One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 578 Studying Medicine Can't Save Frevans

Chapter 578 Studying Medicine Can't Save Frevans

South of Frevans, the Dog slowly landed.

"Melting Shape · Candle Mountain!"

After hiding the Dog Dog, the group of people immediately headed towards the interior of Frevans, feeling extremely dignified.

In the ruins of the dilapidated town, heavily armed soldiers can be seen everywhere. They searched from house to house, and once they found the hiding people, they killed them immediately.

The situation of platinum lead disease cannot be spread, so it must be eradicated, and these crimes will be borne by the Dog Dog Pirates.

Seeing a woman killed in the street, Yamato wanted to rush out angrily, but was held back by Mr.3.

"follow me!"

Mr.3 leads the team with a cold face. If the captain is allowed to act recklessly at this special moment, the situation will only get worse.

If Marine is attracted, then they can only choose to retreat, otherwise Marine Admiral will be dispatched in the end.

The most urgent task is to find Luo.

Looking at Mr. 3, who is familiar with the road, they are a little at a loss. They are still confused about the situation of Frevans at the moment, but the third brother seems to know it by heart.

"Third brother, do you know where Luo is?"


Without turning his head, Mr.3 explained: "If Luo is still alive, then they must be hiding in the mine where platinum-lead ore is mined."

In fact, when he left before, he predicted the current situation, but he didn't expect it to happen so early.

Huai Bi is guilty, and the platinum-lead ore with amazing value is destined to attract wolves.

What's more, Frevans lost his status as a member country. No matter how cruel the atrocities were, no one would claim justice.

Therefore, the demise of Frevans has long been doomed, and the opportunity of that day is the moment when the world no longer fears platinum-lead disease!


Everyone was shocked.

The third brother is right, only the underground mines extending in all directions can hide a large number of people, Luo must be hiding in the mines!

As night falls, the mine area.

Platinum-lead mines have been mined for a hundred years and are the most important industry in Frevans.

Located in the wilderness north of the town, the huge open pit is like a funnel, with dense branch mines underneath.

In an extremely complicated environment, even if soldiers from the three neighboring countries worked together to search, they could not find the hidden Frevans rebels, and instead lost a lot of manpower.

There is no way, the three neighboring countries simply blocked the entrance and exit of the mine, and let the rebels hiding inside fend for themselves, the effect is also very significant.

"Bang! Bang bang!"

Somewhere at the exit, gunshots rang out again!


A blue transparent halo enveloped a dozen soldiers in the trench. Immediately after the sound of a sugar palm, grenades that pulled the fuzes popped up at their feet one by one.

"Run away—"


The trench trembled violently, and a large amount of mud splashed out.

Luo was holding a rifle, and there was no hesitation in his hateful eyes. He just wanted to kill all the invaders now, leaving no one behind!


"Oh oh oh!!!"

The rebels howled and followed Luo, and charged towards the enemy's defense line. Under the power of the operation, they tore apart the enemy's defense line in an instant.

The fighting lasted for half an hour before the shouts of killing stopped. A large number of unkempt people rushed out from the darkness and quickly collected all the food and weapons.

When the enemy's support arrived, there was only a pile of corpses left on the battlefield, and this situation had happened more than a dozen times.


In the depths of the mine, under the dim lighting of oil lamps, 13-year-old Luo leaned against the wall, physically and mentally exhausted.

Op-Op Fruit's strength is very powerful, but it also consumes terrible energy, and every battle makes him exhausted.


In Luo's mind, everyone in the Dog Dog Pirates emerged. If there is no external interference, the number of rebels will only become smaller and smaller until they all die.

He is a doctor, he can cure diseases and save people, but he cannot save this country!

who can save them

"Doctor Luo!"

Shouts of surprise approached from far away, and soon the soldiers in charge of sentry appeared, followed by a group of pirates, pirates representing hope.


Luo stared blankly at Yamato and the others, not knowing what kind of emotion he was feeling for a while. There was resentment at the failure of the Dog Dog Pirates to appear in time, but it was more of a surprise.

He knew very well that this matter had nothing to do with the Dog Dog Pirates, and it was impossible for the other party to guard Frevans all the time.

Looking at the tired Luo, Yamato panicked, "Sorry, we're late."

"Captain, you have done nothing wrong, there is no need to apologize to me, these past few months."

Luo smiled reluctantly, and described what happened recently.

When all the patients with platinum-lead disease were cured, they let down their vigilance, which led to the current bad situation.

There was silence in the pit.

Mr.3 frowned and asked, "How many people are there?"

"Less than 10,000."

"How much food?"

"There is no food stock, we need to fight for food and water every day."

Nearly 10,000 people eat and drink, and need a lot of food every day, and more importantly, fresh water.

In fact, the number of rebels has been reduced several times. People die every day. The situation is worse than when the platinum-lead disease broke out. No one knows whether they will see the sun tomorrow.

Luo raised his head with red eyes, and his chapped lips trembled slightly: "Mr. San, is this country... still saved?"


Mr.3 shook his head.

He does not want to deceive his companions.

The demise of Frevans is a foregone conclusion. In the world ruled by the world government, not having the status of a member country means despair in itself.

Even without neighbors, other raiders will come.

Luo lowered his head, his eyes gradually becoming bloodshot.

Mr.3 is expressionless. The situation in non-affiliated countries is basically the same. After seeing a lot, he will naturally become numb.

"Ro, what are you going to do? Leave Frevans with us, or stay here?"


Luo clenched his fists.

He doesn't want to die, he wants to live!

But what about the people left behind, they also want to live.

clenched fist, let go, clenched again

"Can I bring my family with me?"


Mr. 3 nodded slightly, not thinking of blaming Luo at all. In this extremely bad world, it is very difficult for a good person to survive.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning!"

No objection was raised.

Yamato also kept his mouth shut, and when he encountered a situation that he didn't know how to solve, he just listened to his third brother, and his father also told her so.

She couldn't protect the country forever.


Mr.3 looked at the gloomy atmosphere and sighed helplessly.

"Don't be too pessimistic, the people here actually have hope of surviving."


Luo opened his eyes wide, and Yamato and the others were shocked.

"Mr. San, is it true?"

"It's just possible."

Mr.3 looked at the expectant eyes of several people, shook his head and smiled.

"Dorag and Tiger, you should have heard of it, right?"

"They are the leaders of the revolutionary army and heroes!"

"When I came here, I specifically contacted the Revolutionary Army and informed Drago of Frevans' situation!"

He contacted the Revolutionary Army, probably because [Candle Demon] was too famous, and the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dorag, talked to him in person.

"So, the Revolutionary Army is probably on their way!"

(end of this chapter)

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