One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 346 Seven Warlords Of The Sea

Chapter 346 Seven Warlords of the Sea

The rain stopped, the clouds parted and the sun shone brightly above the dunes.

Rakiru and Yasopp stand on the left and right with the red hair awake, beside the deputy captain Benn Beckman, combatants Lyme Jones, Snake, Gab and other powerful cadres.

"Four Emperors, Redhead Shanks!"

Powerful people from all sides looked up to the Red Hair Pirates. In this two-year tug-of-war, the Red Hair Pirates overcame all obstacles and finally won!

The decisive battle between the red hair and Crocodile, although both sides suffered losses, but no one would question the red hair of the Four Emperors is not worthy of the name.

Because, the cadres beside the red hair!

Since the debut of Red Hair Pirates, not only the personal strength of the captain, but also the overall strength has been recognized.

The cadres are all strong in their own right, and the bounty and strength are very close, and they even got the reputation of the Iron Wall Pirates.

Compared with other Four Emperors, Red Hair Pirates is indeed a little immature, but they have surpassed all pirates under Four Emperors.

"Gu la la la, I haven't seen such a wonderful duel for a long time, it seems that we will have another strong rival in the future!"

Whitebeard took a big sip of wine, raised his glass and said, "Little ones, return home!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The Moby Dick left first, and other forces also left quickly.

With red hair becoming the Four Emperors, the situation in New World will inevitably change, and they have to find a way to deal with the coming turmoil.

Especially the pirates entrenched in the Red Hair Pirates activity area!

If the territory of New World is divided, the first half will be divided by Hundred Beasts and Ten Thousand Kingdoms, almost each occupying half.

In the second half, the Whitebeard Pirates occupy the depths, where there are powerful forces such as Elbaf, and it is also the place closest to Raftel.

The front area in the second half, that is, the middle and rear area of ​​New World, used to be the territory of Golden Lion, but now it is divided up by various forces.

It was in this area that the two-year battle started.

There is no doubt that the Red Hair Pirates who became the Four Emperors will inevitably occupy this area, and only here can become their territory.

The other Four Emperors' territory, the red hair is not yet qualified to reach out.

"Well, let's go back too."

Kaido also brought his subordinates back to the voyage. This time he accepted the invitation to become a witness, and he was not suitable for taking action. Pirates also have rules that need to be followed.

What's more, the red hair has become the Four Emperors, and there is no threat to the beasts.

Baroque Gustav, deck.

Crocodile was covered in mud, sitting on the ground with disheveled hair, leaning on the mast with his back, lost the elegance of the past.

Once again he was a loser.

The slumped appearance made the subordinates worry.

Tea Beard held the dinner plate, gently put down his boss's favorite grilled crocodile steak and red wine, and then waited aside without saying anything.

He knew that the boss must be very uncomfortable.

After an unknown amount of time, Crocodile raised his head, sneered in the direction of Bali, and raised his hand to rummage in his pockets.

In the next second, the cigar was handed to him.


The cigar was lit and the smoke filled.

Crocodile was smoking a cigar, looking at the worried face, waiting eagerly for his tea beard and others, his heart was slightly touched.

In the duel with the redhead, he did not lose.

Perhaps, he should also form a reliable team like the Four Emperors.

Crocodile stood up, brushed back his messy hair, and straightened his suit.

Although the appearance still looks a little messy, but the subordinates feel from the bottom of their hearts that even the nobles of the upper class are not as elegant as their boss.

Crocodile sat down again, picked up the knife and fork deftly, cut off a corner of the cooled crocodile steak, and chewed it in his mouth.

"Go back, tea beard."

"Yes, boss!"

Teabeard nodded in surprise, and quickly waved his hands to signal his subordinates to set sail, and at the same time picked up red wine to pour for his boss.

"Boss, you are really handsome in this duel!"

"Shut up and be quiet."


Three days later, word spread throughout the New World that the redhead had become the Four Emperors!

"Worthy of being known as the Iron Wall Pirates!"

"Join them now, aboard the ships of the Four Emperors!"

"Little ones, get rid of the redheads, we are the new Four Emperors!"

The pirates were boiling, and many veteran pirates were waiting for this moment. Instead of participating in the chaotic battle, they were recharging their energy.

The newly born Four Emperors must be the weakest Four Emperors. Before the red hair uses the fame of the Four Emperors to attract subordinates, as long as the red hair is killed, they can succeed.

This is the shortcut to becoming Four Emperors!

Naval Headquarters, meeting for Four Emperors redheads.

"Crocodile lost."

Many Marines breathed a sigh of relief.

The purpose of recruiting the Seven Warlords of the Sea is to contain the Four Emperors. If Crocodile becomes the Four Emperors, then the World government will have to recruit a new Shichibukai.

So far, Seven Warlords of the Sea has only Crocodile, Doflamingo, and Bartholemew Kuma, a total of three people.

There are too few suitable big pirates.

Not only requires strong strength, but also has a lot of fame and influence. This kind of existence basically exists in New World, but there are very few who are willing to become Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The pattern of Four Emperors has been formed, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea must also be assembled as soon as possible.

In the next few years, Marine's strategic goal was placed in the four seas, which meant losing control of the New World, and the power of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was needed to check and balance the Four Emperors.

"Enemy attack!"

Suddenly, an alarm sounded outside.

Soon, the messenger opened the door and entered!

"Report to Marshal Kong, there is a pirate invasion!"


Kong was furious, slammed the table and stood up.

The last time the pirates invaded Naval Headquarters was the Golden Lion, which destroyed half of Marineford.

Unexpectedly, another pirate dared to come!

The fortress representing justice was attacked by pirates time and time again, which was tantamount to a naked humiliation.

"Who? How many people?"

"Report to the Marshal, there is only one intruder, and the identity is still being verified!"

The messenger responded nervously. The intelligence department was verifying the identity of the enemy, but until now, none of the big pirates with names could match up.

In the square in the bay, a large number of sailors held flintlock guns and surrounded the invaders in the center. As long as they gave an order, they could beat the opponent into a sieve.

"Blue skin, it's a murloc!"

"Look, that guy is holding a supernova!"

"What's the purpose of this guy?"

The sailors were sweating and nervous.

If you dare to invade Naval Headquarters alone, you must be strong!

"The old man wants to see Marshal Marine!"

Jinbei was drenched in blood, obviously suffering from extremely serious injuries, but he couldn't wait to heal himself, and rushed to Naval Headquarters immediately.

With a bang, the supernova with a bounty of more than 200 million Baileys fell to the ground.

"This old man is here to serve as Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

First update a chapter today, and make it up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The author needs to sort out the follow-up plot and enter the next big chapter.

(end of this chapter)

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