Chapter 50 You Are Too Weak

"Dare to say, Kaido!"

Moria gripped the blade tightly, her body trembling uncontrollably.

After Roger's death, he immediately returned to West Blue to form a pirate group, then crossed the Grand Line, went deep into the fish men island under the sea, and finally arrived at New World.

Next, as long as he defeats the strongest creature in front of him, he will become the pinnacle of pirates and the man closest to the throne of One Piece!

The dream is just around the corner!

"Hey hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

The eerie laughter is getting louder and louder!


Moria looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, pulled out the long knife suddenly, and rushed towards Kaido with big strides, that devilish weird face was distorted by extreme excitement!

"The one who will lose everything is you!"

"Hey, come on, let me see your potential!"

Kaido took a big step forward, half of his foot sank into the ground, and he swung the mace with his right hand, the veins on the surface of his skin burst out!


Along with the roar, the mace and the long knife slashed fiercely together!


The earth cracked!

With the two of them at the center, the gravel and dust formed a shock wave, sweeping out like a sea wave, trying to swallow everything.

The first to bear the brunt are Moria's minions!

"Get down!"

The cadres realized that something was wrong, and quickly crawled to the ground, struggling to grab everything at hand. When the impact came, each body shook violently like a flag!

Just the aftermath of the battle made it difficult for them to parry. The original idea of ​​beating Kaido in groups quickly disappeared. This is not a battle they can get involved in at all!

In the center of the battlefield, the two maintained a posture of weapons colliding.

"The power is really strong!"

Kaido grinned, and with just one weapon collision, he could clearly feel that Moria could indeed fight him in terms of physical strength alone!

The huge bounty of more than 300 million was not obtained out of thin air. The other party, like him, was born with a powerful giant physique, and with the strange shadow fruit, he is qualified to challenge him!

"Hehehe, it's too early to be surprised, Kaido!"

Moria's eyes were ferocious, and she took the initiative to abandon the long knife, and grabbed Kaido's shoulders with both hands. At the same time, the shadow on the ground behind her stood up and joined the battle like a clone!

The main body uses strength to suppress the opponent, and the shadow waits for the opportunity to move, forming a two-on-one situation. This is his fighting style!

Kaido of the Beasts, deserves his all!

"Kill him, Shadow Mage!"

The Shadow Mage jumped up, flew over Moria's head, clasped his hands into a hammer shape, and slammed Kaido's forehead from top to bottom, the power was not inferior to the body!


Kaido felt a pain in his forehead, his eyes turned white slightly, and his legs sank into the ground. Before he could recover, the attack followed!

"Die! Kaido!"

Moria and the shadow mage one after the other, surrounded Kaido in the center, and bombarded Kaido's head with violent fists like a storm!

"Hehehe, there is an essential gap between our abilities. If you are not reconciled, you can die with resentment towards the weakest Zoan!"

Moria laughed ferociously, and the crazy continuous attack lasted for a full minute. When he stopped, both fists were smoking!


No one has survived the mixed doubles between him and Shadow Mage!

Moria turned around, spread out her hands to the subordinates watching the battle in the distance, and roared excitedly!

"Kaido is defeated!"


There was no sound in the wilderness.

Not getting the expected response, Moria lowered her head in doubt, only to find that all her subordinates were frightened.

"Captain, back!"

One of them reminded loudly, Moria realized something was wrong, and immediately turned her head back, but her vision was covered by a big hand!

"It hurts, you bastard!"

Kaido grabbed Moria's onion head with his left hand, clenched his right fist to accumulate strength, and his eyes shone with a breathtaking cold light.

"How many punches did you hit me? One hundred or one thousand?"



Moria opened his mouth and was about to say something, when Kaido's fist hit his cheek in an instant, and most of his fangs were shattered!

Immediately followed by a continuous iron fist that was stronger, more ruthless, and faster than him!

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

Kaido used Moria's head as a sandbag, and hammered his right fist like a machine gun. Every punch made Moria's brain roar, and even her thinking stopped!

"Captain Moria!"

Seeing the captain in a life-and-death crisis, Moria's subordinates rushed forward with red eyes!

"Let go of the captain!"

The cadres roared and launched attacks from all directions. Guns, slashes, spear stabs, all kinds of attacks fell on Kaido!

However, the bullets fired were bounced off the opponent's skin, the cut blade broke into two pieces, and the thrusting spear even shattered.

That burly body seems to be the hardest existence in the world!

Kaido ignored the miscellaneous fish around him and punched non-stop. Seeing that Moria's breath was about to disappear, he stopped.

This guy has great potential, it would be too wasteful to kill him.


Moria, whose face was covered in blood, was thrown to the ground like trash, and the white-eyed appearance seemed to have lost consciousness.

The same attack method, but the result is completely different!


The subordinates immediately surrounded and surrounded Moria in the center, and several people held weapons tremblingly and stopped in front of Kaido.

"Ship doctor, quickly call the ship doctor!"

Before the ship doctor arrived, Moria's pupils gradually gained focus.

"Get out of the way!"

Moria growled and pushed away the subordinates around her. After panting for a while, she staggered up from the ground and came to Kaido again regardless of her seriously injured body!


It is completely incomprehensible, the continuous attack with all its strength did indeed hit Kaido, but why Kaido didn't fall down, why did he look unscathed!

Ability must be a special ability!

Could it be that the opponent's Devil Fruit has a special effect!

Panting heavily, Moria asked, "My attack can't be ineffective, why didn't you fall down!"

"Well, the reason is very simple."

The corners of Kaido's mouth curled up, showing a bright smile: "Because your fists are weak!"


Moria's eyes were bloodshot instantly, and his sanity was on the verge of going berserk, but before he could do anything, Kaido appeared in front of him again!

"Listen, Moria!"

Kaido clenched his fists, his voice piercing like a cold wind!

"The so-called continuous punching is not just about strength. Every punch must be full of killing intent. Put all your energy into it, so that you can completely defeat the opponent!"

Integrating will into attack is the power of Haki!

"It's like this!"

The stormy iron fist of killing intent hit Moria again!

(end of this chapter)

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