Chapter 380 Hallucinating Fog

Pirates' enthusiasm for treasures always ranks first. Even if they know that the possibility of finding treasures is very low, pirates are still willing to invest a lot of energy.

There are countless pirates who are eager to find treasures and get rich overnight.

And for many pirates, compared to the treasure itself, the process of finding the treasure is also the greatest source of happiness, and the sense of anticipation makes them unable to stop.

Therefore, when the news spread that there was a phantom beast Devil Fruit in Misty Island, a large number of pirates came immediately, including some strong ones.

In the northern waters of the island, a medium-sized pirate ship quickly approached the coast. The skull on the pirate flag has long hair, looks like a pineapple, and has wings on both sides.

They are the Phoenix Pirates under Whitebeard!

"Captain Marco, we're here!"


Marco came to the deck and looked at the island hidden in the mist in the distance, feeling a lot excited immediately.

"Little ones, bring the boat closer!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

A month ago, Marco left the Whitebeard Pirates with some members of the first team, and entered the New World as a rookie.

For Marko's choice, although Whitebeard and the other captains felt a little sudden, they didn't care too much.

Among the many captains, Marco is the youngest, still in the restless period of youth, and it is normal to be impatient.

Even if a new pirate group is established, it is still a part of the Whitebeard pirate group, as did Whitebeard, Andre and other captains back then.

When you've had enough fun, you'll go home.


Marco sat cross-legged on the bow, looking at the coast getting closer and closer, with an indescribable expectation in his heart.

This is the first time he has left his father and ventured out on his own.


The sea water suddenly exploded on the side of the ship!

"what happened?"

Marco almost fell, but got up quickly.

"Enemy attack! At three o'clock, it's the Big Eddy Spider Pirates!"

The roar of the subordinates came from the observation deck above the mast, and the crew immediately entered into a fighting state after a brief panic, quacking excitedly.

Long time no raid!

In the past, when pirates saw the banner of the Whitebeard Pirates, most of them would choose to run away, except for the bold newcomers.

The Phoenix Pirates have just been established and are still in an unknown stage, so it is natural to be attacked.

"Bombardment! Bombardment!"

Without the captain's reminder, the crew manipulated the cannon and fired back violently, making Marco's eyelids twitch.

This ship cost him all his belongings, not even money to buy supplies, and every shell he fired was one less round.

I don't know how to save some money!

"Look at me!"

The phoenix burning with blue flames flew towards the enemy ship!

Similar situations took place around Misty Island.

When pirates meet on the sea, almost 100% of them will break out into battles. Eating black is an important way for pirates to strengthen their power.

At this time, a large number of pirates gathered around Misty Island, and there will naturally be friction between them. Defeating other participants is also an important part of the treasure hunt.

Devil Fruit, a phantom beast species worth more than one billion Baileys, is worth risking your life for!

The island is very large, and many pirates landed on the island without encountering the enemy, just like the boats of Baishou Academy.

But they didn't lead anything. The environment on the island was far more complicated than they imagined. As soon as they entered the fog, some pirates lost their way.

"Now we're in big trouble."

Rayleigh stood next to a dark dead tree, frowning tightly, and there was no student beside him.

As he went deeper into the island, the concentration of the fog became more and more dense. When he realized that something was wrong, he had already separated from the students.

The dense fog on the island seems to have the effect of paralyzing the senses.

"I didn't expect that I would make such a low-level mistake."

On the sea, the most dangerous thing is not the powerful enemy, but the complex and changeable environment. Many years ago near Sabaody, he almost died in a shipwreck, but fortunately he was saved by a little murloc.

All pirates know that the sea must not be underestimated, but this time he underestimated the danger of the Misty Island, which is why he is in the current embarrassment.

"There are too many auras on the island, and it is impossible to identify which ones are the aura of the students."

Knowledge covers the entire island, trying to find Yamato and the others, but there are too many pirates on the island at the moment, and it is impossible to completely distinguish them.

Rayleigh opened his eyes helplessly. He was not worried about the safety of the students. Ordinary pirates were really no match for Yamato and the others, but this feeling of being out of control inevitably made people irritated.

In addition, I don't know if it is an illusion, but the spirit seems to be a little tired, and the consumption of using knowledge color is much greater than before.

"The news about the treasure may be true."

The more complicated the environment, the more likely there are hidden treasures, because it is difficult for ordinary people to take the treasure out.

In the depths of the island, Yamato is carrying a straight wooden stick, wandering around in a majestic and high-spirited manner.

Although I am a little puzzled why the partners have disappeared, but if you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Adventure is the most important thing.

As he walked, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, causing Yamato's eyes to pop out in fright.

"Eh? Father!"

What's going on, did dad come to catch her?

The little girl leaned over suspiciously, and poked the old man with a wooden stick from a long distance away. After a while of stirring, Kaido's figure quickly disappeared like a phantom.

Then, it appeared in another place.


Yamato's forehead was full of question marks, but she quickly thought of something.

"Sister Maria's phantom fog?"

Maria can use a small amount of toxin to create a poisonous mist, which will cause hallucinations if inhaled.

Similar to the present situation.

Could it be that the fog on this island is poisonous?


The little girl tore off her sleeves and wrapped them around her face to cover her mouth and nose, as if doing so would prevent inhalation of mist.

A very simple method that does have some effect.

Kaido's phantom disappears.

"Wow ha ha ha, let's go!"

Not only Yamato, but other people have the same situation. As long as they inhale the mist, they will be affected unconsciously.

Disorientation, hallucinations, and slow thinking are among the effects of fog.

To the southeast of the island, two men are confronting each other.

"It's you, Rob Lucci!"

The CP9 member wearing a red horn mask pointed at Lu Qi and yelled a little out of composure, but soon became dissatisfied with his nervousness.

"It's an illusion!"

According to rumors, Rob Lucci is the strongest genius in the history of CP. When he was less than ten years old, he mastered the six styles and stepped into the superhuman realm.


He's just a little guy with no hair on his head, so what if he's a bit more talented, he's also a super genius in practicing the Six Forms, why no one praises him!

It may be that there is too much resentment towards Lu Qi, which has caused too much pressure on the horned man. Even if he knows it is a phantom, it still makes him angry.

"Kill you!"

The horned man disappeared instantly, and appeared in front of Lu Qi in the blink of an eye, poking his finger at Lu Qi's neck!

"Finger Pistol!"


Lu Qi dodged Finger Pistol sideways, raised his hand and grabbed the attacker's wrist, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he poked out with his free hand!

"Finger Pistol!"

With a "poof", there was a blood hole in the horned man's chest, and the intense pain made him almost cry out.

Fuck, it's not an illusion!

This guy is the real thing!

(end of this chapter)

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