Chapter 442 Kick the Pavilion!

It is not as simple as building a few temples to let the people believe in the four spirits from the bottom of their hearts, but also to let them feel the grace of the four spirits.

Compared with Ochoku's actions, the assistance of local snakes is the most efficient way.

"Father, where are we going?"

"Shuangquan Town."

"What are you doing there?"

"Kick the pavilion!"

Shuangquan Town, Bachong Boxing Martial Arts Hall.

Near noon, four guests came to the gate of the Wuguan.

The martial arts apprentice guarding the gate looked up at Kaido, and swallowed nervously, not daring to neglect him in the slightest.

With this size, he can be crushed with one fist!

"Your Excellency, I don't know what you can do?"

"Kick the pavilion."

Kaido opened his mouth lightly.

Except for King Wu's lineage, the Kingdom of Flowers has no princes and nobles in the traditional sense. Instead, it is replaced by the Wudou clan that has been passed down for a long time.

Just like the Eight Treasures Navy, they have more power to speak in Shuangquan Town than King Wu.

Therefore, if you want the people of the Kingdom of Flowers to rebuild their faith, you must first let the major fighting clans obey. They will take the lead, and the people will follow enthusiastically.

At that time, activities such as sacrifices will be carried out regularly in various places. Over time, the people will gradually develop a good habit of offering sacrifices to the four spirits, and at the same time place their wishes on the four spirits.

"Kick the pavilion?"

The martial arts apprentice was stunned for a moment, and his voice suddenly rose.

"You want to kick the pavilion???"

"It's not me, it's her!"

Kaido pointed to Yamato.

The little girl blinked her eyes, not realizing what was about to happen.

If he came to kick the hall, the owner of the hall would cry and present the plaque before he even made a move, but it was due to the oppression of power, and some bullied the small with the big.

Therefore, it is more convincing to let the little girl kick the hall until they are convinced!



Yamato raised his chin and clasped his fists like Hong Ling: "I've heard the name of Bachong Fist for a long time, so I'm here to ask for advice."


The martial arts apprentice stayed for a while, then ran into the courtyard in a panic, yelling in a miserable voice.

"Someone is coming to kick the hall!"

The roar echoed in the martial arts hall.

It didn't take long, hundreds of Babao's disciples rushed out, all with fierce eyes, wanting to see who had the courage to come to kick the hall!

Everyone's eyes focused on Kaido in an instant, and the pent-up anger was suppressed immediately, and no one dared to utter a word.

It's scary to look at!

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Shouts came from behind the crowd, and the Babao disciples quickly spread out to both sides, making way for a passage.

Cai Mao came to the center of the crowd with a gloomy face, feeling quite bad.

Not long after Ochoku left, he was still angry.

"what happened?"

"Big head, she wants to kick the hall!"

The martial arts apprentice pointed to Yamato and told him what happened just now.

"It's ridiculous to kick the pavilion!"

Cai Mao laughed back angrily.

Although the Eight Treasures Navy has declined a lot, it is not likely to be bullied to such an extent.

Cai Mao looked at Yamato. He was tall and big, estimated to be over 2 meters tall, but his face was clearly that of a little girl.

This kind of challenger would not let him make a move.

"Cai Yi!"

"Father, I'm here!"

Cai Yi walked out from the crowd, holding a long stick in his hand, squinting his eyes, with an extremely fierce expression.

"Get rid of her!"


Cai Yi came to Yamato, his eyes widened.

"Little girl, it's still too late to admit defeat. For the face of the Eight Treasures Navy, even if you are a woman, I will go all out without hesitation!"

"Whahahaha, it's exactly what I want!"

Yamato took out Jian and hit the ground with a bang!

"bring it on!"


Cai Yi's eyes moved down slightly, and he saw the cracked blue bricks under the iron rod, and his heart froze.

The opponent's strength is great!

"Be careful!"

Cai Yi swung the long stick, put it behind him, and rushed towards Yamato, his eyes fixed on Yamato's limbs.

No matter what kind of counterattack the opponent makes, the limbs are the first to act.

"Huh, no response?"

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, but the girl was still standing there motionless, Cai Yi couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and his movements slowed down a bit.

"Could it be that you didn't react?"

He has encountered opponents who are powerful but move very slowly, but even if they are slow, they will not be unresponsive.

No time to think that much.

Cai Yi inserted the long stick into the gap between the masonry and jumped up by inertia, holding the long stick with both hands, turned his body upside down, and kicked Yamato's head with his right foot.

This move can not only effectively dodge the opponent's attack, but also attack the opponent's vital points!

"Iron Body!"

Yamato does not dodge or dodge, and resists hard!


Right on the forehead!

"Wow! What a hard skull!"

Cai Yi grunted in pain. It felt like he was kicking on steel, and the bones in his right foot almost cracked.

However, it's not over yet.

In front of Ba Chong Fist, no matter how hard the skull is, it is meaningless!

"Wujiao Impact!"

With his right foot as the center, circles of ripples spread outward!

"Hey, what is this?"

Yamato felt a little dizzy, shook his head uncomfortably, then raised his hand to grab Cai Yi's ankle, swung it around a few times and hit the ground.


Cai Yi was directly embedded in the bluestone, his eyes rolled and he lost consciousness.

All quiet.

Although Cai Yi is young, but as the grandson of the Eight Treasures Navy Pillar, he is extremely talented, and his mastery of the Eight Punch Fist is no less than that of an adult.

This little girl is a monster!

Yamato was dissatisfied and said, "I'm here to kick the gym, not to bully children!"


The martial arts disciples looked at each other, and soon someone stepped forward.

"I'll deal with her!"

"Sixth senior brother!"

Ten seconds later, there was a human-shaped pothole on the ground!

"Senior Brother Six has been defeated!"

"The third senior brother stood up, ah, the third senior brother was also defeated!"

"Elder brother, where is elder brother?"

"Eldest brother said he had an upset stomach."

When the martial arts brothers were lying on the ground, they lined up in a neat row, and no one dared to take a step forward.

"This is too weak."

Yamato was full of doubts, why these adults are so ungrateful, when she competed with her partners in the academy, it was very difficult for her to win.

Ah, she got it!

These adults must have deliberately lost her because of their father's face!


Yamato rubbed his fists, his joints crackling!

"I'm going to hit ten this time, no, you'd better do it together!"


The martial arts disciples took a step back in unison, looking at the master.

Cai Mao's face was pale and uncertain. Through the competition just now, he knew that he would only be beaten if he made a move.

This little girl is simply too strong!

"Everyone go together!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Hundreds of martial arts disciples roared to embolden themselves and rushed towards Yamato together.

Cai Mao retreated to the back with gloomy eyes.

"The old man hasn't gone far, invite him back!"


The crowd tactics can only delay, and the only person who can stop the opponent is Mr. Qingjiao!

Not far away, looking at the invincible Yamato, Hong Ling's eyes were dull.

She never expected that the greedy little girl called her sister would be so powerful.

Kaido watched his daughter messing around, smiled and shook his head.

"Almost learned."

After observing for a while, the essence of Ba Chong Quan is basically clear to my heart!

(end of this chapter)

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