Chapter 592 The Grand Staircase

As night fell, Kuina came to the secret training base outside the dojo alone, her mind was full of lingering muscle mass.

"I want to be like that too?"

Kuina imagined that his body was full of gnarled muscles, as strong as a wall, easily killing a cow with one punch, and couldn't help shivering.



However, Zoro suddenly popped up in my mind!

She paid attention to Zoro more than anyone else, so she knew very well how hard Zoro worked. That guy was often alone, doing physical exercises such as squatting, lifting boulders and pulling millstones.

She also mocked Zoro.

Looking back now, I realized that I was immersed in swordsmanship skills, resented that I was not a man, and even felt that as long as I grew up, I would definitely be surpassed by men.

It turned out that she had already found an excuse for her weakness.

Zoro's efforts are right!

"Without a strong body, you can't use your swordsmanship to the ultimate level!"


As long as she has strong muscles like Ms. Yamato's and has physical strength stronger than that of a man, is it possible for her to become the world's number one swordsman!

In the quiet night, Kuina's eyes became brighter and brighter. She walked to the fruit tree beside the training ground and picked up the two dumbbells on the ground.

It is said to be a dumbbell, but it is actually a piece of wood inserted into two stones. It is very rough, but the wooden handle is very smooth, and it can be seen that it is often used by people.

This is Zoro's self-made training equipment.

"Good weight!"

Kuina lifted the barbell with difficulty, and raised and lowered it with both hands in turn. Each cycle constituted a group, counting silently in his heart.

"1, 2, 3"

After an unknown amount of time, the girl's skirt was soaked with sweat, and her arms holding the dumbbells were trembling uncontrollably.

But the girl still gritted her teeth and desperately held up the dumbbell.






The dumbbell fell heavily, making two deep holes in the grass.


Kuina lay back straight on the grass, her arms were numb, she looked at the moon in the sky with a happy smile on her face.

"Zoro's practice is not as difficult as imagined!"

As soon as the words fell, a familiar face covered the moonlight.

Roronoa Zoro, come on!


Kuina's smile froze on her face, her brain heated up rapidly, and her whole face turned red like a monkey's ass.

Lift your legs up and shoot up!

"You, you, when did you come!"

"I am always here."

Zoro was a little baffled, he came to the secret base to practice before dark, and originally planned to challenge Kuina, but saw Kuina pick up the dumbbells to practice, so he didn't bother.

What a strange woman!

Zoro snorted, took out the two real knives given by the old fishing man, and his fighting spirit was high: "Since you have finished training, let's decide the winner. You should bring a knife, this time is a real battle!"


Kuina has black lines all over her head, she is so tired, and she still has to challenge her for a duel, she doesn't know how to be considerate at all!

However, it was exactly what she wanted!

"Okay, come on!"

A moment later, Zoro fell to the ground again, and Dao Yiwen's blade was inserted next to Zoro's head. Under the moonlight, the blade radiated a cold light.

Satisfied, Kuina drew out the knife and sheathed the blade: "This is my 2001st win!"

"Damn it, I'm not reconciled!"

Zoro covered his face, tears of unwillingness fell down, he wanted to become the strongest swordsman, how could he fail again and again.


Kuina looked down at Zoro, and said angrily: "You are several years younger than me now, you can't catch up in a day or two."

"This is not the reason why I will lose to you, I can beat even adults!"

Zoro got up angrily, and yelled at Kuina: "Could it be that you will use your young age as an excuse when you meet an enemy and are defeated and killed by him in the future!"


Kuina looked at the angry Zoro, and her heart shook again.

For the first time, she realized that Zoro was ten times and a hundred times stronger than her. Even though she defeated her 2,001 times, she didn't make excuses for her defeat.

If the two sides were reversed, she would have given up on being a swordsman long ago after being defeated by Zoro so many times.


Kuina laughed out loud, wiping the teardrops from the corners of her eyes with her hand.

"Thank you, Zoro."

"Huh? Thank you for what?"

Zoro was full of doubts, and soon realized something, pointing at Kuina even more annoyed: "You are laughing at me! Damn it, let's duel again!"


The idiot!

Ten minutes later, Kuina returned to the dojo, washed briefly, and then walked towards the stairs.

Her room is on the second floor.

"Da da da"

As Kuina was stepping on the grand staircase, her brain suddenly became dizzy, and everything in her vision appeared double, and it became more and more serious.

"Are you too tired?"

Kuina shook his head. After practicing for such a long time, and having two fights with Zoro, it seemed that he had gone too far, and his head was dizzy.

But there are still a few last steps to reach the second floor.

Kuina raised her foot again, but before she stepped on the steps, her mind went blank and her body fell backwards.


The body rolled down the stairs uncontrollably, and when it landed, the back of the head hit the ground with a "bang", and the bright red blood flowed out.

The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground woke up many people. When Koshiro walked out of the bedroom and saw his daughter lying on the stairs, his face paled instantly.

"Kuina! Kuina!"

"Come on doctor! Doctor!"

The anxious shouts woke up the sleeping dog and dog pirates, especially Luo, when he heard the call for a doctor, his instinctive reaction made him pick up the surgical kit by the bed and rush out of the room.

When he saw Kuina lying in Koshiro's arms, out of the doctor's instinctive judgment, he knew he had to operate immediately!

"I'm a doctor, give her to me!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Luo immediately opened the surgical kit and placed it on the ground next to it. At the same time, he activated the room and replaced the dining table in front of him, using it as a temporary operating table.

"Does the dojo have medical tools? Get them all for me!"


Koshiro saw Luo's professional actions, even though the other party was still young, he subconsciously trusted him, and hurried to get the medicine box.

Most importantly, there is no other choice.

The village of Shimotsuki is very small, and the doctors in the village can only treat minor illnesses such as colds and fevers, as well as simple treatment of trauma.

And the back of Kuina's head was covered with blood, his face was pale at the moment, he was unconscious, and his breath became more and more sluggish.

The only hope of curing Kuina lies in the little doctor in front of him.

In the tense crowd watching, Luo unhurriedly checked Kuina's injury, calmly like a robot.

"The patient is in shock, has symptoms of excessive blood loss, and has a high probability of intracerebral hemorrhage. Surgery must be performed immediately!"

The patients he took over were countless, and he took back countless lives from Shinigami, and the current scene was nothing.

As long as it is not dead, he can save it back!

Luo took out a sharp scalpel, looked sideways at the flustered Shimotsuki Koshiro, and calmly told a fact.

"Don't worry, I'm the best doctor in the world!"

(end of this chapter)

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