One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 547 Under Extreme Anger...

Chapter 547 I am in extreme anger

In the cold snow, dozens of pirates fell in a pool of blood, only the captain Barelz survived.

Barelz knelt on the ground with his hands and feet locked by candles. When he recognized the enemy's identity, his eyes were full of resentment and fear!

"So it's you, Dog Dog Pirates!"

"Return the fruit of the operation!"

"This is a big business of 5 billion Baileys!"

"As long as I get this money, I will no longer have to be a pirate, and I will no longer have to live in fear."

"By the way, you also want money, right? As long as you don't kill me, I promise to give you half of the 5 billion Bailey—"

"shut up!!!"

Yamato interrupted the opponent angrily, the exposed skin surface was full of tight veins, and even his body swelled involuntarily, turning on the orc form!

"Only you, absolutely unforgivable!"

She originally planned to spend all her savings and use 3 billion Baileys to buy the fruit of the operation, but because of the greed of these scumbags, the transaction was delayed for more than half a year.

This long six months has caused more than half a million people in Frevans to die in despair. They can obviously survive!

She was so angry for the first time!

"Even if my lord father sees a damn bastard like you, he can't spare your life!"

Yamato held the mace with both hands and slowly placed it by his side, the tip of the stick pulled out a clearly visible black Haki streamer.

Conqueror's twine!

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Accompanied by the suppressed roar, the hair of the little girl's whole body was blood red, and a looming cloud of flame wrapped around her body, exuding a suffocating and terrifying aura.


Under the tremendous pressure, the ground under his feet sank and shattered, pieces of rubble trembled and floated upwards.

Even space is trembling!

Barelz's complexion changed drastically, and he begged for mercy loudly in fear: "Wait, don't kill me, I'll give you all 5 billion Baileys!"

However, what greeted him was the wrath of hundreds of thousands of dead souls!

"Thunder Eight Trigrams Weiguo!!!"

With the sound of piercing through the air, the mace that condensed all of Yamato's strength violently struck Bales' face!


In the unspeakable impact, Barelz's entire body was instantly blasted into a puddle of blood and splashed on the ground, and the strength of the mace had just exploded!


The island shook violently, and huge smoke and dust traversed the entire island!

In the northwest region, a few people who were practicing the Kung Fu of the Kingdom of Flowers were stumbling around, and it was difficult for them to even stand still.

On the southern coast, the waves were churning violently, and the world's most serious surveillance warship directly hit the rock wall on the shore.

No one knows what happened, but looking at the smoke and dust rising from the island, the biggest possibility is an earthquake.

When all the dust fell, the island was split in two from the middle, leaving only a small area in the northwest connected together.

"Eh? Did I do this?"

Yamato picked up the mace, looked at the big rift valley that spread to the end of his vision, and couldn't believe it was done by himself.

In extreme anger, she actually blasted an island open with a stick!

Behind her, Mr.3 was also in a state of stunned, never expecting his own captain to unleash such a terrifying attack.

"It shouldn't be!"

Based on his understanding of the captain, the strength is indeed very strong, but there should not be such a terrifying power at present.

Is it because of anger?

If he is also in a state of extreme anger, is it possible.

"Third brother, let's go back!"


Every day that passes, hundreds of people in Frevans will die of illness. Now that the results of the operation are in hand, it is necessary to hurry back.

Soon, the Dog Dog sailed into the sea.

And the World Government's surveillance ship also reported everything that happened on Mignon Island to the chief on Feiyan Island!

Especially the flag of the Dog Dog Pirates!


The wine glass was smashed to pieces!

Spandain's eyes were bloodshot, and his face was distorted like a monster.

"The Dog Dog Pirates!!!"

Seeing that the fruit of the operation was about to be obtained, and there was still a huge sum of 5 billion Baileys, but because of the Dog Dog Pirates, everything came to naught!

In Frevans, it was also the Dog Dog Pirates who sabotaged their mission, resulting in the killing of Frevans' royal family, and countless wealth fell into the hands of the damned untouchables.

Again and again and again and again!

Absolutely intolerable!

Spandain was panting heavily, and when his mood stabilized, he immediately took out his special phone bug to contact Holy Land and report the situation.

With his current strength, he can't deal with Guiji unless he activates Buster Call, but Buster Call is the last resort!

Until then, there are options.

"I need CP0's support!"



Extremely cold port, hospital.

Outside the ICU operating room, Xia Qi and Pei Jin pestered Yamato.

"Let's join the Dog Dog Pirates!"

"We are very good at water-based, we can definitely help you!"

"We'll also have some boatman skills."

Going out to sea with the Dog Dog Pirates, the two little ghosts who have never seen the outside world are very yearning for an adventurous life at the moment.

And they want to follow Master Hongling and learn extremely handsome kung fu!

"Ah hit!"

"Hum ha ha ha!"

The two showed off their newly learned kung fu and moved around in the hospital corridors, trying to increase their value.

After arguing for a while, the two looked at Yamato out of breath, and pleaded: "Captain, we will also become stronger, so please let us join the Dog Dog Pirates!"


To the surprise of the two, Yamato agreed without thinking.


Xia Qi and Pei Jin were stunned.

So simple?

Pei Jin asked cautiously: "Captain Yamato, don't you need an interview or something?"

"No, it's not that troublesome."

Yamato grinned, she only had one principle in recruiting members.

Just look pleasing to the eye.

And the two little devils in front of her were about her age, although their level was a bit poor, but it was enough to be an intern on her ship.

After waiting for a while, the operating room finally turned on the green light, and soon Rosinante, who was covered in bandages, was pushed out.

"The operation was very successful, and he only needs to rest for a few months to recover smoothly."

The attending doctor couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He took out a total of more than 20 lead bullets from the patient's body. Normal people suffered such serious injuries, and several lives were not enough.

However, this man named Rosinante, with his extremely tenacious vitality, survived abruptly.

Yamato's eyes lit up: "Doctor, can you leave the hospital?"


The doctor in charge has black lines all over his face. Did the girl not understand what he said? What the patient needs now is to recuperate peacefully in the hospital bed. How can he be discharged from the hospital!

"Wow ha ha ha, thank you doctor!"

Under the dull gaze of the doctor, Yamato wrapped Rosinante with a quilt, then tucked it under his arm, and ran out of the hospital in a hurry.

"Xia Qi, Pei Jin, let's go!"

She was in a hurry, and if Rosinante hadn't been seriously injured and dying, and there was no professional doctor on board, she would not have stayed in the extremely cold port.

Xia Qi and Pei Jin looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes, but they quickly reacted and rushed to keep up.

"Wait for us, Captain!"

(end of this chapter)

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