One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 558 Spandain's Death

Several warships fired a salvo, and the No. 10 warship burst into flames instantly, and it might sink at any time.

"That bastard!"

On the No. 9 warship, Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel, was full of anger.

The sailors on the No. 10 warship were all his subordinates, but now they were wiped out under the order of the ghost spider. How could he not be angry.

But things have already happened, and it is meaningless to pursue them now, if Gui Ji cannot be caught, all sacrifices will be in vain!

On the deck of the No. 6 warship, the ghost spider held the telephone communicator and issued an order again!

"The gunners of the entire fleet are ready to continue shelling before the No. 10 warship is completely sunk, and we must not give the evil a chance to survive!"


The artillery is reloaded again!

With the situation of the No. 10 warship, another salvo can completely destroy it, and all life on the warship will also come to an end!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The artillery fire roared again, but the No. 10 warship did not tear up and sank, but several warships exploded at the same time!

"what happened?!"

The No. 6 warship was also shelled, and the mast was broken by shells. The sudden shelling directly stunned Marine!

"Enemy attack!!!"

"At 3 o'clock, find the Grand Fleet!"

"It's NEO!"

In the eastern waters, black battleships rushed out of the sea fog!

"It's a little late!"

Gion stood above the bow, gazing at the Marine fleet off the coast.

NEO’s operations in the four seas are not as convenient as Marine’s. It took a little time, but it was only about half an hour.

However, in this short interval, Buster Call caused irreparable damage!

"The whole army obeys orders!"

Gion pulled out the kinpira and pointed at the Marine fleet, his eyes were cold!


"Boom boom boom!!!"

Facing the incoming shells again, Marine reacted extremely quickly!

"Don't underestimate Marine!"

The light of the knife flickered, and the shells were cut in half and exploded in the air!

It's Marine's generals!

Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Stieres, Dalmesia, and the five Vice Admirals all stood up.


This is the world, and NEO must not be allowed to do whatever it wants!

The helmsman quickly turned around and steered the warship to face the NEO fleet. The two sides exchanged artillery fire, and it soon turned into a naval battle.

On the side of the No. 10 warship, the seawater was forcibly frozen, forming an ice surface tens of meters long and wide.

Smoker manipulated the smoke, wrapped the wounded and transported them to the ice, and devoted all his energy to treating his companions.

A total of 1,000 sailors, less than one-third of them were lucky enough to survive, and even the supreme officer Kadalu Rear Admiral died unfortunately.

Soon, the ice surface was full of wounded people.

Yamato carried out a wounded man from the cabin, biting his lips: "This is the last one, I can't feel the breath of the living anymore."


Smoker silently picked up the wounded man and sent him to the ice with his back to Yamato.

"Thank you, Yamato."

"You're welcome, we are classmates."

Yamato forced a smile, glanced at the fleet that was fighting, and then looked at the coastal port, clenching his fists a little bit.

"I still have things to do!"

The little girl jumped off the warship and walked towards the coastal port step by step. There was a World Government warship there, which bombarded the refuge ship before!

"It's Guiji!"

CP9 spotted Yamato immediately and sounded the alarm.

"Damn it, she's here to find me!"

Seeing the werewolf girl with an angry face, Spandayin panicked and immediately yelled at his subordinates: "Where is Captain Huangmu? Let Captain Huangmu come back!"

"Yes, sir!"

With the strength of CP9, Guiji cannot resist, and Marine is also in a huge crisis. Even self-protection is a problem. Now the only strong person who can stop the opponent is CP0 Captain Araki!

Foz Fu hurriedly contacted Huang Mu, but the phone bug couldn't get through!

A few kilometers away, Huang Mu was resting leisurely on the lawn with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth. Beside him was a phone bug that had removed the communication parts and was eating grass leaves.

"Hahahaha, this weather is really suitable for sleeping!"

He didn't want to get involved in the thankless trouble of dealing with Kaido's daughter, and it wasn't his job to protect Spandain anyway.

"Damn bastard, I knew that guy was unreliable!"

Spanda was furious, and quickly issued an order: "Get out of here immediately, CP9, and stop Gui Ji!"

The warship set sail quickly, and the speed was extremely fast under the powerful propulsion of the power wheels. CP9 also left the warship one after another, and stopped in front of Yamato under the leadership of Foz Fu.

No nonsense, Foz Fuchong directly transformed into an orc form, stepped on the Moonwalk to rush towards Yamato first, and launched the Sixth Form while still in mid-air!

"Iron Body!"

Facing the rushing Foz Fu, Yamato hit Foz Fu with a stick without even thinking about it!


With a muffled sound, like hitting a baseball, Foz Faw disappeared into the sky screaming.


Yamato was stunned.

She remembered that the other party shouldn't be that weak, why did it feel like she was deliberately resisting her mace with her body, there must be something wrong with her mind.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Now is not the time to think about those.

World government warships are on the run!

"Get out of here!"

Yamato sticks one stick at a time, and all his CPs will be intercepted and blown away!


Beast Chase Form!

"Damn it, she's catching up!"

Seeing the white wolf getting closer and closer behind the warship, Spandain was so frightened that he couldn't run away with the speed of the warship.

CP9, who was able to protect himself, also failed miserably.

"Don't try to escape!"

The white wolf jumped over the warship, landed in front of the warship, stood up and turned into a werewolf girl, staring coldly at Spandine on the warship!

The culprit of everything is this villain!

"Hahahaha, what a fool who overestimates himself!"

Spandain was overjoyed when he looked at the girl standing in front of him!

"Go at full speed and crush her to death!"

The warship speeds up again, like a huge beast that chooses to devour people!

Yamato stared coldly at the approaching warship, a white flame cloud appeared on his body again, and at the same time stomped his right foot on the sea surface!

"Unattended Glacier!"

In an instant, with Yamato as the center, the sea within a radius of one kilometer was completely frozen!

"Crack, crack, crack!"

The warship broke through the ice, but the speed was getting slower and slower. When it came to Yamato, Yamato raised his hand and pressed the front of the warship.

The warship stopped!

Spandain couldn't see what was going on below, but instinct told him something was wrong.

"What are you doing, go ahead!"

"Sir, the power wheel is frozen, and the warship is temporarily unable to move."

The soldiers were sweating coldly.

The range of kilometers below is completely covered with ice, and the bottom of the ship and the power wheels are also frozen by solid ice. There is no way to do it!


The ear-piercing sound of friction came into my ears!

On the side of the warship, the werewolf girl dragged a mace and walked vertically upwards. Every step she took would leave a piece of ice crystal under her feet.

And the sound of friction is the sound of a mace passing through the cabin!

When the werewolf girl came to the deck, all the soldiers immediately held their breath, allowing the girl to approach Spandine step by step!

"Don't, don't come here!"

Spandain collapsed on the ground, desperately backed up until his back leaned against the railing of the warship, and could only watch the girl raise the mace.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!!!"

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