Chapter 348 The Real "Beasts"

Wanokuni, Ghost Island.

In the banquet hall, except for Quinn, who is the god far away on Sky Island, all other cadres are present, and the banquet square outside is also crowded with subordinates, and a ghost festival celebration is being held.

Because of the Battle of the Four Emperors, the ghost festival was postponed for half a month, and it was not officially held until Kaido returned with the cadres.

"Hey, hey, Quinn's not here, I always feel a little less flavorful."

Kaido is holding a wine glass, not too interested in drinking. This year's ghost festival can be said to be the most deserted one in recent years.

It wasn't just him, the number of lower-level members staying in the banquet square was doubled compared to the ghost festival in the past, but it was deserted, and the atmosphere couldn't be lively.

"so boring!"

"Lord Quinn is not here this year either."

"It's been a long time since I saw Lord Quinn's dance performance."

"Hey, I miss the 365th day of Lord Quinn."

The complaints from his subordinates echoed in his ears. It seemed that it didn't matter whether Gui Ji, the boss, was there or not, but Quinn must not be lost!

"Call Quinn back."

Kaido sighed speechlessly, even though he stayed in Sky Island for more than a year, Quinn still ranked first in the popular list of beasts.

This damn charm!

Fortunately, Quinn's charm is limited to low-level cadres and ordinary members, and the cadres prefer to drink with him.

"Heh heh heh, Boss Kaido!"

Guy Sa also attended the banquet, showing off his harvest in high spirits.

Fifty wooden boxes were placed in the hall, and each box contained twenty fruits with strange patterns.

Artificial Devil FruitSMILE!

Six months ago, Doflamingo sent 500 small humans to complete the last piece of the puzzle for mass production of SMILE!

Guy proudly introduced: "This is the harvest of this year, a total of 1,000 SMILEs, and the success rate is one tenth, which means that one hundred people can get the power of Devil Fruit!"

"Devil Fruit!"

The eyes of the real fighters are red, they have long known the existence of SMILE, and they also know the huge risks contained in SMILE.

Failure will lose other expressions, leaving only a smile!

Although the risk is extremely high, almost all real players are eager to get SMILE, after all, the power of Devil Fruit is too rare.

In the cruel world of pirates, strength is the capital of survival!

There is still hope for the young real fighters, but those older real fighters have already reached the end of their strength. If they want to go further, they can only rely on external forces.

"Well, it's not bad."

Kaido nodded in satisfaction, and was not surprised by his subordinate's reaction. Pirates live in blood and death, so how could they care about such a trivial matter as losing their expressions.

"Guy Sa, can the output be increased?"


Guy smiled brightly: "As long as there is sufficient funds, the annual output of SMILE can be doubled at most!"

"Funding is not an issue."

Kaido opened his mouth lightly, knowing very well that the funds are actually this guy's whore money, and it's not bad that three achievements are really spent on research.

It's just asking for money, just give it.

The Golden City is in operation, and even after deducting the dividends given to the government, as well as the money to manage government officials and Celestial Dragons, there will be an annual profit of 30 billion Pele.

In less than ten years, Tezolo has controlled 20% of the world's Pele, and the liquidity alone has 500 billion Pele. One can imagine how profitable he is.

Faster than grabbing!

Therefore, there is no need to save research funds. Only after feeding these greedy guys can they have the energy to work hard.

What's more, SMILE can also be sold for money!

Kaido picked up a SMILE fruit and asked, "Guy Sa, if it's on the black market, how much can one of these be sold for?"

"At least 1 million Baileys!"

Guy responded in the affirmative.

The starting price of a normal Devil Fruit is 100 million Baileys, depending on the strength of the Devil Fruit, there is a huge gap.

For example, the strongest Logia Devil Fruit can easily be sold for more than 1 billion Baileys, and the most powerful Logia can even be sold for 5 billion Baileys.

SMILE bought 10 pieces to ensure the ability, and there are side effects, and the effect is not as good as the real Devil Fruit, so the price will naturally be greatly reduced.

The price of 10 SMILEs is equivalent to one-tenth of the genuine Devil Fruit!

This is the estimated price of Guy Caesar.

"One million, 2,000 per year, is 2 billion Baileys."

Kaido did the math.

In the past, 2 billion Baileys was considered a huge sum of money for Beasts, which was the amount that Wanokuni offered for a year.

"Too few, Moria, sell all these fruits on the black market, each priced at 5 million Baileys!"


Moria complied without questioning.

Guy was taken aback, the price was set so high, can it really be sold, 5 million is a huge sum of money.


Kaido raised a smile and was not worried about the price of SMILE. The one-tenth success rate is its advantage.

Pirates are a bunch of gamblers!

In addition, most pirates have saved less than 100 million Baileys in their lifetime, but they can still take out 5 million Baileys by gnashing their teeth.

"Boss Kaido!"

Many really stood up.

"I want to eat a SMILE!"

"Me too!"

"Boss, such a precious thing should not be sold!"

Giving all these SMILE fruits to his own people will definitely strengthen the strength of the middle and lower classes of the beasts.

Kaido looked at the eager real players, and said calmly: "I know you guys want to gamble, and I won't stop it, but whoever wants to eat SMILE, buy it with your own money!"

spend money!

The real players were stunned for a while, but they didn't expect to spend money to buy it.

The boss of Kaido is not stingy, the 10 billion Pele sent by Doflamingo before was directly distributed to all members.

"Before then, I want to tell you."

Kaido stared slightly: "We Beasts Pirates will collect Devil Fruit for a long time. As long as you fight for the Beasts, you will have the opportunity to eat the real Devil Fruit."

"Real Devil Fruit!"

The real players are hesitant. If they have the chance to eat genuine products, who would like to eat pirated products with serious side effects.

But SMILE is right in front of them, and Kaido's boss's promise is still a blank promise. If Kaido's boss is not trustworthy, they would not even hesitate.

After a while, Zhen hit back to his seat, 5 million Baileys is not a small amount, at least two years have to be accumulated, and we will talk about it at that time.

Kaido nodded slightly, quite satisfied with Shinda's reaction.

If SMILE is successful, it will indeed bring about an increase in strength, but it will also limit its own development due to changes in body shape.

For the weak, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

But for potential fighters, the harm outweighs the good.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to see a lot of strange species in the group, and he will feel poor when he takes them out.

If you want a genuine Zoan ability user.

At present, there are almost 20 people with Zoan abilities in the Hundred Beasts Group, and it is just around the corner to gather 100 Zoan ability users!

He wants to build a real "beast"!

Not long after, the Emperor Bao appeared next to Kaido and reported: "Lord Kaido, Mihawk has appeared in the open sea. Do you want to let him enter the country?"


Kaido was a little surprised, wondering why Hawkeye came to Wanokuni, maybe he came to study with him.

"Let him enter!"

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New readers needn't bother.

(end of this chapter)

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