One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 428: Still Counting The Money After Being Sold

Chapter 428: Still Counting the Money After Being Sold

In the palace, Sanae was sitting on the throne, looking at the Musketeers and Knights waiting below, she was in a daze, completely ignorant of what was going on.

She just wants to be lazy and sleep!

"My lord."

The little civet cat looked at the palace secretary next to the throne, and opened his mouth weakly, tears were about to fall, but the palace secretary didn't even look at her.

Gong Si looked down indifferently.

"Master Ming is kind and kind, and forgave the war crimes of the fur tribe, but we must not forget the mistakes we have committed!"

"How to repay Lord Ming Wang is a problem we must pay attention to!"

"Now Lord Ming recommends Sanae as the new king, we will do our best to assist His Highness Sanae, understand?"

The hall was extremely quiet.

The fur clan that was summoned here, in addition to the Musketeers and Knights, also had some respectable elders, basically representing the entire fur clan.

In their view, letting Sanae be the new king is somewhat child's play.

But since it was Lord Ming's choice, they who committed war crimes are not qualified to raise objections.

Some "smart" fur tribes sighed in their hearts, knowing that no matter who is the king, he will become a puppet controlled by Lord Ming.

But in this war, it is true that the fur clan made mistakes first, and it is they who should reflect.

"I'll wait until I understand!"

Everyone knelt on one knee and bowed in greeting.

"His Majesty Sanae!"

"Eh? Eh???"

Sanae's eyes widened in fright.

She was just lazily sleeping, why suddenly became the king!

The matter of the king is so settled.

The palace secretary nodded in satisfaction and continued to issue orders.

"According to His Majesty Sanae's order, Sicilian will be the captain of the Musketeers, and Pedro will be the leader of the Knights!"

The Musketeers and Knights are the most important fighting forces of the Fur Race. The Musketeers are responsible for guarding the royal city, while the Knights are responsible for patrolling and defending against enemies.

After hitting a stick, it's time to give sweet dates.

"Very good!"

As expected, the fur tribes present all heaved a sigh of relief.

Sicilian has a high prestige and is convincing enough to be the captain. Although Pedro is young, his strength is extremely outstanding, and he is very suitable for managing the grumpy knight group.

The most important thing is that the two are deeply trusted by them. His Highness Sanae has two people to assist, at least he can't mess around.

The palace secretary continued to announce: "In order to maintain the long-term friendship between Wanokuni and Zou, and to prevent the situation of being deceived by Kozuki from happening again, Lord Ming specially proposed a policy of friendship and mutual assistance to strengthen communication between the two parties!"

"What's the meaning?"

Everyone was a little dazed, this was the first time they encountered such a situation.

The corner of Gong Si's mouth raised, and his voice raised.

"Master Ming will establish a stronghold in Zou, and arrange for Wanokuni merchants to come to Zou to carry out trade and other cooperation and exchanges with us."

"In contrast, we fur people can also take the initiative to go to Wanokuni to experience human culture and sell Zou's specialties."

"In addition, we will establish a special guard [King Bird] as a messenger for communication between the fur clan and Wanokuni, and at the same time deal with the unreasonable phenomena that occurred during the communication with Wanokuni."

"Lord Ming Wang sincerely hopes that the Fur Race and Wanokuni can develop together in the future, and the friendship will last forever!"

Common development, friendship forever!

The fur tribes present were in awe, and moved tears gathered in their eyes.

"Master King Ming!"

"He's really whining!"

"I really want to be Lord Ming's dog! Woah!"

The fur tribe wiped away tears, unable to describe the excitement at the moment.

This is called benevolence and generosity!

Lord Ming not only ignores the previous suspicions, but also thinks wholeheartedly about the long-term friendship between the two countries. How can such a benevolent man not be respected by them.

Gong Si looked at the emotional crowd and sighed helplessly in his heart.

How could the fur clan be the opponents of human beings in trade exchanges, such an obvious trap, only this group of idiots would jump into it foolishly.

A trace of anger rose in the woman's heart.

It is precisely because of such innocence that the Fur Race is in crisis again and again!

If it weren't for living in Zowu, which is isolated from the world, the fur tribe would have been reduced to pets raised by human beings. They must be made aware of the dangers of human beings!

"And one more thing!"

Open trade is just an appetizer!

The palace secretary's eyes were slightly cold, and he shouted: "For the future development of the fur tribe, His Majesty Sanae decided to select 100 fur tribe children under the age of ten to go to Wanokuni to learn human knowledge."

"This is good!"

Everyone beamed with joy.

It is a good thing to let children study at Wanokuni.

"I want to sign up. My daughter Wanda is only eight years old this year. She is eligible, Wang!"

"My daughter Garrett is going too!"

"And my brother Bepo!"

Soldiers with children of their own signed up enthusiastically. Even if they have no children, they still want to go to Wanokuni to see the world.

Most of the fur tribes have never left Zowu in their lives, and they are quite curious about the outside world. More importantly, they are grateful to Lord Ming, who made them rest assured that their children will go to Wanokuni.

In addition, there are only 100 places, so you have to grab them!

The palace secretary sighed again, and said helplessly: "You don't need to fight, the 100 students are only the first batch of students, and there will be more places in the future."

"Huh, then we can rest assured!"

On the other side, below Zou.

The beast fleet is preparing to return.

On the deck of the leading Qinglong, there is a huge red stone with exquisite ancient characters carved on it.

"The text of the road stele!"

With the fur clan's guidance, Jhin quickly found the text of the stele, and then transported it to the Qinglong, preparing to take it back to Ghost Island.

After waiting for a while, a huge green dragon flew from the sky, quickly changed into a human form, and landed on the deck of the Qinglong, holding a fox girl in its hand.

"Brother Kaido."


Kaido put down the palace secretary and strode towards the text of the stele.

"This is it!"

After collecting all four red stele texts, you can go to Raftel. Now, he has got two stele texts.

The other piece is located under the General City.

There are quite a few murlocs among his subordinates, who like diving when they have nothing to do. They accidentally discovered the secret passage under the General City and found a red road tablet there.

Originally, their mission was to find the Pluton buried under Wanokuni, and it was a complete surprise to find the text of the stele.

"There are two yuan left."

There are four historical texts in total, one of which was thrown to Sky Island by Golden Lion, and finding it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The other one has no news yet.

"Jhin, sell the news to Morgas."


Kaido has no idea about going to Raftel, but the value of the text of the road tablet is not only going to Raftel.

For those pirates who aspire to become One Piece, the text of the road tablet is a must, so they can only come to Wanokuni.

The more students the better!

(end of this chapter)

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