One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 534 Justice Warrior Sora Yamato

Chapter 534 Justice Warrior Sora Yamato

The royal palace is located in the north of Frevans. The castle is surrounded by a moat that surrounds the royal palace, and you can go directly to the sea by boat.

The luxurious ships of the royal family were parked in the moat. Since all the staff on board were suffering from platinum lead disease, there was a lack of manned driving, so the ships could only be parked in the river, waiting for the arrival of warships.

When hundreds of thousands of angry kingdom people took up arms and appeared outside the palace shouting, together with the king, the royal family finally felt the panic.

"Bastard, why hasn't the warship arrived yet?"

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment, the warship is still on its way."

The army commander was sweating on his forehead, praying in his heart that the world government would move faster, he didn't want to lead the team to face hundreds of thousands of irrational mobs.

Currently, there are less than a hundred soldiers in the palace, and they are all descendants of nobles. They are inextricably linked with the royal family and are planning to flee with the royal family.

Combat power is very low!

He also did not expect that when he was about to leave the country, the truth of platinum-lead disease would suddenly be exposed, and so many mobs would gather in a short period of time.

All I can do is urge Marine!

In the square outside the main entrance of the palace, under the call of Trafalgar Dan, more than 200,000 rebels have gathered, and there are a steady stream of people coming from all directions.

Facing the closed gate of the palace, the rebel army temporarily stopped. However, there are all kinds of talents in the rebel army, many of whom were former soldiers of the kingdom and knew what to do.

"Quick, find ladders and planks!"

"And the rope."

Although there are no siege tools, there are not many garrison soldiers in the castle. It only needs to build simple river crossing and wall climbing facilities to open the city gate from the inside.

A few kilometers away from the palace, three warships were forced to stop in the middle of the river, and in the midair directly in front of the warships, stood a figure in a white battle suit!

The girl in battle clothes held her waist with her left hand, and pointed to the sky with her right hand.

"I am Sola, the righteous sea warrior. In order to protect love and justice, and protect the people of Frevans, no passage is allowed ahead!"


The sailors were all stunned.

Sea Warrior Sora?

As long as they are Marines, they basically know the story of the sea warrior Sola fighting Germa 66, which is a comic book to promote Marine justice.

Now, a mysterious figure calling himself Sora stops them representing justice.

"What Sora, don't let her fool you!"

The leader of the CP9, Spanda Yin, was furious.

The royal family has been urging Frevans to riot suddenly. If going late causes problems to the royal family, he will be held responsible!

"Dare to intercept the warship of the World Government, this is a death sentence!"

"Shoot her down!"


Dozens of agents in black suits quickly stepped forward, raised their guns and pulled the trigger, and dense lead bullets enveloped Yamato!

"A righteous soldier fears no bullets!"

Yamato pulled the cloak of his battle suit and stood in front of him like a shield. After the bullets shot ripples on the cloak, they bounced off directly!

"Clang clang!"

Sparks fly!

The super strong flow cloud cloak synthesized by Wabo alloy and Iron cloud has both the super hardness and resilience of Wabo alloy and the toughness of Iron cloud.

It can be called the strongest shield!

"The bullet doesn't work?"

Spandain was taken aback, but quickly sneered. In order to successfully complete the mission and protect himself, he brought the strongest special forces!

"CP9, kill her!"

"Leave it to us!"

Four men in black jumped out of the warship, stepped on the Moonwalk, and quickly approached Yamato. Air combat is their best field!

"Huh, Moonwalk?"

Yamato's eyes lit up!


At the heel of the suspended combat boots, there is a super acceleration device that combines wind shells and technology, and the maximum explosive speed can even escape the human line of sight.

When CP9 surrounded Yamato, they poked out their fingers one by one.

"Finger Pistol!"


Finger Pistol fell through!


CP9 couldn't help being surprised. Their rich combat experience allowed them to respond quickly. Several people guarded their surroundings back to back to prevent sneak attacks from behind by the enemy.

"I'm above you!"

At some point, Yamato came directly above the four of them, his right fist was accumulating strength, and flames burst out!

Blazing Gloves!

It has multi-functional gloves such as burning fire, blowing wind, and flame launcher!

Yamato swung his fist, and the fiery pillar roared down!

"fire punch!"

Without even having time to escape, the four of them were engulfed by the pillar of fire and hit the water heavily.


The water column soared into the sky!

Four CP9 agents were instantly wiped out!

"So strong!"

The soldiers were dumbfounded. The CP9 agent was superhumanly strong, and he was defeated in an instant!

"Wahahaha, the righteous sea warrior Sola will not be defeated by evil!"

Yamato put his hands on his hips and laughed.

The effect of the battle suit is more handsome than she imagined!

The warships in the rear and the sailors are in full battle.

"Smile Vice Admiral, shall we not make a move?"

"Wait first."

Yixiao can't see things, but his sense of knowledge can perceive the intensity of the battle. CP9 is still fighting, not to the point where he needs to intervene.

Interfering without authorization is likely to cause dissatisfaction from the World government.

There was one more thing that caught his attention.

"The country is full of wailing."

Smiling towards the direction of the palace, he could clearly perceive the chaotic emotions over there.

Anger, despair, grief.


Platinum lead disease took everything in this country, but he was not only powerless, but also became an executioner, trapping nearly a million innocent people to death in this country.

However, this is a necessary sacrifice. If the platinum-lead disease is allowed to spread further, it will only bring greater pain and sacrifice.


With a smile, he clenched his cane tightly, feeling depressed in his heart.

Even if he can only save one commoner, he will go all out to save the other person, but platinum-lead disease is not only highly contagious, but also incurable.

Even the doctors on the warship dare not touch platinum-lead patients!

"Tempest Kick!"

One after another Slash Wave sweeps across the sky!

The strong in CP9 join the battle!

Yamato kept changing his position, dodging the attacking Slash Wave, and at the same time looked at the chasing cat warrior out of the corner of his eye.

"This guy looks a little familiar, I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before."

Big cat with pointy teeth.

Forget it, can't remember.

"Don't hide around!"

Foz Fowler bared his teeth, stepped on the air continuously, quickly raised his body, and condescendingly aimed at the target.


The saber teeth turned black!

"The tooth gun!"

The fang-shaped air bullet roared down, biting at Yamato, and its attack range and speed were more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary flying Finger Pistol.

On one side of Yamato's body, the tooth gun slipped by and fell to the surface of the water below.


The air bomb fell into the water, exploding a large amount of water like a cannonball, and many fish were blown out with their eyes turned white.

"The gun! The gun! The gun!"

Foz Fur continuously bombarded with all his strength, and the air bullets of fangs roared down, and the strong bite force could easily penetrate the rock!

As the current strongest fighter in CP9, if he can win this fight, he will most likely be recruited into the strongest CP0!

A promotion and a salary increase are just around the corner!

(end of this chapter)

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