Chapter 350 Almighty Man

After four or five years of development, the industry of One Piece of Beasts has taken shape, basically covering all industries, even toothbrush underwear.

After earning the beasts' money, the beasts have a hundred ways to earn it back.

In addition, since the opening of the Golden City, Beasts has a stable money printing machine, and Baileys in the unit of 100 million are paid every day.

Compared with making money, Beast cares more about resources now!

Population, land, minerals, technology

Whether it is the distant four seas, or paradise and New World, human beings live on small islands.

The land is scarce, the natural resources are poor, and the population that can support is very limited.

Alabasta, far away in the paradise, has a population of only 10 million, which is enough to become a top superpower.

Ordinary countries have a population of less than 1 million, while some small countries may have a population of less than 100,000.

The population is sparse, the labor force is small, and the natural resources that can be found and developed are also few. Coupled with the harsh maritime traffic environment, the transportation cost is greatly increased, and the resource problem is even more serious.

The capital of seven waters, with its world-class shipyards and craftsmen, was almost destroyed due to the lack of steel and wood.

The Beasts Pirates are based in the New World, and the territory they can carve up is limited. It is impossible for the other Four Emperors to watch Beasts expand without limit, and the World government will not allow Beasts to dominate alone.

A balanced development situation is what all forces want.

Therefore, the importance of imported resources is self-evident.

"Hey hee hee!"

Moria's eyes were red, if what Crocodile said was true, then the other party is likely to become a world-class mining tycoon in the future!

The identity of the Seven Warlords of the Sea provided the greatest protection for it, and even the franchise countries could easily set foot in it, but I don't know if the other party is aware of this.

"Something I need?"

Crocodile's thoughts changed. What he is most urgent now is to strengthen the strength of his subordinates and cultivate a reliable logistics team.

In addition to spending money to recruit powerful thugs, he can only develop slowly, but now he is short of money and food, only a pile of buried stones, and he can't get up quickly.

"What is it?"

"Smlie, Faux Devil Fruit!"

Moria threw out a big killer. He knew what Crocodile needed, and Smlie could just make up for the other's shortcomings.


Crocodile stared.

Beasts Pirates once displayed artificial Devil Fruit at the aunt's tea party, which attracted the attention of many forces, and he also heard about it.

Could it be that energy has been produced?

"how many?"

"How much do you want, how much do you have!"

Moria responded calmly.

With the annual output of Smlie, it is easy to supply Crocodile, unless this guy really makes a fortune from mining in the future.

Crocodile lit his cigar and took a deep breath.


In the previous war with Red Hair, if he could have 100 capable subordinates, then he should be the one to become the Four Emperors!

Buy it, and you have to buy it even if you lose your fortune!

"I need to see concrete results!"

"Hehehe, don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Moria grinned to her ears.

For those low-level pirates, Smlie is an excellent help to improve their strength, and the improvement of physical strength is almost exactly the same as the real Zoan fruit.

It's a pity that Brother Kaido doesn't like the Smlie fruit, otherwise, if the beasts and ordinary fighters eat it, their strength will increase a lot.

Although it is of no great use.

Whether the pirate group is strong or not depends mainly on the strength of the captain and core cadres. With him, Jhin, and the new concubine Lei, it is enough to push Brother Kaido to the throne of Pirate King!


After the bell, the northern area.

In the wide river, the boatman propped up a long bamboo pole and steered the ferry forward slowly. There were only a few guests on board.

A man wearing a bamboo hat is sitting on the side of the boat, holding a pipe, and a slender fishing rod by his feet, silently waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Beside him, stood a foreign swordsman carrying a gorgeous long sword.

After an unknown amount of time, the front end of the fishing rod sank suddenly, and the man in the bamboo hat immediately picked up the fishing rod. After some extreme pulling, the fish escaped smoothly.

"Damn it, the fare is gone."

The man in the bamboo hat had a dark face, yelled at the river angrily, and then looked at the foreign swordsman beside him, feeling even more irritable.

This unlucky guy must have scared the fish away.

The man in the bamboo hat took a puff of his dry cigarette, squinted at Hawkeye, and said coldly, "Little brother, you were looking for a warrior just now, right?"

"That's right."

Hawkeye acknowledged with a nod that he'd asked the boatman about the warriors since he'd been aboard, and everyone on board now kept away from him.

Only the man in the bamboo hat did not give way.

Hawkeye's eyes moved down slightly, and fell on the opponent's hand holding the fishing rod. The movement was not like fishing, but holding a knife.

The moment the fish took the bait just now, the opponent's fierce aura erupted, like a swordsman about to kill the enemy.

There is also the biggest flaw, the other party is a layman and can't fish at all!

Hawkeye snorted softly, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a confident arc.

In addition to swordsmanship, his ability to live is also something to be proud of.

Whether it's farming and growing flowers, cooking and housework, or even fishing, his level is top-notch!

When you're away from home, it's all on your own!

"Haha, how ridiculous."

The strong man sneered disdainfully.

"You came a few years late, there are no warriors in this country, only the bereaved dogs who have abandoned their beliefs!"

"Including you?"

Hawkeye looked at each other coldly, and unceremoniously opened the other's scar.

He is not in the habit of spoiling others.


The man in the bamboo hat froze his smile, subconsciously grasping the fishing rod tightly. If someone had offended him like this before, he would have killed him.

But now that he has no knife, he can only deceive himself with a fishing rod on weekdays, whether it is a bereaved dog or something.

"Yes, including me."

The man in the bamboo hat put down his fishing rod decadently, and said bitterly: "When the boat docks, you can go to the cemetery in the north to have a look. The Sakura flowers are blooming. At this time of the year, many people will go to worship the sword god Ryoma."

Ryoma is the belief of warriors, and those who worship him are naturally warriors. In the past, ordinary people were not even qualified to worship Ryoma.

"Sword God Ryoma. That's exactly what I mean."

Hawkeye nodded slightly. His purpose of taking this ferry going north was to visit the tomb of Longma in the northern cemetery.

In the process of searching for the samurai, the people of Wanokuni would only talk about the sword god Ryoma without scruples, and they were very proud, and many people in the town were preparing sacrifices.

The atmosphere of the festival is very strong.

He also learned a very important piece of information, the saber Qiushui of the sword god Ryoma, which is a real black sword, is now in the hands of Kaido's daughter Yamato.

Hawkeye stared at the man in the bamboo hat, seeing his depressed appearance, frowned and asked, "Aren't you going?"

"I have to go to work in a factory, otherwise I won't be able to support my wife and children."

The man in the hat sighed.

Now all the food in Wanokuni comes from outside, and the selling price is very low, which makes it impossible to support a family by farming.

Ordinary people want to live a decent life, they can only follow the crowd to work in factories, or follow the arrangement of the above to join other low-level positions.

People with a bit of ability can also choose to join the Zhensengumi.

He wants to add furniture to the home, buy new clothes for his wife and children, and want the children to go to school, so he can only compromise.

"That's right, little brother."

Before parting, the man in the hat reminded: "Recently there has been a big rumor that there is a resurrection of dead souls in the northern cemetery. You must be careful when you go."

"Thank you, I'll keep an eye out."

Hawkeye nodded amusedly, turned and left.

Revenant or something, probably something like phosphorous fire, this country is very backward, and I don't understand some natural imaginations.

Hmph, even if there are dead souls, he can kill them!

(end of this chapter)

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