
Blackbeard clutched the sunken front door, lying in the ruins, rolling and screaming. He had no idea that the girl could explode with such astonishing speed and strength!



"Shut up and back off!"

Buggy and the others ran over, but Blackbeard sternly shouted back, as the captain, he couldn't show his weak side in front of his subordinates!


Blackbeard gasped a few times, resisted the pain and got up, looking fiercely at the mace in the werewolf girl's hand.

In the attack just now, what surprised him the most was not the opponent's explosive power, but the special power wrapped around the mace!

"Conqueror's Haki!"

He can't be mistaken, Snowdog has Conqueror's Haki and wraps it around his weapon.

Blackbeard was horrified. In this world, there were only a handful of strong men who could entangle Conqueror's. Where did the girl in front of her come from?

Cold sweat slid from his forehead, evaporated quickly after dripping on the ground, and turned into a wisp of green smoke.

Then, the flames rose up!

"What a horrible brat!"

Blackbeard was bathed in flames, his eyes were ferocious.

I was almost scared just now, the other party is just a kid, even if he can use Conqueror's Haki, he can't compare to a monster like Dad.

Youth is the opponent's greatest weakness!

In addition, the power displayed by the opponent should be the Zoan phantom beast species, which is rarer than Logia, so it has the power to transform and control ice.

Really strong ability, but Mera-mera Fruit can't lose!

"Thief hahaha!"

Blackbeard opened his arms, and the two flames quickly shot around, drawing a perfect arc, and finally converged behind Yamato, forming a circular flame zone!

"Flame Liberation!"

The next moment, the flames exploded, enveloping the dueling two like a city wall of flames!

There was madness in Blackbeard's eyes, he had to kill the snow dog here, otherwise, this girl would definitely be one of the biggest obstacles for him to become One Piece in the future.

The ferocious burning flames can be clearly seen from the coast dozens of miles away, and the scorching heat makes people's lungs burn.

"Run, the captain is going crazy!"

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates ran away in panic. The last time the captain used his ability like this, he directly destroyed a small town.

Must stay away!

"Who the hell is that snow dog?"

Lafitte flapped his wings and flew to the top of the city wall. His brain was working quickly, sorting out the information he had seen before.

The strength displayed by Snow Dog is definitely not an ordinary newcomer. If she is screened by her age, she should be able to find relevant background.

"Wait, could it be!"

Lafitte suddenly remembered an institution.

Baishou Academy!

In recent years, Baishou College located in New World has sent tens of thousands of graduates, and its influence in the world has increased rapidly, and there are even rumors about it in the world.

Among those extremely outstanding graduates, the strongest "Ten Seats" have attracted much attention. In addition to their own strength factors, they also have exaggerated net worth!

The most attractive thing about Baishou College is that besides the three legendary principals, there is also an outrageously exaggerated scholarship system, which has created a batch of elite students with extremely high social status.

It is said that the annual scholarship for the first seat is as high as one billion Baileys, the second seat is 500 million Baileys, the third seat is 300 million Baileys, and the remaining ten seats are all 100 million Baileys.

The top 100 students also have enviable scholarships. The total amount is estimated to be as high as 5 billion Baileys every year!

These expenditures may not be considered as much to the Baishou Academy, which has been invested by many parties, but to the outside world, those star graduates are moving treasures, especially the "Ten Seats"!

"It turned out to be her, Ghost Ji!"

Lafitte realized the identity of Snow Dog!

Three years ago, he saw a photo of the first "Ten Seats" of Baishu College in the newspaper, and the face of the first ghost girl was very similar to that of a snow dog.

I didn't connect the two before because it was too outrageous. Miss Onihime is the daughter of Four Emperors Kaido, and Snow Dog is just a country pirate.

Who would have thought that Oni Ji would make her debut as a rookie pirate.

"We're in big trouble."

Inform the partner of the snow dog's identity, and everyone's expressions are very exciting.


Poison Q coughed violently, panting out of breath: "Our luck, it seems very bad!"

"Weihahaha, I've been looking forward to fighting the Four Emperors!"

"Then today will be a turning point of fate!"

Concerned, excited, calm.

Everyone's emotions are different, but the same thing is that no one is afraid, they risk everything to follow Blackbeard, in order to stand on top of the world.

The Four Emperors are enemies that will be faced sooner or later.

The battle between the border town and the port has come to an end for the time being.

"Who is fighting Gui Ji fiercely!"

The dazzling pillar of fire is extremely eye-catching, and it is difficult to ignore it.

Hancock looked away, and before the ten hands hit him, he jumped back and landed on the pet Salome, distanced himself from Smoker.

Biting her finger, the woman made a pitiful request to the Sword member: "Hey, I'm so scared, can you catch this man for me?"

"Stop kidding, Hancock, are you a wayward little girl!"

Smoker immediately exploded, but with a "click", a seastone handcuff was placed on his wrist.


Smoker raised the handcuffs in a daze, and Peacock and Rosinante grabbed his arms from left to right as if they were catching a prisoner, as if they wanted to dedicate him to Hancock.


"What a peerless beauty!"

"I'm going to be Lord Hancock's slave!"

"Whatever she wants me to do, I will do it willingly!"

Not only Peacock and Rosinante, but other Swords were also bewitched by Hancock's cute appearance, stabbing Smoker's back with heart-warming eyes.

The Baishou students and NEO people who came to help out held back and did not move. The reason is very simple. They have seen the charm of Hancock in the academy, and they are somewhat psychologically prepared.

Even so, everyone couldn't help but blush, put their legs together, and wish they could be Hancock's dog.

Smoker's eyes were red, and his face was full of veins and roared angrily: "You idiots, wake me up!"

"Oops, I was led away by the nose if I didn't pay attention."

Everyone was startled by the roar, and immediately came to their senses. Peacock and Rosinante hurriedly uncuffed Smoker, filled with guilt and righteous indignation.

"It's really disgusting to tempt us!"

"Isn't it amazing to look good!"

"I want her to slap me—well, slap her!"

As a core member of Sword, it is too shameful to be played around by the enemy's ability.

The two secretly glanced at Hancock, and couldn't help being taken aback.

"Hey, where is she?"

During the time of civil strife, the women had long since disappeared, replaced by a dense crowd, posing no threat, but making it impossible for large troops to leave.

Smoker smoked all over his body, his lower body turned into smoke, and he sprinted towards the sky!

"White Smoke Launcher!"


"Maria's Web~~"

"Snow Clothes Wings!"

The rest of the people also rushed towards the direction of the palace according to their own abilities.

The eldest sister is fighting and needs help!

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