Chapter 609: New Bounty

In the morning, the sun rises slowly.

The royal palace and Gaozhen disappeared without a trace, replaced by a huge deep pit, as if hit by a meteorite.

In just one night, the most beautiful Goa Kingdom in East Blue was completely destroyed, and it took an unknown number of years to rebuild it.

And the murderer had already left.

The only safe place is the border town where ordinary people live.

"What the hell happened last night?"

"Gaozhen has disappeared!"

"I seemed to have a dream last night, dreaming of a peerless beauty!"

"Hey, I dreamed about it too, those legs are whiter than radishes!"

The common people were in a trance, last night was either a towering flame or a deafening roar, not sure if the terminal was like that, so was Gaozhen.

Someone suddenly remembered something, with a look of horror in their eyes: "By the way, the world's nobles are coming soon?"

"Just a few days!"

"Oops, how should this end!"

When the Celestial Dragons went to the Kingdom of Goa as an envoy, not only did they not get a grand reception, but they saw ruins on the contrary, how could they not be angry.

But now, the royal family and nobles seem to have been killed by pirates, and no one is in control of the overall situation, how to meet the Celestial Dragons.

And as civilians, they are not qualified to receive Celestial Dragons!

Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.

Lieutenant Colonel T-bone stood at the door, reporting the battle that happened yesterday in a loud voice.

"Marshal Sengoku, Smoker Rear Admiral escorting Shichibukai Blackbeard and four of his subordinates, and Shichibukai Edward Weible, is heading for Impel down, charged with destroying the Kingdom of Goa and the Bloody Auction event!"

After capturing the Blackbeard pirates, Sword found a large amount of stolen goods on the other party's ship, confirming another evil deed.

Bloody Auction Event!

Although the underground auction is not well-known, the guests are all the upper class in East Blue, which is similar in nature to the auction in Sabaody.

Thousands of nobles and businessmen were massacred, and the impact was very bad. All countries in East Blue are urging the World Government to catch the murderer as soon as possible.

Sengoku nodded slowly and waved his hand.

"Understood, let's go down."

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku!"

Lieutenant Colonel T-Bone left the office, clenching his fists excitedly.

Smoker is so handsome!

Captured two Shichibukai at once, and protected the people of the Kingdom of Goa in the battle between the Dog Dog Pirates and other Shichibukai.

That's what being a Marine is all about!

He also wants to join Sword!

The marshal's office fell silent.


Desktop HP—1.

Very angry, but not so angry.

The World government specially recruited the Seven Warlords of the Sea for this crusade against the Dog Dog Pirates, and did not allow Marine to interfere, so Marine has no responsibility at all.

Sengoku stood up and went to the window.

The situation in the Kingdom of Goa far exceeded his expectations, and all the Shichibukai were dispatched, but they returned without success.

"It's really scary, Gui Ji!"

Sengoku knows very well that due to Onihime's true identity, not many Seven Warlords of the Sea will contribute their work, and those villains are already inextricably linked to Kaido.

Even so, not all Shichibukai will look at Kaido's face, unfortunately, it is difficult for a single Shichibukai to defeat Oniji.

On the one hand, Gui Ji is powerful, with the support of Candle Demon, on the other hand, the strength of Seven Warlords of the Sea is also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

The only way to defeat the Dog Dog Pirates is to use Marine Admiral!

"And this guy, it's really hidden deep enough!"

Sengoku picked up a reward order and frowned directly.

"The Clown" Buggy has a bounty of 15 million Baileys!

Marine's intelligence department has been busy all day, and finally found out the true identity of the "clown" Buggy.

One Piece Roger's Crew!

And fraternize with the redhead Shanks!

Anyone who has a relationship with Roger is the most important existence of the World government, let alone a close relationship with Four Emperors Shanks.

There is one more thing to deal with.

The ship that St. Charmarco was on was heading to the Kingdom of Goa. If he saw the situation in the Kingdom of Goa, he would definitely question Marine's security capabilities.

Those high-ranking Celestial Dragons can't reason with Marine, so try to avoid conflicts.


"Marshal Sengoku!"

"Immediately notify the neighboring countries of the Kingdom of Goa to prepare to receive St. Charmarco!"


Three days later, a deserted island near the Kingdom of Goa.

The birds and beasts fled, and the roars rose and fell with each other, which lasted for an hour before they stopped!

In the center of the island, Hancock's legs stretched straight, headlong into the ground, which is unbearable.

The friends of the Dog Dog Pirates were all stunned.

"Just kidding!"

"Is the captain a devil?"

"Such a beautiful woman, I would be reluctant to touch her, but the captain did it badly!"

Distressed, very distressed!

Even the girls in Reiju couldn't help but blush when they saw Hancock, and wanted to post, let alone men.

The third brother has fallen!

This is definitely not a temptation that humans can bear!

However, Captain Yamato beat the Empress beyond recognition with his left hook, right hook, and left and right kicks. The smooth movements seemed to have been practiced hundreds of times.

It's too much!


Sandersonia and Marigold stepped forward in a panic, pulling Hancock out of the ground with one leg each, watching the world's number one beauty being beaten into a pig's head, almost burning with anger.

"How can you do this!"

The two sisters glared at Yamato, angrily wanting to avenge their sister.

Soon, the two sisters also inserted themselves into the ground headlong.

"Wow ha ha ha, I won again!"

Yamato turned around and proudly showed his scissors hands to his partners!

In the college, in order to compete for the first seat, the other ten seats would challenge her every now and then, among which Hancock was the most unconvinced one and also the one who received the most beatings.

It may be because Hancock also has Conqueror's. Anyway, she is very at odds with Hancock, and every time she beats Hancock, she will be very hard.

After an unknown amount of time, blue smoke rose from the forest.

The three Hancock sisters sat on the side of the grill, staring at Yamato in a depressed mood, and then vented their anger on the food, tearing the meat fiercely.

I haven't seen them for several years, and they have become stronger several times, but this monster girl can still beat them down easily.

It's so annoying!


The cry of the news bird echoed in the sky.

The eyes of the Dog Dog Pirates lit up, and they quickly waved to Newsbird!

coming! coming!

Going out to sea as pirates is to become famous all over the world, and they can't avoid it.

Mr. 3 looked at the newspaper and the reward order he had just bought, and prayed silently in his heart that he didn't make a move this time, and he must never raise the reward again.

He is really scared!

"Captain, your bounty has increased!"

Hong Ling waved Yamato's new reward order, trying to claim credit.

The course of this battle is obvious to all, and it is a solid record, and the destruction of another country will have extremely bad effects, and the World government can no longer pretend to be blind.

"Oni Ji" Yamato, offering a bounty of 1.5 billion Baileys!

"Wow ha ha ha, that's great!"

Yamato jumped up and down happily, feeling finally elated once.

She is the captain!

Hong Ling picked up Mr. 3's new reward order, the look of anticipation disappeared quickly, and handed the reward to Mr. 3 with pursed lips: "It's so boring, third brother, your reward has increased so little this time! "


Mr. 3 accepted the reward order calmly, secretly delighted in his heart, it’s better not to raise a penny, it’s better not to raise a penny!

When he saw the exact amount, his eyes immediately went dark, and he almost lost his breath.

"Candle Demon" Gal Dino, offering a bounty of 1.3 billion Baileys!

A full increase of 300 million Baileys!

How can he call it less? ? ?

(end of this chapter)

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