One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 491 I Want To Be The Best Teacher At Sea

Chapter 491 I want to be the best teacher at sea

Whether it's Whitebeard, or redhead.

Wealth and status are not very attractive to them, but if the people at the bottom can get rid of the tyranny of the Celestial Dragons and live a more relaxed life, it is difficult for them to remain indifferent.

Especially Whitebeard!

"Ku la la la, I agree!"

"I can't refuse!"

The redhead also agreed.

Leaving aside his own factors, all three of the Four Emperors agree that if he is special, the position of the Four Emperors is probably coming to an end.

"Well, then!"

Kaido stood up and raised his glass!

Whitebeard, Linlin, and red-haired also stood up and raised their glasses.

"To the future of New World, cheers!"


A large glass of wine was poured into their stomachs, which meant that the Four Emperors had temporarily reached an offensive and defensive alliance in dealing with the World government.

The four sat down and continued the meeting.

"Now that an agreement has been reached, for the future development of New World, formulating new rules is the top priority. Before that, I have a small question for you."

Kaido narrowed his eyes slightly.

"How about this golden city?"


The three of them frowned.

It was the first time for them to come to the Golden City. Although they had heard the news about the Golden City and prepared their psychological expectations, they were still greatly shocked.

Extravagant beyond imagination!

Silence is the best answer.

"Golden City is just one of the many industries under Beasts."

Kaido spoke lightly, not showing off, but explaining the facts.

"Even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you should have heard something about the living conditions of the low-level people in our beast territory."

"Know a thing or two."

The three nodded slightly.

They are all in New World, and they are also Four Emperors, so they will naturally pay attention to each other's situation.

The state of the people in the land of beasts can be summed up simply as "live and work in peace and contentment, and live a prosperous life"!

It's unbelievable, but that's how it is.

In comparison, the islands under their banner are basically impoverished non-franchisee countries, and it is difficult for the people to even feed their stomachs.

Linlin was a little impatient, she didn't care about other islands except Wan Guo.

"Kaido, what do you want to say?"

"What I mean is very simple. Whether it is foreign trade or governing the country, my team is more professional than yours!"

Kaido bared his fangs:

"So I propose to hand over the islands under your flag to my people to take care of them!"

"Leave it to you to take care of it???"

Whitebeard was stunned for a while, it was the first time he heard such a strange request in so many years.

Can you still play like this?

"Well, don't worry, I'm just helping you take care of the island, and there will be no other actions. It's no different from doing business, and the profits generated can be divided into 70-30."

"You want 30%?"

Whitebeard frowned, just for management, such a high share is required.

Kaido said lightly: "Don't get me wrong, 30% is yours."


The faces of the three of them darkened, and they just sent someone to help manage it. They thought it was too high to share 30% of the income, let alone 70%.

"Ku la la la, you dare to ask for it, Kaido!"

"Why don't you dare?"

Kaido snorted disdainfully. His eyes swept over the three of them one by one.

"As far as I know, except for the base camp, the rest of your islands are poor, and you can't even collect protection fees."

"If you want to improve the living standards of local residents, you need a lot of capital investment in the early stage, build a complete industrial chain, and have professional management talents."

"Are you rich? Are there professionals who have studied governance?"

Whitebeard kept his mouth shut.

The redhead was also speechless.

No money and no one!

What they can do is to collect less or no protection fees, so that everyone can have enough food, this kind of thing can only be imagined in a dream.

New World is too messy!

The redhead couldn't understand that since so much money had to be invested, and there was a possibility of losing money, Kaido's purpose was definitely not to make money.

"Kaido, why are you doing this?"

"Why? Uhhhhhhhh!"

Kaido smiled and asked back.

"Redhead, what is your dream?"


The redhead froze for a moment, a little surprised that Kaido would ask such a question.

Dream, One Piece?

No, it's not.

"Adventure at your own pace!"

"Hey, hey, it really suits you!"

Kaido laughed and turned to look at Linlin who was stuffing sweets into his mouth.

"Linlin, what is your dream?"

"Well~ well, my dream is to establish a country where all races in the world, regardless of high or low, live together!"

Talking about his dream, Linlin looked forward to it like a child: "Everyone can become a family member and sit around the dining table on an equal footing. How wonderful it would be!"

After speaking, Linlin fixed his eyes on Jhin behind Kaido, drooling.

"Great dream."

Kaido sighed in his heart, while Linlin is very scary, he is also the most innocent, like a child.

And one last one.



Just two words, but Whitebeard's greatest pursuit in his life, and now he is working hard to guard his dream.

"So, what is your dream?"

The eyes of the three people stared at Kaido at the same time.

The premise of being willing to answer is mutual, if Kaido dares to hide it, the three of them will definitely throw Kaido into the sea!


Kaido propped his chin with one hand, looking at the distant sea.

"Well, my dream is to become the best teacher in the sea, with peaches and plums all over the world!"


The three of them were dumbfounded, and even the captains behind them were all stupefied.

Four Emperors Kaido's dream is to be a teacher?

What an international joke!

"Why, is it strange?"

Kaido laughed.

It's not weird, it's super weird!

The three of them complained in their hearts at the same time.

Linlin couldn't help but said, "Kaido, when you were on the Rocks' ship, didn't you say you wanted to be the One Piece?"

"That was before."

The corners of Kaido's mouth twitched slightly.

"At that time, I was too young, and my mind was full of fighting for power. It was the greatest pleasure to challenge the strong."

"However, before I knew it, I became the strongest creature in everyone's mouth. Wherever I looked, I was invincible!"

"When I woke up, I realized how lonely Invincible is."

Kaido let out a sigh.

"Until one day, when I was instructing my daughter to practice, I saw my daughter working hard to grow up, and I actually felt the long-lost happiness!"

"At this moment, I finally understand what I want!"

"I want to be the best teacher in the sea, guide students, and watch them grow step by step!"

"In order to realize this dream, I specially established Baishou College and served as the principal. Today, the number of students enrolled in the college has exceeded 30,000!"

The three thought they were being tricked, but it sounded wrong.

Kaido seems to be a real teacher!

Not only established the school, served as the principal, but also became Hawkeye's master not long ago, making Hawkeye win the title of the world's number one swordsman!

His title of famous teacher is also spreading rapidly.


The redhead spotted a blind spot.

"What does this have to do with you wanting to help us take care of our islands?"

"Of course it matters!"

Kaido crossed his arms.

"The chaotic New World is not suitable for the development of education!"

"So, I want to let the people of New World live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone can have enough food!"

"That way, more students will be born!"

(end of this chapter)

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