One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 467: Shemale×Strange Species√

Chapter 467: Shemale×Strange Species√

At night, Guidao held another banquet to celebrate the newly promoted cadres.

Quinn became the focus of the banquet.

"Mhahaha, bastard Jin, did you see that just now? This is the power of technology!"

"That's all."

Jhin's eyes showed contempt, and he dismissed Quinn's show off.

The performance of the Funk battle suit is indeed very good, but for the real strong, it can only be regarded as a good toy.

Only the weak need this stuff.

"I've been away for two and a half years. If you only make this kind of toy clothes, you'd better give up your position early to avoid embarrassing us."

"Bastard Jhin, you are underestimating me!"

Quinn was smoking with anger, and his eyes "didi" were shining with electronic red light, and he might enter a berserk state at any time.

"Of course Laozi is more than that, but how can he show off his secret weapon!"


Jhin snorted coldly, and stopped speaking sarcasm.

He also thinks that Quinn has been away for two and a half years, so he should not only manufacture battle suits, after all, these things don't improve Quinn much.

The topic changed.

"The war is coming, you should feel it too?"


Quinn and Moria stopped laughing, and their eyes became sharper.

This time when they returned to Ghost Island, both of them could feel a little strange. In the previous ghost festivals, Brother Kaido was not so concerned about the situation of the troops in the regiment.

This means that Brother Kaido is likely to start a war, but he doesn't know who the opponent is, it may be other Four Emperors, or it may be the major kingdoms.

And even if the guess is wrong, the beasts still need to launch a foreign war, so that the rapidly expanding military strength can play a role.

If life is too easy, the tiger will also become a house cat!

As time passed, the Beasts Pirates seemed to regain their calm, during which the Sun Pirates came to Onigashima secretly again, without attracting anyone's attention.

The library of Baishu College also welcomed a special guest.

Mechanical phone bug.

In the quiet room on the top floor of the library, one arm sends the books to the table, puts them in front of the mechanical phone bug for scanning, and then sends the finished books back to the original place.

The workload is huge, but the existence of the mechanical phone bug is top secret, and only Robin in the academy is qualified for this job.

The specially encrypted radio waves will be directly transmitted to Vegapunk's brain, and even the CP department cannot monitor it.

On the other side, Paradise.

After more than a month of long voyage, the Black Rose Pirates finally arrived at the peachy island. The overflowing pink breath made the crew's hormones secrete faster.

The crew members were breathing heavily, and there was longing for the female in their eyes.

"Captain Beat, is this the legendary Daughter's Island!"

"It's my first time here too."

Beata's mouth was parched, and anger surged up in his lower abdomen.

They know very little about Kamabaka. According to the information they bought from Sabaody, Peach Island is known as the second daughter island, and there is Kamabaka, a non-affiliated country on the island.

"Little ones, go to the island!"


Dozens of people boarded the island and explored the island.

Kikunojo was also in the team, full of uneasiness in his heart.

In the previous war on Onijima, someone disguised as the ugly boy she played and provided a lot of assistance to the Kozuki coalition forces.

At first, she naively thought that the pretender was a Kozuki samurai. Although she knew that the coalition army could not be the opponent of the beasts, she did not stop it.

When the pretender bared her fangs, she realized that something was wrong, everything was a bait, a plot by beasts to destroy Kozuki's reputation.

In order to save Aren and Hesong, she tried to rob the prison in the middle of the night, but was stopped by the palace secretary who had planned it long ago, and kindly reminded her to be careful about revealing her true identity.

Only then did Kikunojo know that Kaido had already discovered that there was an undercover agent in the group.

So in this martial arts performance, she deliberately lost to Beater, stepped down from the position of Fei Liubao, and lowered her sense of existence.

Before Momanosuke-sama returns, she must not be exposed.

"Could it be that Kaido has discovered my identity?"

Kikunojo felt more and more uneasy, Kaido must have a special purpose for letting her go out with Beata.


A hand was on the shoulder.

Kikunojo looked sideways, and Beata gave him a thumbs up to her, smiling brightly like an adolescent boy.

"Don't worry, I will protect you to the death!"


Who wants your protection!

Kikunojo forced a smile, and took a half step back uncomfortably.

Beat's hand stopped in the air, and he retracted it awkwardly and wiped his nose. He didn't know what was going on, but when he saw Shimotsuki's uneasy look, he subconsciously comforted him.

The other party is obviously a man.

Damn, his brain must be broken!

Hey, it smells so good on your hands.

Kikunojo took a step back again, distanced himself from Beata who was sniffing his palm, and looked at him like he was looking at Pervert.


Beata's smile froze.

Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!

He just couldn't help it.

"Captain Beat."

The deputy came over in a timely manner, with goose bumps all over his body.

"Did you notice anything?"


Beata heaved a sigh of relief, focused on observing his surroundings, and quickly noticed something was wrong.

It smells like a beast!

"Little ones, get ready to fight!"


All crew members immediately loaded their bullets and formed a circle back to back.

Much like their boss, their weapons are also firearms, and they are all machine guns that are extremely rare on the market.

Black Rose Special Forces!

"Oh, have you been found?"

One by one, wearing floral dresses, heavy make-up, full of lush hair, burly and sturdy, unable to distinguish the specific gender, and even the terrifying species that cannot be defined as normal humans came out from behind the tree!

Super "extraordinary species" shemale!

The ladyboys opened their mouths wide, flicking their thick and long tongues.

"What a bunch of cuties!"


Everyone in the Black Rose Pirates took a breath, their legs were trembling with fright, they didn't need the captain's order, everyone pulled the trigger immediately!

To deal with monsters, they should be destroyed humanely!

"Da da da da da da!!!"

However, in the face of the hail of bullets, the monsters did not panic at all. Their strong bodies, so strong that their eyes were pierced, could even resist bullets.

"It's really enthusiastic!"

"Did you know that when boys want to attract the attention of the person they like, they will always behave violently!"

"Let's respond enthusiastically!"

The "strange species" shemale who was approaching slowly on foot suddenly exploded with terrifying speed, and rushed towards the Black Rose Pirates with various enchanting and strange movements!

"Don't come here, don't come here!!!"

Beat and the crew were so frightened that they burst into tears, but the crazily spewing flames could not stop the "extraordinary species" monster from approaching.

The ladyboy is not only terrifying in appearance, but also amazing in strength. Those malicious eyes have brought spiritual pollution to the crew members.

This island is hell!


The screams resounded through the sky.

(end of this chapter)

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