandstorm is coming, if he doesn't stop, he will also be affected.

Crocodile turned and left, just after taking a few steps, his pupils constricted violently, and he turned his head in disbelief.

The redhead, who was supposed to die, stood up!

(end of this chapter)

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