Chapter 59 The Emaciated Yamato

In the wilderness on the south side of the prisoner quarry, the swordsmen of the Shinsengumi lay on the ground, and only Yamato and Sasaki were left struggling.

And their opponent is a dead man.

Zombie Ryoma!

Yamato wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, this guy is too strong!"

"Of course, Ryoma is the strongest warrior in legend!"

Sasaki clenched the long knife in his hand, his eyes were deep, facing the legendary sword god Ryoma, the instinct of a samurai prompted him to fight with all his strength.

It's a pity that the other party is a zombie, and his strength is many times worse than before, but even so, he is ridiculously strong!

"Let's stop here."

Just when the two were about to attack again, Ryoma suddenly put down his knife, looked sideways towards the direction of the quarry, and said calmly: "Master's battle is over, and my duty is complete."

The order he received before was to prevent other people from interfering with the duel. At this time, the duel between the master and Kaido has ended, so there is no need to continue to block the other party.

Ryoma put the knife back into its sheath, turned and walked towards the quarry, completely ignoring the two of them.

Yamato blushed instantly, turned his head and asked Sasaki in a low voice: "This guy is underestimating us, right?!"

"That's right!"

Sasaki nodded with a dark face, feeling ignored, he was exactly the same as Yamato, how could he not be angry.


The two stopped in front of Ryoma again, and shouted in a deep voice: "The battle is not over yet, and we must take you back!"

"What a stalker!"

Ryoma pulled out a blade, the bright light of the blade reflected the empty eyes, and a trace of murderous intent permeated the air.

"My mission has been completed, if you wait to prevent me from returning to my master, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"We didn't expect you to show mercy!"

By the time Kaido falls from the sky, the battle is drawing to a close.

Sasaki was still fighting Ryoma, but he was obviously at a disadvantage. It would be a matter of time before he lost. Yamato was lying on the ground, and the mace in his hand was cut into two sections.

Kaido squatted next to Yamato, poked the little girl with his hand, and quickly relieved, um, still breathing.

"It's miserable, Yamato."

"Father, Father!"

Yamato opened his eyes with difficulty, tilted his head to see Kaido, and instantly settled down in his heart. As long as his father is by his side, all obstacles will collapse.

The little girl bit her lip, her face full of unwillingness: "I'm sorry, Father, I lost."

"No need to apologize."

Kaido touched the little girl's head and said with a smile: "You have done well enough. After I go back this time, I will prepare special training for you to make you stronger!"


Yamato nodded vigorously, there seemed to be flames burning in her eyes, she is now the boss of Shinsengumi, she must become stronger!

"My lord father."

"What's wrong?"

"Can you turn over for me?"


Kaido helped Yamato to lean against the rock, and watched Sasaki and Ryoma fight together.

In terms of the strength of Wanokuni's samurai, Oden can be said to be the only one, followed by daimyos such as Leopard Goro and Shimotsuki Ushimaru, followed by such masters as Sasaki and Shutenmaru.

The Zombie Ryoma is obviously superior to Sasaki in terms of strength, but the shadow of Kin'emon is somewhat behind, so the battle between the two can be regarded as back and forth.

"This fellow Sasaki has become much stronger."

Kaido looked at Sasaki, he was like a scholar before, his body was obviously thin, but now his body is much stronger, he looks like a swordsman.

Men, still have to be stronger!

After watching for a while, Kaido turned his attention to the other Shinsengumi members. They were in the same state as Yamato, lying on the ground and moaning. If it wasn’t for the mercy of the zombie Ryoma, few of them would have survived.

"too weak."

These guys used to be ignorant gangsters and rogues, and their strength was stronger than ordinary people. As the general's subordinates, they were somewhat unqualified.

We have to find a way to strengthen the strength of the Shinsengumi. In the future, Wanokuni will have to rely on this group of guys to guard, and we can't make any troubles. Beasts Pirates have to come forward.


Sasaki fell heavily in front of the two of them.

Yamato immediately asked nervously: "Uncle Sasaki, are you okay?"


Sasaki struggled to stand up straight, with blood spattering from top to bottom, not as fine as he said.

He rushed towards the dragon horse again, but flew back at a faster speed, and hit the rock next to him heavily, half of his body was embedded in it.

Yamato: "."

What is this idiot trying to do!

"Ha ha ha ha."

Kaido laughed heartily, and always felt very happy to see his swearing daughter deflated.

"Yamato, your Shinsengumi are all wiped out."


Yamato's face turned red when he thought of the Haikou that he boasted before. Not only did he fail to catch the tomb robber this time, he even couldn't beat the zombie Ryoma manipulated by the tomb robber. It was so embarrassing.

The awkward atmosphere was quickly broken.

Zombie Ryoma came in front of the two, with empty eye sockets facing Kaido, the autumn water in his hand trembled slightly, making a crisp buzzing sound.

That's the signal for battle!

"Terrible strong man, although I don't know why, there is always an urge to kill you in my heart, does my shadow have any grudges against you?"

"There is indeed a grudge."

Kaido said lightly, he was also there when Moria was silhouetted before, and he knew that Ryoma's body was the shadow of Kin'emon, as Oden's retainer, how could Kin'emon not hate him.

"In this country, there should be few people who don't hate me."

"I see."

Long Ma put Qiushui into the scabbard, made a posture of drawing the sword and slashing, and said coldly: "Your Excellency defeated the master, if I want to save the master, I must defeat you, hehe, this full of anger, just can Get set free!"

The blade was unsheathed, and the flames shot up into the sky!

"Fox Fire Flow·Fire Willow Flash!"

The flame flashed away, and Ryoma appeared behind Kaido in an instant, with an incredible speed, but his right hand, which should have been holding a knife, was cut off at the root!


The burning autumn water fell from the sky and stuck in front of Yamato, where Ryoma's withered hand was still holding the hilt.

"What a solid body!"

Ryoma sighed regretfully, and struck with all his strength, but because his body could not bear the force of the shock, the right hand holding the knife was broken.

He turned to face Kaido, waiting motionlessly: "If I met you while I was alive, I would definitely have a great fight!"

"The results won't make a difference."

Kaido shook his head slightly and raised his mace.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

(end of this chapter)

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