Chapter 47 Gekko Moria

New World, White Bear Island.

When the fleet of Beasts Pirates appeared at the port, the originally quiet town immediately sounded the alarm.

"There is a ship approaching, it is the skull flag!"

"The pirates are coming!"

"Go to the shelter!"

Under the organization of the patrol army, the old and the weak, women and children fled to the shelter on the island in an orderly manner, while the men took up weapons and prepared to fight.

This is New World, the area where pirates are most rampant. Even ordinary people have long been used to the existence of pirates.

Soon, the patrol captain Scotch, known as Iron Boy No. 18, arrived at the port, instantly reassuring the residents.

The captain is powerful and has repelled the pirates countless times. As long as he is there, the pirates will never want to invade White Bear Island.

However, Captain Scorch's face was pale at this moment, with despair in his eyes, he recognized the identity of the enemy.

Beasts Pirates!

That ox horn and skull flag scared countless people!

"Quick, ask the kingdom for help, no, contact Marine!"

In the face of the Beasts Pirates, even if the Kingdom of Vodka fights with all its strength, the chances of victory are slim, and only Marine can save them!

"Mhahaha, let's have some greetings first!"

Quinn stood at the bow of the ship, watching the troops in the port, grinning.

"Little ones, fire!"

"Yes! Captain Quinn!"

The cannons were already ready, and following Quinn's order, the crew immediately loaded the shells, grinned and opened fire!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Dozens of shells landed on the port and exploded under the fearful eyes of the island guards, turning the port into a sea of ​​flames.

Just one round of volleys destroyed most of the port!

"Mhaha, what a wonderful view."

Quinn laughed with satisfaction. He hadn't gone on an expedition for a long time, and he almost forgot the taste of war. The roar of artillery fire was really pleasant to hear.


On the other ship, Yamato clenched his fists, his face flushed with anger, but Sasaki and other Shinsengumi samurai watched indifferently, they didn't care about overseas wars.

"By the boat!"

The purpose of bombarding the port is not to kill the enemy, but to deter the residents of the island and eliminate their resistance.

When Quinn led his men ashore, there were only a handful of rebels who had the courage to stand in front of them.

Scorch stood in front of the crowd with his face covered in blood, pointed the barrel of his right hand at Quinn, and panted and shouted: "This island is the territory of the Vodka Kingdom, leave immediately, Beasts Pirates!"

"Mhahaha, since you know we are Beasts Pirates, you still dare to stop us, you are very brave, humanoid warrior."

Quinn looked at Scotch, his gaze stayed on the barrel of the gun in his right hand, and he smiled playfully.

Scorch subconsciously took a step back, trying to escape the other party's sight, but thinking of his family on the island, he suppressed his fear, pulled the trigger, and the gun spewed out flames frantically!

"Da da da da!"

Soon, the sound of gunfire disappeared.

Without Quinn's shot, the real fighters easily defeated the Iron Boy. In the face of the powerful combat power of the beasts, a mere guard captain didn't need to take it seriously at all.

The real enemy of the pirates is not the weak and deceitful people, nor the kingdom army lacking combat power, but other pirates, and the righteous Marine!

"Mhahaha, little ones, get ready to welcome Marine!"

The Kingdom of Vodka is one of the member countries of the World Government. When encountering a pirate attack, it will inevitably ask Marine for support.

Then comes the real battle.

On the other side, Wanokuni.

"It's finally here!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Kaido had a smile on his face.

Jhin was also at the side, and said coldly: "Brother Kaido, let me deal with them!"

"Hey, that guy is looking for me by name, how can I be stage fright, Jhin, you are not allowed to intervene this time."

Kaido laughed, got up and came to the window, turned into a dragon with a low growl, and flew towards the direction behind the bell on the flame cloud.

At this moment, the supernova Gekko Moria, who is offering a bounty of 320 million Baileys, is leading his subordinates to make a fuss in the weapons factory.

Including Shinda, all Beast members guarding the factory were knocked to the ground.

"Hahahaha, the legendary Beasts Pirates are nothing more than that!"

"Captain Moria is the strongest!"

"When we take Kaido's head, we will be the strongest pirate group!"

Breaking into the New World all the way, defeating countless powerful enemies, and now easily conquering the territory of the beasts, both Moria and his subordinates have inflated their self-confidence to the extreme.

"Hehehehe, get Kaido out!"

Moria laughed wildly and crazily destroyed everything in the factory. His purpose of coming to Wanokuni is to defeat the legendary strongest creature, Kaido of the Beasts!

The man who will become the One Piece is him!

At this moment, Shimotsuki Ushimaru walked out of the dark and stood in front of Moria, his eyes were as cold as a knife.

"Pirate, you are not welcome here!"

Let the other party continue to make trouble wantonly, and the weapon factory will be completely destroyed. If it is rebuilt later, it will take a lot of manpower. In the end, it will be them who are unlucky.

"Kaido is on Oni Island, if you want to defeat him, go there!"

"Hey, prisoner."

Moria looked puzzled, the other party was wearing prison clothes, he should be a slave of the Beasts Pirates, but not only was he not happy because the factory was destroyed, but wanted to stop him from continuing to destroy it.

This is too abnormal!

"Hehehehe, seeing that you are holding a knife, you should be a warrior!"

Moria found it very interesting. After coming to Wanokuni, she naturally knew the existence of samurai and the situation of Wanokuni, otherwise she would not have found the weapon processing factory directly.

The samurai should be the group that hates Kaido the most!

"Why stop me?"


Shimotsuki Ushimaru was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly: "Pirate, you are indeed very strong, but with your current strength, you still can't defeat Kaido."


Moria froze for a moment, her eyes were instantly bloodshot, and she fell into a runaway state, even the shadow behind her bared her teeth and claws in rage!

"You said I couldn't beat Kaido!"

This is his most unacceptable answer!

"That's right."

Shimotsuki Ushimaru responded coldly, he was not overwhelmed by Moria's aura at all, but he would not come forward to stop the opponent if there was even a slight chance of defeating Kaido.

"That man's power is far beyond your imagination!"

Only after experiencing the power of Kaido for yourself will you understand how desperate it is to be an enemy of Kaido!

And the pirate in front of him who can't even master Emission can't be Kaido's opponent, and he can't even hurt Kaido!

"Hey hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

Moria laughed back angrily, raising the long knife in her hands with killing intent: "Samurai, I will cut off your shadow and let you know what real terror is!"

"True horror."

Shimotsuki Ushimaru stared angrily, rushed towards Moria with a knife in both hands, and shouted!

"I've seen it before!"


The blades collided, and the battle broke out again!

(end of this chapter)

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