One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 63 Marine's Situation

Chapter 63 Marine's Situation

In less than a week, the news of Moria joining Hundred Beasts spread throughout New World, and newspapers even published photos of Kaido and Moria clinking glasses.

Coupled with the behavior of the Beasts Pirates invading the Vodka Kingdom, whether it is Marine or the pirates of New World, they all realize one thing.

"The Beasts Pirates are on the move!"

Naval Headquarters, Marineford, inside the Marshal's office.

Kong threw an encrypted document to Admiral Sengoku, rubbing his temples with a headache: "This is a letter of help from the Vodka Kingdom, and the World government asks us to resolve this matter as soon as possible."


Sengoku flipped through the documents, and his brows became more and more tight. It is very common for a franchise country to be attacked by pirates, but if the opponent is a beast, the nature is completely different.

What bothered Sengoku even more was that the Beasts Pirates did not just plunder, but also planted the banner of beasts on several islands they invaded.

This is a signal of outward expansion. Basically, the big pirates in New World will occupy some islands and guarantee their own expenses by collecting protection fees.

However, pirates rarely occupy the territory of a member country, which is tantamount to provoking the World government, which will inevitably lead to a crusade by Marines.

This matter is probably not that simple.

Sengoku put down the file and said in a deep voice, "Marshal Kong, although I really want to go there in person, there is a more troublesome guy to deal with now!"

"More trouble Bullet?"


Kong frowned. Ever since Roger was executed, this heir of the devil had completely lost his restraint, making a scene every day, destroying countless towns.

At least the Beasts Pirates have a track record, and Bullet is pure insanity, and even the World government can't stand him anymore.

"What are you going to do?"

"Bullet is too powerful. If we confront it head-on, Marine will inevitably suffer heavy losses. This is a price we cannot afford!"

Sengoku stared coldly: "So, I'm going to launch Buster Call!"

"Buster Call"

Kong frowned, and only when faced with a huge threat, would Marine be able to launch the Buster Call that would destroy everything!

Bullet, it's worth it!

But if Sengoku can't dispatch, who else can he dispatch? Only Admiral leads the team to repel the Beasts Pirates!

Now Marine three Admiral, except for Sengoku, Zephyr has retired to the second line, dedicated to guiding newcomers, and the remaining Admiral position is still vacant, which is reserved for Garp.

However, that bastard Garp nearly pissed him off for refusing to promote Admiral so many times!

"Where's Garp?"

"Garp him"

Sengoku was silent for a moment, then sighed and said, "Garp is not in the headquarters right now."

"Then where is he?"

"I don't know either."


Kong has bruised veins on his forehead. If anyone in Marine is the most undisciplined, it must be Garp!

"Bastard! At this critical moment!"


As the closest partner, Sengoku felt that he was obliged to say something nice for Garp, and said bravely: "Marshal Sora, I think Garp may have gone to hunt down Drago."


The fist smashed into the table!

Kong was furious. He was already very angry when Garp left the headquarters without authorization, but when it comes to Drago, that anger is just a drop in the bucket!

As the son of the hero Garp, Drago is regarded by the Marines as a rising star. His strong strength makes many people think that he will become the next generation of Admiral.

However, I don't know if it was affected by Roger's execution. After returning to the headquarters, Drago quickly defected from Marine.

If this guy becomes a pirate, he will turn a blind eye and close his eyes, but according to the information collected by World Government, Drago is secretly engaged in revolutionary activities!

Although it's just a small fight, this is the most intolerable taboo in the world government, and its nature is far worse than becoming a pirate!

Kong still clearly remembers that for this matter, Five Elders scolded him bloody, and he almost lost his face as the Marine Marshal!

Bastard, no one in this family can rest easy!


After recovering his breath, Kong thought with a dark face, Garp was hopeless, and when that idiot wanted to do something, he couldn't pull it back with a warship.

"What are Sakazuki and Kuzan doing?"

"They are catching pirates in the first half of the sea, and they can return to the headquarters at any time."

The era of great voyages has just begun, and pirates are in a state of blowout. Every day, a large number of pirates enter the Grand Line from all over the world.

This has led to a serious shortage of Marine manpower, and Akainu and other powerful Vice Admirals are busy almost every day, catching pirates and catching soft hands!

Kong secretly heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately he still has a few juniors who can fight, otherwise there would really be no one to send.

"Call them back immediately!"


"Blu, blu, blu~~"

Just then, the phone bug on the table rang!

Seeing the mock phone bug, Kong and Sengoku's expressions sank at the same time, it was Five Elders calling!

Sengoku said in a low voice: "Marshal Sora, I'll go out first."

"No need, you are my successor, it is also a good thing to get in touch with these earlier."

Kong shook his head, took a deep breath, connected the phone bug, and said in a deep voice, "I'm Kong."

"Kong, immediately send ten warships to West Blue."

The Five Elders' unmistakable order came from the phone bug.

"Ten ships?!"

Kong's pupils shrank, and his tone of voice turned up several notches. There is only one possibility for the expedition scale of ten warships!

"Could it be"

"That's right, ready to launch Buster Call!"

The voice of the phone bug was unusually cold.

"We have received information that the scholars of Ohara are studying the historical text and plan to resurrect the Ancient Weapon!"

"The reckless actions of these scholars are destroying the peace of the world!"

"I order you in the name of justice, kill all the scholars in Ohara, leave no one behind!"

The murderous intent contained in the voice of the phone bug made Kong and Sengoku feel cold.

Kong slapped the table angrily, and asked, "Are you kidding, the other party is just a group of unarmed scholars, why do you want to do this?!"

"Shut up, Kong, who do you think you're talking to!"

The phone bug shouted angrily!

"Know where you stand, Kong!"

"To deal with evil, leave no room!"

"You Marines are nothing but weapons of the World Government!"

"Before the giant Vice Admiral Jaguar betrayed the World government and rescued the Ohara scholar, we haven't settled with you yet!"

"This secret operation is under the full responsibility of CP9's Spandain. You Marines only need to follow orders!"

"Remember, failure is never allowed!"


The phone bug closed his eyes, and the room fell into silence.

Whether it's Kong or Sengoku, they clenched their fists simultaneously, and the huge anger was beyond words.


"Let Sakazuki and Kuzan go!"

(end of this chapter)

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