Chapter 521 Kaido and Zephyr

New World, Deep Rock Isle.

95% of the world's bomb rocks are stored in the laboratory on this island, under the care of Marine.

After signing the Treaty of Egghead, Marine evacuated from the island under the surveillance of the Beasts Pirates, and could not take anything away, so Bomb Rock naturally fell into the hands of Beasts.

As night fell, a little light appeared in the depths of the sea.

"Hey, hey, it's finally here, I'm almost impatient to wait!"

Kaido sat on the edge of the port, watched the fast approaching NEW fleet, picked up the jug and took a big sip of wine.

If Zephyr's plan hadn't changed, he would have come to this island to take Bomb Rock, so he came here early.

It's time to wait.

The NEW fleet also found Kaido.

"Four Emperors Kaido, it seems they are waiting for us!"

Zephyr's eyes are extremely dignified. Even when he was Admiral, he might not be able to defeat Kaido, not to mention the current aging and incomplete state.

But that's the end of the story, and there's no turning back.

"You wait for me at sea!"

Zephyr jumped ashore and confronted Kaido.

"Long time no see, Kaido!"


Kaido raised a smile and said, "Stop it, Zephyr, this sea area is all mine, I can't let you mess around."

"Do you know my purpose?"

Zephyr asked in a deep voice, among his subordinates, only Ain and Binz knew about the plan, and it was impossible for them to leak the secret, so how did Kaido know about his plan.

Kaido said lightly: "Use the bomb rock to detonate the End Point, am I right?"


That's right.

End Point refers to three super-large volcanic islands in New World, all of which are in a stable state, and one of them is still inhabited by humans.

If the Bomb Rock is used, it will be powerful enough to erupt three islands, which will trigger the New World's leylines and cause irreversible environmental degradation.

To put it simply, it is to make New World an environment where humans cannot live, thereby killing all pirates.

Kaido calmly narrated the facts: "Pirates will not disappear, Zephyr, you used to be Marine Admiral, you should know this better than anyone else."

"Of course I know!"

Zephyr grinned.

"Kaido, it is the one piece that led to this new era of rampage, so as long as the one piece disappears, the pirates will also disappear!"

"Therefore, I want to completely destroy New World, destroy one piece!"

"Only in this way can we deter those newcomers who are ready to move, and extinguish their pirate dream that will only bring pain to the people!"

"That's the answer I thought of!"

"Don't compare me to those weak and incompetent Marines who let pirates do whatever they want!"

"The me now is Z!"

Whether it is peacetime or chaotic times, the number of pirates who go out to sea to search for dreams has never decreased.

Zephyr has captured countless pirates and knows this better than anyone else.

The poor governance of the World government and the incompetence of the Marine are some of the factors that lead to the rampant pirates, but they are not the decisive factors.

Those who went to sea to survive and became pirates were basically eliminated by other pirates, and very few survived.

And the greedy villains who long for money and fame, in the name of chasing their dreams, but actually wantonly trample on their lives, are the main force of pirates!

So Zephyr is convinced that as long as the pirates' dream of getting rich is destroyed, the era of great pirates can be truly destroyed and the sea can be restored to peace.

"Hey, hey, what a simple thought!"

Kaido shook his head and smiled, his tone suddenly sank, and a suffocating coldness appeared in his eyes.

"But oh, Zephyr, can you do it? Can you beat me here?"

"This kind of thing, how will you know if you don't try!"

Zephyr suddenly raised the mechanical arm, and the mechanical claw opened to Kaido, and the dazzling light shone!

"Crush Blaster!"

Accompanied by a roar, cannon fire comparable to laser sprayed out and shot at Kaido's chest!


Explosion at zero distance!

Zephyr didn't hesitate, the ammunition wheel on the inner circle of the mechanical claw started to rotate, and in the next second, dense bullets poured out towards the center of the smoke!

"Da da da da!"

The bullets were connected in a line, and the bright yellow shells continued to pop out from the outside of the mechanical arm, and fell to the ground with a crash, making a crisp sound!

"Teacher Zephyr!"

The ammunition box was thrown to the feet!

With a hook on Zephyr's left foot, he lifted the cover of the ammunition box, revealing the neatly arranged ammunition chain inside, picked up the front end and stuffed it directly into the bomb bay of the robotic arm!

"Da da da da da da da!!!"

The firepower increased again, and the falling shell casings even flooded Zephyr's feet!

In the smoke and dust, sparks kept flickering!

"Wow, it really hurts!"

Kaido stepped away from the smoke and walked towards Zephyr against the attack.

Bullets rained down on him, then bounced around without leaving a trace.

Not even Haki is used.

This unreasonable scene left the soldiers of the NEW fleet dumbfounded.

"Is his skin made of rock?"

"No, even if it is a rock, it is impossible to block the firepower of the pulverizer!"


Kaido strode up to Zephyr, looked down at Zephyr condescendingly, stretched out his hand to grab the smoking pulverizer, and exerted force slowly.


With the ear-piercing sound of deformation, the pulverizer, which is huge for Zephyr, was squeezed into a ball of twists like a toy in Kaido's hands.

Then, tear it off!

Zephyr staggered back half a step, the pulverizer was forcibly torn off, and his body lost his balance, but he didn't miss the opportunity to fight back!

Pull out the pistol in your left hand and shoot Kaido in the head!


A deformed bullet was embedded between Kaido's eyebrows!

"A bullet doped with seastone."

With slight force between Kaido's brows, the bullet was squeezed out, leaving a tiny dent, which quickly recovered.

"I don't sell many of these things, thanks to you I can get them!"

"Unfortunately, I thought it would have some effect."

Zephyr was a little disappointed, seastone bullets are an excellent weapon against espers, but if they can't even penetrate Kaido's skin, they are no different from ordinary bullets.

However, if the Four Emperors could be defeated so easily, it would be too easy!


Zephyr's left hand turned into Black Arm, blasting at Kaido's undefended belly!

"Smash · Bash!"


The fist is half-sinked and hits completely. Haki even penetrates the tough skin and pours it into the body to destroy it!


Kaido snorted, a little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but he laughed out loud!


Long time no pain!

"Then, it's my turn!"

Kaido's lower body didn't move, his body leaned back slightly, and a layer of black light wrapped around his forehead!

"Fudo Zun Zhong!"


The forehead collided with the forehead, and the blood slowly flowed down!


Zephyr's eyes turned white, his forehead faintly showed signs of cracking, and his thinking became even more chaotic.

Even with the Haki defense, it can't make up the difference in physical strength between the two sides, not to mention that Kaido's Haki is not inferior to him, or even stronger.

The bloody fool!

(end of this chapter)

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