Chapter 488

Whitebeard, aunt, and redhead received Kaido's invitation at the same time.

At a special moment when the beasts and the world government may start fighting again at any time, the three of them did not want to be dragged into the water, but they all chose to attend the appointment for various reasons.

At the same time, the underground emperors of the New World such as Stussy, the member countries of the World government, and powerful countries such as Elbaf!

As long as they are influential figures and forces in the New World, they have all received invitations from Beasts to witness the great changes that are about to take place in the New World.

The news that the Four Emperors will meet quickly spread throughout the New World!

Dressrosa, the royal palace.

"Fufurfur, a new era is coming!"

Doflamingo sat on the window, holding the invitation letter and confidential information in his hand, laughing as arrogantly as ever.

Torrebol and other cadres are all there, and like Brother Ming, they all have a secret information from Naval Headquarters in their hands, which records everything that happened in Egghead in detail.

The Donquixote Family planted the ghost in Marine, who happened to be one of the surviving sailors who escaped from Egghead.

Marshal Marine died in battle, Sengoku Admiral was taken prisoner, and the Holy Land was on fire, and now it seems that the Four Emperors will also meet.

Within a few days, the news they received became more and more shocking, and now the whole person is in a state of confusion.

The meeting of the Four Emperors is an unprecedented event. If Kaido and Whitebeard form a pirate alliance, it will become the most powerful force on the sea!

"My lord, do the Four Emperors want an alliance?"


Brother Ming sneered and denied.

When four monsters get together, they will only bite each other, how can they help each other, the world of pirates is not just a play house!

"Huh, that's good!"

The cadres breathed a sigh of relief.

A single Four Emperors is desperately strong, let alone four Four Emperors together. If the Four Emperors form an alliance, it will be a fatal blow to silver medalists such as Shichibukai!

Torrebol smiled cheaply: "Hey hey hey, the World government and Marine have suffered heavy losses this time, so they will definitely prevent Kaido from meeting other Four Emperors, right?"


Brother Ming frowned, this is exactly where he was puzzled.

Although Marine suffered heavy losses, its main force was not damaged, and it could pull up 100,000 elite troops to counterattack New World at any time.

What's more, the marine soldiers of Sengoku Admiral and G-5 and G-14 branches are still in the hands of beasts, and Marine will definitely try to rescue them.

And Kaido inviting other Four Emperors to discuss major issues at this time is tantamount to adding salt to the wounds of the World government and Marine!

"Furofurfur! It's a good show!"

Regardless of the outcome of the meeting of the Four Emperors, the pattern of the world will definitely change, and the person who can take the lead in this chaos will be the winner!

Time passed day by day, and the date when the Four Emperors met was getting closer and closer.

Naval Headquarters, dozens of large warships are docked in the bay, and the elite generals and schools who have returned from all over the world are all gathered in the headquarters!

The largest conference room in the fortress was filled with Marines. The lowest military rank was Commodore level, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Sakazuki, Polusalino, Kuzan, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Fire Mountain.

The famous Vice Admirals are all here!

"Is Garp here?"

"Pfft ha ha ha, here I come!"

Garp pushes the door and enters.

The originally extremely oppressive atmosphere immediately relaxed a lot.

"Then let's start the meeting!"

The chief staff officer, Crane, presided over the meeting.

"First of all, the vote for Sakazuki, Polusalino, and Kuzan to be promoted to Admiral!"

The promotion of Admiral is one of Marine's most important internal matters. Under normal circumstances, even the World government cannot directly appoint him.

The approval of Vice Admirals is the most important thing!

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"I abstain"

There are very few objections, the strength of the three is far beyond the ordinary Vice Admiral, and the achievements are obvious to all. The only shortcoming is that they are a little young.

But it's not a big problem!

Special time, special treatment!

Zephyr became Admiral at the age of 38, and Sengoku was about the same age when he became Admiral.

Among the three, Kuzan is the youngest, only 31 years old, while Polusalino, the elder, is 40 years old, both of which are acceptable.

Soon, the new three Admiral confirmed.

The name has also been set long ago and has not been changed.

Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji!

"Next, it's about the response plan for the Four Emperors meeting!"

The Four Emperors are about to meet, Marine cannot remain indifferent, not to mention Sengoku Admiral is still in Kaido's hands and must be rescued!

Marshal Kong died in battle. According to the promotion rules of Marine and the instructions of the World government, Sengoku Admiral is now the new Marshal of Marine!

However, the content of this operation is completely opposite to the war imagined by the general.

There was an uproar!

In the evening, the long meeting finally came to an end.

Garp returned to his office, lying on the sofa a little tired.

He would rather have a fight with the Four Emperors than sit in a conference room all day, and Marine's next actions made him extremely unhappy.

"That group of scumbags will also have this day!"

After scolding a few times, Garp unpacked a bag of senbei and ate it depressedly, and ordered the sailors standing guard at the door by the way.

"Send Lieutenant Colonel Smoker to meet me!"

"Yes, Vice Admiral Garp!"

In less than ten minutes, Smoker appeared in the office, visibly more mature, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Pfft ha ha ha, sit down and chat, don't put on a straight face."

Garp motioned Smoker to sit down, and gave him a small half of the senbei, and then narrated the content of the meeting without any limbs.

After getting along for almost two years, he trusted this thorny brat very much!

After hearing this, Smoker clenched his fists, with anger rising in his eyes.

"The World government is so weak!"

"I didn't expect that either."

Garp let out a long sigh.

When he first received the order to return to the headquarters, he thought that he would go all out to attack the Beasts Pirates, but the decision made by the superior was a truce for peace!

The world government, which has ruled the world for 800 years, chose to seek peace in the face of the threat of pirates. What an irony!

And in order to frighten the Four Emperors, he is also one of the Marine delegation.

"Smoker, Marine's delegation is leaving tomorrow, follow me!"


Smoker nodded sullenly, before speaking for a long time.

"Vice Admiral Garp, what do you think of the current Marine?"

"Pfft ha ha ha, brat, this is not a question that can be asked casually."

Garp reprimanded with a smile, watching Smoker's gaze grow more appreciative.

This little guy who went to study abroad has a very different way of thinking from other recruits, and he has an insight into the essence of the world early on!

And the guts are just like him, very fat!

"Out of sight out of mind."

Garp spoke his own answer.

Although he has a pair of invincible iron fists, politics cannot be achieved by power alone. Whether it is the evil Celestial Dragons or the filth within the Marine, he cannot solve the problems.

Perform Vice Admiral duties well, with occasional willfulness.

That's all.

"Smelly brat, what do you think?"

"Marine should not be reduced to the ruler's weapon!"

Nearly two years of naval career made Smoker understand what he wanted to do.

He wants to change Marine!

(end of this chapter)

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