Chapter 354 Mining Tycoon Mr. Ke

Days passed by.

Cactus Island, Sand Hidden Village.

The hall of Crocodile Fort is brightly lit, and there are all kinds of drinks, and Moria and his subordinates are warmly entertained.

Tea Beard and Absalom hooked up shoulder to shoulder, blushed from drinking, bragging about the past of their boss.

"Brother Salom, let me tell you a secret. When our boss challenged Whitebeard, we defeated several captains!"

"Phoenix Marco? Diamond Jozzy? Woohoo, how could that kind of thing be our BOSS opponent!"

"Gulululu, when Captain Moria challenged Lord Kaido, he also beat up the two big kanbans!"

Obviously drunk.

Crocodile was also drinking in the hall of Moria, listening to the bragging of his subordinates, even though he was used to the wind and waves, his face could not help but twitch.

It's so embarrassing.

Crocodile had a dark face, ignored the tea beard, and forcibly shifted his attention to the center of the banquet hall.

There were several real fighters standing there.

One of them was laughing all the time and looked very happy, while the others were extremely weird, like a contract between humans and animals.

Solitia with six arms.

Bliss with orangutans on his arms.

Hedgehog-like on the back.

There are countless members of Beasts Pirates who are eager to eat Smile, and a few of them just have enough savings, so they can't wait to buy them.

It just so happens that Beast needs some givers to show the effect of smiling to customers, and the effect of showing smiles eaten by dead things is much worse.

"Hehehe, not bad!"

Moria grinned: "Except for some flaws in appearance, in terms of strength, it is no different from normal Zoan ability users."

"It's really good."

Crocodile was satisfied, appearance was the least important thing, as long as it could gain power, it didn't matter how weird it became.

The effect of Smile is really strong!

The most important thing is that the price is low and can be supplied in large quantities. As long as the money is in place, an army of capable people can be formed.

He also wants the real Devil Fruit, but the price of Devil Fruit is high, and there is no market for it, so it is difficult to buy it with money.

"How much can you give me?"

"The first transaction is 100 coins."

100 is 500 million Baileys, which is enough to create ten granters under normal circumstances, which is not bad power.

Moria was all smiles, and during the day he visited the mines in the desert and confirmed the effect of Crocodile's ability.

A long time ago, Cactus Island was the territory of beasts.

Because the residents on the island are too poor and the desert climate is difficult for human beings to survive, they are given away as hot potatoes.

Beasts doesn't want to do business that loses money.

At that time, there were indeed no minerals on the island, or they could not be found. After all, prospecting for minerals is a very difficult job, let alone in the harsh desert environment.

In this world, probably only the Crocodile that eats Sand-Sand Fruit can do this.


Crocodile agreed, 100 Smiles is indeed a little less, but when the output of ore increases in the future, the transaction volume can be slowly expanded, and there is no rush.

After his abilities are awakened, making money is only a matter of time for him.

Before challenging the Four Emperors again, he wants to build a steel capital in the desert, as well as the strongest legion of capable people! ——

Vodka kingdom, royal palace.

"Kaido Saha!"

With pink eyes and long sky blue and pink hair, the four-year-old Urti happily rushed towards Kaido with his short legs.

When the distance was shortened to three meters, the little girl kicked her legs hard!

"Moisturizing Gun!"

The cute little girl started off like a bazooka, and crashed into Kaido's arms. The horns of the same style as Kaido's head poked desperately, obviously harboring evil intentions.

King Urad, who was following the little girl, couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes when he saw this, and quickly reprimanded him with a straight face: "Little Tip, get off Lord Kaido quickly!"

"No! Slightly slightly slightly~~"

Not only did Urti not come down, she stuck out her tongue at her father and taunted her, proudly talking to a little witch.

"No, it's okay."

Kaido waved his hand and let the little girl hang on his body.

This girl will become the core subordinate of Hundred Beasts in the future. She and her younger brother Peggy Wan are both members of the Flying Six, and her talents are quite good.

And he came from the ghost clan like him, and he showed extraordinary strength and speed when he was only four years old, and he especially liked to hit people with head hammers.


"Wow ~ wow ~"

When Urad was in a hurry, crying came from behind, and then a young woman with the same horns appeared holding the baby.

She is Urad's wife, the queen of the Vodka Kingdom, and the baby in her arms is Peggy Wan, who has just turned one year old.

"Ah, Xiaopei is crying!"

Seeing her brother crying, the little girl quickly got off Kaido and ran to her brother's side, baring her teeth and claws nervously.

She likes her brother the most.

The queen ignored her daughter, and came to Urad with Peggy Wan in her arms, and bowed respectfully to Kaido: "Lord Kaido."


Kaido nodded with a smile, took out two treasure chests from the cloak, and handed them to Urad.

"This is a first-year gift for Peggy Wan, and Tit also has a share."

"This is?"

Urad took the treasure box, and his pupils shrank after opening it.

"Devil Fruit!"

Two Devil Fruits!

One of them has fan-like protrusions, and the other has a very large upper part, which looks unusual.

I'm afraid it is a very precious ability!

"Master Kaido, this is too precious!"

Urad's hands trembled, and one of the Devil Fruits fell directly to the ground, almost breaking in half.

He never dreamed that Kaido would give such a precious thing to his children, this is Devil Fruit!

He dare not ask for it!

Just when he bent down to pick it up, the daughter standing next to his wife opened her mouth wide, ejected and started again, and hit it like a dump truck!

"Moisturizing Gun!"

In a blink of an eye, the little girl flew from under Urad's hand, and the Devil Fruit disappeared.

Urad looked sideways in bewilderment, and saw her daughter swallowing, and the round object in her neck swallowed into her body.



Urad's brain was congested, and he immediately grabbed his daughter's leg, shaking it vigorously up and down, trying to throw the Devil Fruit out.

However, it didn't work.

The little girl covered her mouth desperately, even though her eyes became mosquito coils, she refused to let go.

Hmph, there's no reason to spit out what she ate.

"Well, leave her alone."

Kaido smiled and waved his hands: "These two fruits were originally in the vodka treasure house, and now they are also returned to vodka."

"Thank you Kaido-sama!"

Urad bowed to thank him, and no longer entangled in this matter.

He knows very well in his heart that when Ti and Pei grow up, they will definitely serve the beasts, which is why Kaido is willing to give the fruits.

Kaido nodded in satisfaction. Generally speaking, the sooner he eats the Devil Fruit, the more familiar he is with his ability, and the easier it is to awaken.

"Let's go to Mermaid Harbor!"

He came here this time because Jinbei was waiting for him at the Murloc Harbor next to Wangcheng, and sending Devil Fruit was just a incidental thing.

Jinbei, become Seven Warlords of the Sea!

(end of this chapter)

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