Chapter 374 Black Flame

South of Prisoner Quarry, Shoreline.


The drink is poured into the glass.

Kaido and Jhin picked up the wine glasses, touched each other, and then drank the wine in one gulp!

"Hey, hey, Jhin, you're doing really well today!"

"Yes, Brother Kaido!"

Jhin took off his mask to reveal his true face, and the flames behind his back became more intense, as if responding to his master's high emotions.

After being called the "King of Fire" by Marine, in the eyes of outsiders and subordinates, he is not only Kaido's right-hand man, but also the veritable deputy captain of Beasts Pirates!

However, he doesn't think so.

"Can I really take on the heavy responsibility of the deputy captain?"

Jhin often asks himself this way, but the answer is no.

He is far from qualified.

The deputy captain is the person who can still carry the banner of the Pirates and lead his subordinates to the future when the captain is away.

With his current prestige and strength, he is still far behind.

Moria, Concubine Lei, Stupid Quinn, Fei Liubao, and young members such as Jack, there are more and more strong members in the group, and the only person who can make them recognize is Big Brother Kaido!

But he will never give up the position of deputy captain to anyone.

Because, that is the closest place to Brother Kaido!

He longs for the day when he can fight side by side with Big Brother Kaido.

And the practice of forging swords during this period has given him a clearer understanding of his potential strength, and now he needs a big battle!

The wine glasses of the two were thrown high and flew towards the rocky ground in the distance.

With a "click", it fell to pieces.

Kaido and Jhin walked past each other, walking towards the coast, and didn't stop until the distance was 100 meters away.

Turn around, eyes meet again!

Without any words, both of them can see the meaning in each other's eyes!

"Dan Bow!"

Jhin ran two steps forward, then jumped up, his body turned into a huge pteranodon in the air, flapping his wings vigorously, his body galloped like a big bow!

The distance of 100 meters is here in an instant!


The right wing is like a huge fan-shaped blade, wrapped around the jet-black Armament Haki, sweeping towards Kaido who is on the ground, even the ground is split open by the cutting of the wing tip!


Kaido raised his head to the sky and roared, and directly activated the strongest dragon form, and the mace blasted at the cutting blade with all its strength!

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

The mace and the blade collided fiercely!


In an instant, with the two of them as the center, a shock wave swept out, shattering all the surrounding ground and rocks.

Immediately afterwards, the pterodactyl Jin flew back in a panic, and rolled dozens of times in the air before barely holding his body.

In the competition of power, the power of Qinglong is obviously better!

However, strength is not the strong point of pterosaurs.

Jhin transformed into a pterodactyl form, held the crown on his head, pulled it to the limit and let go, and an air bullet that was more ferocious than a laser shot out downwards!

"Sable self-respecting emperor!"

Although the moves are not very beautiful, but the power is first-class astonishing, and the speed is incredible, almost impossible to dodge.

Kaido raised the dragon claw, and the substantial Haki wrapped around the dragon claw and arm, as if wearing a layer of translucent Haki gauntlets.

Can dodge, but don't want to dodge!

The dragon claws grabbed the air and flicked it. At the moment of contact, the body sank suddenly. Under the transmission of force, the ground behind him cracked layer by layer, spreading for a distance of 100 meters!

An extremely dangerous blow!

Yet the attack was not over.

Jhin knew very well that this move alone would not be able to defeat Big Brother Kaido, so he immediately switched to the form of a pterosaur and swooped down.

In the way pterosaurs hunt, the strongest weapon is always the beak!

The closed beak is like a pitch-black javelin, with a gloomy and cold light shining on its surface, which can easily penetrate everything in the world!

"Flying Falcon Emperor!"

Instead of attacking unsuspecting weak points such as the head, he attacked with all his strength to block the air bullet and wrap around Haki's dragon claws.

He has his own pride.


Like the sound of metal crashing, the tip of the pterosaur's beak pierced the center of the dragon's claw, and the strong wind howled out to the surroundings, leaving deep cut marks on the ground.

However, the tip of the pterosaur's beak did not touch the dragon's claw, but was blocked by the Haki gauntlet wrapped around the dragon's claw!

Jhin's eyes were ferocious, and he waved his wings with all his strength to increase the propulsion, and the flames behind him also formed two cyclones, and the jet of flames further increased the thrust!


With a "click", the tip of the beak pierced into Haki's armor!


With the tip of the beak as the center, the cracks spread to the surroundings, and when the limit was reached, the Haki gauntlets shattered!

The pterosaur's beak pierced the heart of the dragon's claw!

However, the dragon's claws covered with fine dragon scales are an absolute defense that is more difficult to break through than the Haki gauntlets.

"It's not enough to try my best to reach me!"

Kaido said coldly, closed the dragon claws and grabbed the pterosaur's beak, raised the mace with the other hand, and smashed it towards the pterosaur's forehead!


The ground exploded!


At a critical moment, Jhin switched to a human form to get rid of the restraints, leaped backwards to avoid the hammer blow, and was ready to fight back.

The knife was pulled out, and a hot flame ignited on the surface!

"Guard the Fire Dragon Emperor!"

The flame flying dragon, which looks like a green dragon, shoots out from the blade, and the scorching flames are as hot as magma, as if they want to burn everything up!

This is his strongest trick!

Unleash all the flame power in his body in exchange for absolute attack power. During this period, he will lose his strong defense. It is a dangerous and powerful ultimate move.

As for the shape of Qinglong, it was a parody imitation because of his admiration for Kaido.

"Wow, it's hot!"

Kaido opened his mouth wide, inhaling all the surrounding air into his stomach, and his stomach swelled up visibly.

When the fire dragon approached, Kaido closed his mouth, and then spit out all the accumulated air facing the front!

"Dragon Cry Eight Trigrams!"

The turbulent airflow gathered together, smashing the head and body of the dragon like a heavy hammer, one after another!

Flames flew out in all directions, igniting everything around Kaido.

"As expected."

Jhin fell to the ground, and he had expected that the trick would be blocked. He knew better than anyone else how powerful Big Brother Kaido really was.

Without Yan Mo in hand, he can't use Conqueror's entanglement for the time being, and even if he uses Conqueror's entanglement, he may not be able to pose a threat to Kaido.

Haki, swordsmanship, fruit, and the special physique of the Lunaria family.

He has many abilities, the strongest of which must be his physique, but each of these abilities is inferior to that of Kaido.

So, what he has to do is blend it all together!

"Brother Kaido, when I saw you use Haki to condense ghosts and gods, I understood that Haki can also extend outside the body!"

Jhin held the long knife tightly, and the blade gradually turned pitch black under Haki's entanglement.

The next moment, raging flames ignited on the blade, and gradually turned into black flames under Haki's erosion!

Melt Haki into an invisible flame!

He couldn't extend Haki into the air to shape it like Big Brother Kaido did, but the practice of forging swords during this period gave him a more thorough understanding of fire.

Flames are part of his body.

Jhin swung the blade of black flame, and cut open the huge rock beside him, the incision was in a melting state like magma.

Even rocks can burn!

"Brother Kaido, you have to be careful!"

(end of this chapter)

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