One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 497 Whitebeard's Decision

Chapter 497 Whitebeard's decision

With the passage of time, with the financial assistance from dozens of countries and the secret support of Beasts Pirates, the scale of NEO has shown explosive growth.

In just one month, NEO's military strength has expanded to 10,000, and multiple war fortresses and garrison branches have been put into construction.

Hive Island harbor, Moby Dick.

In the largest cabin, Whitebeard waited silently with a wine glass in his left hand and the NEO recruiting leaflet sent by Beasts in his right.

Soon, the captains pushed the door open and entered.

"Ku la la la, they're all here."


Early this morning, Dad suddenly summoned them, saying that there was an important matter to discuss. Thinking of the recent turmoil in New World, it might be related to NEO.

When the captains saw the recruitment leaflet in Dad's hand, they showed such expressions.

NEO is a decent organization and the natural enemy of pirates. Except for the Beasts Pirates behind the scenes, there are no other pirates in New World who are not worried.

Everyone knows that although NEO is still in its infancy, it will soon become the sharpest knife in Kaido's hands.

And the strongest Whitebeard pirate group has naturally become the vane of New World pirates. Recently, the captains under its banner have come to the door frequently, hoping that the old man can come forward to stop NEO.

No one wants to have a knife hanging over their head!

"Daddy, are you worried about NEO?"

"Yes and no."

Whitebeard nodded, then shook his head again.

He is not worried that NEO will pose any threat to the Whitebeard Pirates, but the growth of NEO will inevitably affect the Whitebeard Pirates.

Plan ahead!

"Marco, Jozy, Thatch"

Whitebeard read out the names of his sons, with unprecedented seriousness in his eyes: "I have called you here this time, and I hope some of you can join NEO!"

"Join NEO?"

The captains looked at each other.

Joz tapped his palms and suddenly realized.

"Father, do you want us to go undercover?"


Whitebeard was silent.

Marco complained from the side: "Joz, even if you really want to send an undercover agent, it must be someone who cannot be detected by the other party. Our names have long been known!"


Joz scratched his head, he hadn't thought about it.

"Dad, why did you join NEO?"

"No particular reason."

Whitebeard didn't know how to explain it to his sons either.

Literally, intuition.

NEO may be the retreat of the Whitebeard Pirates!

The atmosphere is a little stiff.

No one wants to leave alone.

Marco came out to smooth things over: "Father, even if you want us to join NEO, you have to give us some time to think about it."

"Ku la la la, of course, think about it for yourself, it doesn't matter if no one joins NEO, it's getting late, let's all go to rest."

Whitebeard waved his hand, signaling the sons to leave.

Soon, he was the only one left in the cabin.


Whitebeard secretly swallowed, looked at the closed hatch, got up and went to the cabinet, opened it and rummaged around.

"I put away the wine."


Whitebeard froze, turning his head back mechanically, and when he saw Marco, he justified like a child who did something wrong.

"I'm not looking for wine."


Marco rolled his eyes.

In the entire Whitebeard pirate group, he should be the only ship doctor who can see such a childish side of Dad.

Because he forbade Dad to drink too much.


A bottle of precious wine was twirled and thrown into Dad's arms.

"This is not an example!"


Under the dim candlelight, the father and son enjoyed the hard-won leisure time with a bottle of fine wine and two small wine glasses.

As for why I didn't light the lamp, it was because I was afraid of being discovered by others.

"Ku la la la, I haven't had such a delicious wine for a long time."

Whitebeard felt more relaxed than ever.

The wine with the sons is always the best, and with Marco he doesn't have to hide much.

Marco shook his head helplessly, and said seriously: "Father, you let us join NEO, have you really reached this point?"

"Marco, you know my physical condition better than anyone else."

Whitebeard sighed: "10 years, if I go through a few more wars, I'm afraid I won't be able to last even 10 years."


Marco's eyes dimmed, and he knew that his father was right.

Injuries accumulated over the years of battle, coupled with the impact of aging, Dad's physical condition is declining rapidly, and he has been sick more and more recently, even using a ventilator.

For at most ten years, Dad's strength will not be able to guard the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, but none of their sons can carry the banner.

Each of the Four Emperors, including the redhead, has undeniably terrifying power!

And as the situation in New World changes, pirates will have less and less living space. Joining or replacing Four Emperors will be the only way out for pirates.

The competition will only intensify!

Marko asked in a deep voice: "Father, can NEO really suppress the pirates in New World?"

"NEO can't."

Whitebeard shook his head, before adding, "But Kaido can!"

Kaido can!

Back then, Kaido fought with him for seven days and seven nights. Although he won the victory, the injury recurred because of it, and the wound still hurts till now.

He knows Kaido's power better than anyone else.

Today, Kaido is even stronger!

The results of the previous war between Beasts and the World government, as well as the subsequent Four Emperors meeting, made him, the red hair and Linlin all realize this.

At present, the strongest pirate group in the sea is definitely the Beasts Pirates, and the strongest pirate is also Kaido!

Therefore, facing Kaido's cooperation request, they did not refuse, in addition to the interest relationship, it was more because of Kaido's demonstrated strength.

And NEO is undoubtedly Kaido's tool to control the New World. Joining during the establishment period, it may become a retreat for the Whitebeard Pirates in the future.

"How long can you protect them?"

Whitebeard recalled Jhin's taunt, and smiled wryly.

Once he falls, the Whitebeard Pirates will inevitably attract a pack of wolves to bite and be devoured.

He has seen too many similar situations.

"Marco, I have made a decision. No matter what the future will look like, I plan to retire in 10 years."

The title of Four Emperors itself is the most troublesome thing, it will attract countless enemies, even if he doesn't want to fight, the enemies will find him.

Hiding is the best way. He is eager to protect his sons, but he doesn't want to be a burden and burden to them.

The room was extremely quiet, only the sound of two people drinking.

After a bottle of wine was completely drunk, Marco stood up with a smile, stretched out his thumb, and pointed at himself.

"I'll go to NEO!"

"Father, I was traveling and looking for another way to protect my friends. It would be nice to join NEO."

"Also, I'm not bragging. Among the captains, I'm the strongest. If I join NEO, I can at least occupy the position of Admiral!"

"Let me protect the future of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

(end of this chapter)

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