One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 600 Only Low-Level Pirates Eat Overlord Meals

Chapter 600 Only Low-Level Pirates Eat Overlord Meals

Kingdom of Goa, palace hall.

More than a dozen soldiers knelt on the ground, not daring to fart a single one.

"Mr. Blue was killed?"

"Trash, find someone else to do it!"

"Three days later, the ship from the Holy Land will arrive at the Kingdom of Goa. If Saint Charmarco smells dirty, you will all have to move your heads!"

"I want to see the fire tonight, so get out!"

Under the king's scolding, the army captain and the guards left the palace in embarrassment and rushed to the uncertain terminal.

Burning the indeterminate terminal was imperative, and if they couldn't find someone to set it on fire, they'd have to do it themselves.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

As night fell, it was uncertain outside the city gate to the border town near the terminal.

"There are too many guards tonight!"

Ace and Luffy hid behind the garbage dump, peeking at the gate of the border town.

Under normal circumstances, there are only a few guards in the border town, and the censorship of people passing by is very lax, and even a small amount of money can enter the border town.

In the past, the three brothers would often follow convoys, or sneak into border towns with furs and other prey, and then eat overlord meals or something.

But today, there are dozens of guards inside the city gate, and outside vehicles and people are prohibited from entering. After the last garbage dump, the city gate began to close.

There is no way to mix in this situation!


A blue transparent halo enveloped the two of them.

"Eh? What is this?"

Ace and Luffy had question marks all over their heads. They turned their heads and looked behind them, only to see a stinky guy named Luo stretching out two fingers, and he didn't know what he was doing.


The next moment, the eyes of the two of them flashed!

When I woke up, I saw a city wall tens of meters high in front of me, and behind me were scattered clean houses and streets.

The two were shocked, and they were very familiar with the scenery in front of them.

They came to the border town!

What just happened?

Luo cried, and paused when he passed by the two, turned his face to the side and challenged unceremoniously: "Let's go, country bumpkin."


The two froze for a moment, realized that the other party was calling them, and couldn't help being furious. This was the first time someone underestimated them.

"Ace, this guy is so attractive!"

"I'll find a chance to beat him later!"

Ace and Luffy are gnashing their teeth, their foreheads are smoking with anger, the three brothers have been rampant in the uncertain terminal for many years, they can eat anything, but they can't suffer!

They remembered this grudge!

"Eat, eat!"

Yamato was at the front of the line, clamoring for a place to eat. It was meal time, and the street was filled with the smell of food.

Ace and Luffy looked at each other with malicious eyes at the same time.

"We know where to eat!"

A moment later, Ace and Luffy, who looked like reincarnated starved ghosts, gobbled it up at the most luxurious restaurant in the commercial street of Border Town, and competed with Yamato, who was also reborn as a starved ghost.

"Ace, it's so delicious!"

"Well~~ Hurry up, Luffy, don't lose to that guy!"

"Ten more Seafood Rice Bowls!"

"Meat, I want to eat meat!"

The wild eating patterns and eating speed left other guests stunned.

"What a shame!"

"Which family is this child!"

"What a turnoff!"

Those who can dine in this restaurant are either rich families from border towns or nobles from high towns, that is, they are either rich or noble.

Not to mention making noise, they are even cautious when speaking, for fear of disturbing other people and damaging their image.

Therefore, seeing the trio of foodies devouring food without noble etiquette, how can they have no objections in their hearts.

Not only them, even the members of the Dog Dog Pirates sat at the next table. Apart from worrying about food being robbed, there was another reason.


Mr.3 is holding black tea and sipping carefully. As a fastidious person, the first element of eating out is to stay away from his own captain.

Luo next to him twitched, picked up the knife and fork to eat in silence, as if he didn't know the three foodies at the next table.

Although his parents were not aristocrats, they were once the upper class of the kingdom, and they had learned basic etiquette.

It's so embarrassing.

The rest of the people also ate on their own.

Hong Ling's family is rich, Reiju is the princess of Germa, Kuina is shy, and Xia Qi and Pei Jin are more cautious when entering such a good restaurant for the first time.

If there is a banquet, then everyone will come as happy as they want, but when eating in a high-end restaurant, at least pay attention to their image.

At the dinner table, Ace established a united front with Luffy, and challenged Yamato while stuffing food into his mouth.

"We eat more than you!"

"I eat more than you!"

Not to be outdone, Yamato has never lost a meal. Among the ten seats in the academy, she can't eat the other nine!

"Then let's compare!"

"Okay, let's compare!"

"Boss, serve!"

After eating wildly for an entire hour, all the ingredients in the restaurant were wiped out, and the big appetite competition finally stopped.

"Wow ha ha ha, I won!"

With his swollen belly, Yamato licked the corner of his mouth with unsatisfied desire. He ate six percent full, which is not bad.

Opposite her, Ace and Luffy had their mouths full of food, their eyes rolled white, and they were almost stuffed to death.

"Ace, we lost!"

"What is going on with this woman!"

It was the first time they met a guy who could eat more than themselves. Although the other party was older, the two of them could not be rivals together, which was too scary.

"Hello, Luffy."

"Ah, I know, Ace!"

The two brothers looked at each other, stood up with difficulty with their stomachs straight, jumped a little, and immediately picked up the ancestral steel pipe next to them.


The next second, the two brothers rushed out the door in tacit understanding, not forgetting to remind the Dog Dog Pirates.

"Run, too!"

Eat overlord meal!

Every time they came to the border town, the three brothers would eat Bawang meal, and they were not caught by the restaurant owner once.

However, strong castles often collapse from the inside.

When the two passed by Luo, Luo stretched out his legs expressionlessly.

Ace's pupils shrank, and he jumped up very quickly, and at the same time quickly reminded his younger brother who was following him.

"Watch out, Luffy!"


Before Luffy could react, his ankle was tripped, and his body fell straight to the ground, with a "bang" that made him dizzy.


Ace hurriedly turned around, trying to pull Luffy up, no matter what happened, he would not give up on this little brother.

But at this moment, the owner of the restaurant also reacted, and hurriedly called his attendants to block the door, staring at the group of people eating Bawang's meal.

"Damn it, it's too late!"

Ace glared at Luo, if it weren't for this stinky guy, they would have escaped long ago, and they would have at least received a severe beating.

You know, this is the most luxurious restaurant in the border town, they ate so much, it must cost a lot of money.

How can you afford it!

Mr. 3 stood up, slowly and methodically took out a thick stack of Baileys and handed them to the boss, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my partner has caused you trouble, here are 2 million Baileys, it's unnecessary Part of it should be compensation.”

All the people added up to about 1.5 million Baileys, and the extra 500,000 Baileys were hush money, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"No, it's okay, it turned out to be a misunderstanding!"

The boss smiled happily, quickly put Bailey away, and sent him off with the same respect as he would a nobleman.

"Guests, go slowly, welcome again!"

On the street, Ace and Luffy were still in a daze. They originally planned to tease the Dog Dog Pirates, but they themselves became a joke.

This group of pirates seem to be very rich?

"Whahahaha, Ace, Luffy."

Yamato put his hands behind his head and said with a smile: "My father once told me that you must pay for eating out!"


"Because only those low-level pirates who can't afford the money will eat the king's meal!"


Damn, this is deliberately scolding them!

Yamato didn't mean that, her father did tell her so, it's embarrassing to eat the overlord's meal.

"You're full, go find your brother!"

The walls of Gaozhen are close in sight.

At the same time, the sky behind lit up under the light of the fire, and thick smoke billowed up in all directions.

Not sure the terminal was set on fire!

(end of this chapter)

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