Chapter 378 Assassination Plan

On the top floor of General City, there is a tea room. If you drink tea here, you can have a panoramic view of the city of flowers just by looking outside.


The wine glass was poured on the tea table, and all the wine was spilled.

The girl who was pouring the wine turned pale, and quickly fell to her knees, trembling with fear. Such a mistake in pouring wine for King Huguo Ming cannot be easily forgiven.

"Sorry, Lord Ming."

Xiaomei came to the tea table, knelt down to clean the tea table, and at the same time softly pleaded for her maidservant and next generation oiran.

"Xiaozi is serving you for the first time, and it is inevitable that she is a little nervous. I hope you will not be angry."

"Well, I'm not that stingy."

Kaido waved his hands with a smile, and glanced at the little girl.

A long time ago, he knew that this girl was picked up by Xiaomei and raised as the oiran of the next generation, but he didn't interfere.

The status of an oiran is very suitable for the young lady of the Kozuki family!

"Kozuki, just a bunch of clowns!"

Just now, the news of the active Kozuki samurai came from the Sky Palace, and Xiaozi seemed to be affected, so there was a scene where the wine was spilled.

Kaido smiled and didn't take this matter to heart.

He needn't worry.

Not to mention a few clowns, even if Kozuki Oden is resurrected, his men can wipe him out completely.

The beasts are no longer what they used to be!

Soon, a maid reported.

"Lord King Ming, Lord Jin is here."

"Jhin? Let him in."

Kaido was a little surprised. During this period of time, Jhin was supposed to be working in the prison quarry, so why did he come to Jiangjun City to look for him.

Is it game over for prisoners?

Not long after, Jin, who was dressed neatly, opened the sliding door and walked into the tea room.

"Brother Kaido."

"Sit down and drink!"

Kaido stretched out his hand to signal, and seeing Jhin's attire, he knew that Jhin would not go to the prisoner quarry to practice again.

Although it seems a bit nonsense, this practice has indeed grown a lot, and it is even more unexpected joy to comprehend Black Flame.

Needless to say, Xiaomei, who was kneeling at the tea table, immediately poured wine for Kaido, and on the other side, Xiaozi was also pouring wine for Jin.

"Brother Kaido, Hawkeye"

After drinking a few cups, Jhin recounted the situation in the prisoner quarry, emphasizing the release of Hawkeye, which was the only thing that might go against the wishes of Big Brother Kaido.

"No problem."

Kaido waved his hand indifferently, he didn't have any idea about Hawkeye, and as for accepting apprentices, it was also for gaining some experience, not to mention that there would be a chance to meet in the future.

Jhin felt relieved, he knew that Big Brother Kaido couldn't blame him for this kind of thing, but before he got the answer, he would be somewhat concerned.

"Brother Kaido, I was outside just now and I heard about Kozuki."

"Well, you don't need to intervene in this matter. I will leave it to Concubine Lei to solve the situation in Wanokuni in the future."

Kaido smiled and said that after Lily took over the position of general, she regarded Wanokuni as her territory.

Except for Onijima and the weapons factory, she will lead the thirteenth division to solve other things that happen in Wanokuni without the intervention of other cadres.

Even if they belong to all beasts, meddling in other people's work will be regarded as a provocative act, and even cause faction wars.

"I see."

Jhin nodded silently, that Concubine Lei was more protective than he expected, so let her take the credit for now.

"By the way, I am very concerned about one thing. According to intelligence, the Kozuki warriors have many reinforcements, and they seem to be fur tribes."

"Well, I heard that too."

Kaido stared slightly.

This time the Kozuki samurai is active, and the identity of the mastermind has been confirmed.

Ninja and Kawamatsu!

The two were Oden's retainers and participated in the "ghost festival".

Ninja is a ninja with many tricks to escape. Kawamatsu is a murloc and is very good at swimming. There is nothing else worth caring about.

However, if you want to pull up a powerful resistance team, force alone is not enough, and strategy is also extremely important, but the two people in the intelligence are not talents who are good at strategy.

Someone is helping them!

According to the intelligence of the Second Division, Kozuki's rebel army has hairy monsters all over the body. This physical feature is very similar to Oden's retainers, Mamushi and Inuarashi.

Details are yet to be confirmed.

"I'm planning to find them too!"

Kaido snorted coldly, with the relationship between cats and dogs, it is not surprising that Kozuki samurai can contact the fur tribe.

But if he doesn't want to live with his tail between his legs, but still wants to gather warriors in his territory, he doesn't care about all the beasts!

It just so happened that I got the historical text about Zou before, and the information recorded in it can find Zou at a specific time and place.

Jiuli, Toushan.

This place used to be the territory of bandits, and the boy Ashura led hundreds of bandits to occupy here until they were conquered by Oden.

After Kozuki Oden's death, the unsuitable head mountain was abandoned again, and it became a place where ronin gathered and where Kozuki's remnants hid.

In the dilapidated room, everyone discussed the next action.

He Song danced and danced: "Qiababa, I didn't expect that there would be a warrior from the fur tribe to assist me, so my confidence has increased a lot!"

"Master He Song thinks too highly of us."

Pedro said in a deep voice: "We came to Wanokuni this time to follow the order of King Yang Jisihan, in order to confirm the death of Lord Inuarashi and Lord Momomushi."

Inuarashi and Maomushi are powerful existences in the fur clan, and King Sheep Khan has always regarded them as his successors.

Not long ago, Zou received a call for help from the Kozuki clan, and immediately sent an advance team to understand the situation.

"Inuarashi. Cat Viper."

Mentioning the two of them, the atmosphere in the room was immediately suppressed a lot.

"Hesong, and everyone from the fur clan."

Ah Ren cheered up and showed a reluctant smile: "This operation is our opportunity. As long as we can assassinate General Lei Fei, the morale of the warriors will definitely increase!"

The rebels have only one purpose, to assassinate General Lei Fei.

They don't have the courage to assassinate Kaido, but they have the courage to assassinate the new general, and it's great!

General Lei Fei's strength made Wanokuni's old samurai class dissatisfied, and it also gave the two Arenin an opportunity.

As long as General Lei Fei can be killed, it will definitely help the Kozuki clan. No matter how bad it is, it can also restore Wanokuni to its appearance under the rule of General Yamato.

Anyway, give it a try.

The general is not Kaido. Although he doesn't know how strong he is, how can he be reconciled if he doesn't try, not to mention that this assassination operation has another purpose.

"Mrs. Toki, Momanosuke-sama, Hiyori-sama, are you still alive?"

Aren prayed in his heart.

In the ghost sacrifice battle, only she and He Song escaped from the ghost island.

They rushed to Oden Castle desperately, trying to rescue Lord Oden's family, but Oden Castle had already been reduced to flames.

She and Kawamatsu firmly believed that Mrs. Toki and Momanosuke's brother and sister were not dead, but they couldn't find them after several years of searching. They only heard a rumor.

After twenty years, Kozuki returns!

This is the last hope for the two.

Before that, the two were eager to find Mrs. Shi's family and protect them, so if they succeeded in assassinating the general, Mrs. Shi would definitely show up in front of them with Momonosuke brothers and sisters!

The only difficulty is that everything about General Lei Fei is unknown!

(end of this chapter)

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