One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 393 Undercover Is A Kozuki Tradition

Chapter 393 Undercover is a Kozuki Tradition

Gong Si picked up a piece of fried tofu and put it in his mouth, hummed lightly, and narrowed his eyes happily.

"Hmm~~ The fried tofu is just right, tender and juicy."

Soon, Miss Fox entered the cooking mode.

“Sake is sweet and spicy!”

“Delicious chicken skewers too!”

"Wow, that's what beef tastes like!"

In Zou, the main source of food is the fish and shrimp brought by the rain of grace, as well as the abundant fruits on the island.

Regarding meat, the fur tribe only eats the meat of animals without hair.

Such as hippos, crocodiles, lizards.

Although delicious, the variety is scarce and slightly monotonous.

Except for fox meat, she has no special taboo foods, and she has long wanted to try the delicacies recorded in the book.

Kaido drank leisurely, admiring the beauty of the city of flowers.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming. When drinking and enjoying the flowers, it is just time to think about the information you have recently received.

"Through prayer and faith, Devil Fruit is born!"

Cat Cat Fruit, Slippery Fruit, Mera-mera Fruit

These things and physical phenomena that exist in reality have corresponding Devil Fruits, but the abilities of phantom beasts only exist in myths and legends.

In the case of Wanokuni, the way of praying for the birth of fruit is likely to be true, and there are too many special phantom beast species in this country.

Dakou Zhenshen, Yamata no Orochi, Dao Dao.

Alabasta also has two Devil Fruits that have been passed down for a long time.

Jackal and Falcon.

Perhaps these two fruits also have real names like Nika, such as the human fruit Phantom Beast, Anubis and Horus.

"It should be emotions!"

Kaido frowned.

The power of belief is not only belief, but also negative emotions such as fear. The phantom beast Yamata no Orochi is more likely to be born in the fear of the people of Wanokuni.

"Somewhere in this world, there may still be groups of people who believe in Qinglong."

Kaido is a little concerned about the origin of Qinglong, but also has another thought.

Since Phantom Beasts are born based on human emotions, is it possible to use beliefs to create new Phantom Beasts Devil Fruit?

Such as Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

Since the Azure Dragon Fruit exists, the other four holy beasts should also exist. However, the information from the Beasts Pirates has never heard of anyone having the ability of white tigers and other phantom beasts.

Perhaps, the world has forgotten them.

If we find the place of origin of the four holy beasts and allow the groups living there to enshrine them again, will they be born in the form of Devil Fruit one day!


The sliding door of the box was pushed open!

Kaido looked up, and Lily in a purple kimono walked in with a blank expression, seeming very unhappy.


The sliding door was pulled to death!

Lily took her seat with a cold face, Kaido was on the left, and Miss Fox was biting a chicken skewer on the right with a satisfied expression.

She looked at Gong Si, her eyes sharpened instantly.

"Master Kaido, is she?"

"Her name is Gong Si, a new member of the Beasts Pirates, and will stay in the Flower Capital in the future."

Kaido introduced with a calm expression, without the slightest sense of panic of being caught.

"Gong Si, this is Concubine Lei, also General Wanokuni."


The palace secretary looked at Lily who seemed to be in a bad mood, and immediately understood something, and introduced himself with a smile.

"My lord, I am the priestess from Zou, and I will live in the capital of flowers in the future. Please take care of me!"


Lily nodded expressionlessly.

Hearing that Lord Kaido is back, she specially ordered her servants to prepare a sumptuous lunch, all of which are dishes that Lord Kaido likes.

However, the sun shone three poles, and there was no shadow of Lord Kaido.

When she learned from her subordinates that Master Kaido was drinking with a suspicious woman outside, she was so angry that she almost flipped the table.

Where did the stinky fox come from!

Lily stared at Miss Fox, her eyes gradually lit up with a dangerous purple thunder.

Gong Si hid his knife in his smile, and looked at each other without any hesitation.

She came to Wanokuni, not to become a servant, to command her existence, it is enough to have Master Kaido.

Get the fruit of Nine Tails, become the core cadre of Hundred Beasts, and then live the comfortable life you want.

This is her purpose!

So she should be at the same level as the general.

If the strength is not enough, then wisdom will make up for it.

She believes that Lord Kaido understands her worth.

"Zi La~~"

Between the eyes of the two, there was a faint flash of thunder.


Kaido laughed and interrupted the confrontation between the two. If he didn't interfere, Miss Fox would probably turn into a dead fox.

When we met for the first time, no one could have imagined how terrifying power was hidden in Lily's slender body.

Kaido changed the subject: "Lily, I heard that you were assassinated."

"Just a few mice."

Lily snorted coldly and turned slightly to Kaido.

About a week ago, a ninja sneaked into the General City. The other party seemed to be very familiar with the structure of the General City, and found her room easily.

However, the strength gap is too large.

A ninja's little tricks are useless against the shining thunder.

Kaido became interested and asked, "Did you find anything out of the torture?"


Lily shook her head, feeling a lot worse.

"The concubine caught the assassin that day, but she was not interrogated immediately because he was seriously injured and unconscious. She was rescued last night."


Kaido is very surprised, even if Kozuki's remnants go all out, it is impossible to save people from the prison in the capital of flowers.

Because, there is Lily sitting in the city of flowers.

"Who saved it? The fur tribe, or the Kozuki samurai?"


Lily shook her head and said, "Recently, a criminal appeared in the Capital of Flowers. The criminal has been acting at three o'clock in the middle of the night, so he was called the third ugly boy by the people. He secretly rescued the assassin."

If there is a big movement in the prison, she will definitely be able to detect it, and can rush to the prison in a very short time.

But Ugly San's actions were very covert. It wasn't until the patrolling soldiers checked the cell where the assassin was held that he was surprised that the assassin had been rescued.

At the scene, only the token left by the ugly third boy was left on purpose.

"Third Ugly Boys."

Kaido frowned.

This name is very familiar to him. If he remembers correctly, it is the disguised identity of Kozuki samurai Denjiro, but Denjiro died with Kozuki Oden a long time ago.

Being able to rescue the assassin silently shows that the ugly third boy is very strong, and he is very familiar with the layout of Huazhidu Prison.

Not the Kozuki remnants of Kuri.

Those guys are not bad, but they are like street rats who can't move an inch. How can they know the layout of the prison, and they have been running rampant in the capital of flowers for a long time.

"Any clues?"

"Well, according to Amaterasu Pavilion's research, the school of swordsmanship used by Ugly Three is Hananagi-ryu in the Suzugo area, but this school of swordsmanship has long since declined."

Lily previously launched the Sword Hunting Order, forcibly summoning the sword masters of all schools in Wanokuni to form the Amaterasu Pavilion.

The origin of the ugly third boy has been found out, but the specific identity has yet to be verified.

"Master Kaido, my concubine is suspicious."

"Yes, I know."

Kaido nodded, a dangerous smile curling up on his lips.

Familiar with the prison, but also hidden in the flowers without being noticed, there is only one possibility after deliberation.

There are ghosts in the regiment!

(end of this chapter)

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