One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 525 Sengoku: Ideological Work Must Be Strengthened!

Chapter 525 Sengoku: Ideological work must be strengthened!

Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.

In the room, Marine and Admiral are all there.

Sengoku irritatedly threw the newspaper on the table.

"Let's have a look."

"This is?"

The three of Aokiji looked through it, their eyes were a little strange.

NEO will publicly execute Seven Warlords of the Sea Doflamingo.

Seven Warlords of the Sea is a privileged pirate recruited by the World government. By doing this, NEO is obviously deliberately slapping the World government in the face.

"It's strange, this matter has nothing to do with our Marine."

Kizaru slowly took out the nail clippers and rubbed his nails. This is not a formal meeting, so there is no need to be too serious.

Aokiji and Akainu think so too.

No matter how optimistic the world government is about the Seven Warlords of the Sea's combat power, it is impossible to ask Marine to come forward to rescue them. If they do that, Marine, who already hates the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, will definitely go berserk.

How can Marine save the pirates!

What's more, NEO is in the New World ruled by the Four Emperors, which is now a special area that the World government and Marine cannot enter.

Not only are they not angry, but they feel a little refreshed.

This is the way to deal with evil!

"It really doesn't matter."

Sengoku sighed helplessly, of course he understood what the three of them were thinking, in fact, Marines in the entire Naval Headquarters were discussing this matter, and almost applauded.

Seven Warlords of the Sea is a privileged pirate recruited by the World government. In theory, it is an armed organization at the same level as Marine, and it was born because of Marine's lack of strength.

Emotionally and rationally, it is impossible for Marine to trust and get close to Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"I'm telling you this because NEO invited our Marine to witness the execution, so I plan to send one of you there!"

NEO not only wanted to slap the World government in the face, but also didn't intend to let Marine go. The invitation letter was sent directly to the headquarters.

Sengoku was upset.

Send someone, I'm aggrieved.

Marine doesn't get along with Seven Warlords of the Sea, but it's barely a trench, and those who kill them need them to witness.

Not only aggrieved, but also speechless.

Doflamingo's crime is heinous, he really deserves to die!

Don't go, it doesn't work.

The invitation letter was sent to Naval Headquarters with great fanfare. If you don’t go, you will feel afraid of NEO. Once NEO seizes this point and spreads it wantonly, Marine will really be ashamed.

Marine is the strongest army of justice, how can they be stage fright!

What's more, Five Elders also sent an order, asking him to send Admiral to come forward, and to carry out secret missions when necessary.

Sengoku clasped his hands together under his chin, and said in a deep voice, "Kuzan, Sakazuki, Polusalino, which one of you wants to go?"


The three looked at each other.

"Ah la la, why don't I go!"

"I'm interested too."

Aokiji and Akainu spoke at the same time, both wanted to go to the New World, and their attitude was very positive.

Kizaru is still doing his nails.

Sengoku's heart sank, he stared at the two of Aokiji quietly, and then shifted his gaze to Kizaru for a long time.

"Porusalino, go!"


Kizaru was a little confused.

Didn't Kuzan and Sakazuki both say to go, why call him instead?

The problem is, he doesn't want to go!

"Sengoku Yuan--"

"Ok, deal!"

Sengoku made a decision immediately, without giving the three people a chance to ask questions, he drove the three out of the office, and then came to the window alone.


The solicitation of opinions just now was actually a small test.

The problem is serious!

Both Kuzan and Sakazuki have the possibility of defecting to the enemy, but Polusalino, who does not want to go, is the most trustworthy.

Who made NEO's head coach Zephyr!

"Zephyr, you really gave me a problem!"

Sengoku smiled wryly.

Kuzan is lazy, and basically has no interest in execution. The reason why he wants to go to New World is most likely to visit Zephyr, and he may be attracted by Zephyr.

But Sakazuki is just the opposite. With his hatred of crime, the reason why he wants to go must be to witness the execution.

NEO's tough attitude seems to have affected Sakazuki!

This can’t be blamed on NEO, it’s because Marine’s position is too passive, so many things cannot be solved by strong means, and some crimes are even turned a blind eye.

Fortunately, there was Polusalino.

When this kid was young, he and Zephyr didn't get along very well, and there were a lot of conflicts between the two. It was originally a bad thing, but now it has become a good thing.

He is the least likely to be wooed by Zephyr.

"Even Admiral is like this, the people below may be more shaken!"

Sengoku felt bitter.

Zephyr's becoming the commander-in-chief of NEO means that Marine's "justice" will face the biggest test in history!

He and Garp and other veteran marines have fought for a lifetime and will never be easily shaken, but the next generation of marines such as Kuzan, as well as young recruits such as Smoker, do not think so.

After all, Zephyr has too much influence on them, coupled with the increasing influence and justice of NEO.

It can be predicted that when the influence of NEO spreads to the whole world, the two sides will inevitably break out a dispute of ideas. Compared with the newborn NEO, Marine, which belongs to the World government, is at an absolute disadvantage in every aspect.

Next, Marine must strengthen his ideological work!

New World, Beehive Island.

On the deck of the Moby Dick, the atmosphere was extremely hot.

"Dad, it's NEO's invitation letter!"

NEO also sent an invitation letter to the Four Emperors. On the one hand, in New World, no matter what they do, the Four Emperors cannot bypass it, so they simply invite them directly.

Of course, it's somewhat provocative!

Anyone can see that NEO wants to rectify the morals of New World. This is of course a good thing for common people, but for pirates

Doesn't seem bad either!

At least for most of the Four Emperors, they hope that New World can be more stable, so that they can live in peace of mind.

And NEO will help solve many small troubles, especially those arrogant newcomers who flood into New World.

The only unlucky ones are those underground forces living in the cracks between the Four Emperors, even to the point of life and death.

As for NEO becoming bigger and stronger, will it threaten Four Emperors?

"Marco is so handsome!"

On the front page of the newspaper, Marco was wearing a brand-new NEO uniform and a NEO cape, smiling confidently with his arms folded.

The temperament has changed drastically from the previous miscellaneous fish image.

So handsome.

The captains were secretly envious, thinking about simply joining Marco in the future.

Not long ago, Dad told them that they were planning to retire. The specific time is uncertain, but it will not exceed 10 years. I hope they can make plans for themselves earlier.

The captains could understand that after all, Dad was old and not in good health, so it was impossible to protect them all the time.

This is an objective fact.

And they are still young and strong, and they always have their own time.

Marko made the first move, then Teach went his own way, and it was their turn.

"Ku la la la!"

Whitebeard smiled and waved.

"You all go, support Marco, don't let people look down on the people who came out of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

(end of this chapter)

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