Chapter 66 Father is a Good Man

After the bell, Shimotsuki Castle.

Early in the morning, all the people in the city gathered outside the Daming Mansion, discussing around the tiles where the notices were posted.

"Hey, what's written on it?"

"I heard that growing cotton can exempt this year's tax, is it true?"

"It's true, not only cotton, but also tea, tobacco, sericulture, etc. There are many types to choose from!"

"In addition to the half-year tax exemption, His Royal Highness will also provide us with free seeds and related planting techniques."

"And after the fields are harvested, His Royal Highness will buy them together. The price is so high, at least twice as much as the simple farming!"

The matter is very simple. It is the season of spring plowing. In order to improve the living conditions of the people of Suzugo, the daimyo specially provided a batch of economic crop seeds for them to plant independently.

Not only is the purchase price beautiful, but there are also tax exemptions, guidance and other policies that benefit the people, which undoubtedly have a fatal appeal to poor people who do not have enough food or clothing.

Who doesn't want to have a better life!

"What about the food? If we don't grow food, what will we eat!"

The planting period is at least several months, or even more than half a year. If cotton and tea are all planted, there may be a famine in a few months!

Although the people are moved, they also know the importance of food.

"Don't worry, His Royal Highness will provide us with sufficient food, the price is 30% lower than the market price, and you can also pay on credit!"

"Hiss, 30% lower!"

Many people have green eyes and want to store grain now, but only a few far-sighted people realize that something is wrong.

If the price of food drops so much all of a sudden, if they continue to grow food, they may not even be able to support themselves. At that time, they will have to grow cotton like everyone else.

However, less than 1% of people have this kind of foresight. Everyone can’t get enough to eat. How can they care about the impact of lower food prices? Who can fill their stomachs is the most important thing.

"His Royal Highness doesn't seem to be in the rumors."

"She is Kaido's daughter, don't be fooled by a little favor!"

"That's right, this is probably Kaido's conspiracy!"

Prejudice towards beasts cannot be let go overnight, but in the face of real benefits, few people can refuse!

At the moment, in the Daimyo House, Yamato hugged Kaido's thigh, with snot and tears, and was so moved.

"Wow, woo, father!"

"It's great that you not only give the people behind Linghou a better means of earning a living, but also selflessly provide them with assistance."

"I always thought you were a big villain, I'm sorry, I blamed you wrongly, the big snake is the worst guy!"


Kaido can't laugh or cry, whether it is sufficient food or crop seeds, etc., he provides them all. Such a big help, the little girl is naturally touched.

However, he wasn't being kind.

Unlike Orochi, the wretched life of the people of Wanokuni has no meaning to him, nor does it make him happy, nor is it in his interest, so he plans to get rid of Orochi and replace him with Yamato.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Wanokuni, and only 20,000 to 30,000 prisoners are enough for the weapons factory, and a large amount of labor is idle.

Therefore, he plans to transform Wanokuni into an industrial processing country, grow cash crops, and then build textile factories, etc., so that all idle people can work in the factory, earn profits for him, and harvest labor more efficiently.

In addition, force the people to give up growing grain, and then import a large amount of grain from all countries, or occupy other agricultural countries, and completely monopolize the source and sale of grain, thereby manipulating the lifeline of Wanokuni!

If you don't enter the factory, you will starve to death!

Kaido smiled kindly: "Yamato, I will leave this matter to you. Don't slack off on changing the river course. If you need anything, just tell me."

"Do not worry!"

Yamato immediately patted his small chest, and promised loudly: "Father, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"Very well, then I'll go back first."

Kaido nodded in satisfaction, who wouldn't like an obedient little girl.

After he left, the Shinsengumi exploded immediately, and many people even jumped up and danced excitedly.

"We all misunderstood Lord Ming!"

"Yes, Lord Ming is obviously such a kind person."

"Furthermore, who would have imagined that Lord Ming would care so much about the lives of the people, and how much money would be spent on this help!"

"Sure enough, it's all General Orochi's fault!"

According to rumors, King Ming was extremely cruel and the culprit of cholera Wanokuni, but people prefer to believe what they saw with their own eyes!

The Shinsengumi has been following Yamato, so he has come into contact with Kaido a lot. The image of Kaido is completely different from the rumored devil, but looks like a real knight!

He has a forthright personality and does not stick to small details. He treats his subordinates with tolerance and generosity, treating his daughter as if he is his own.

Such a good leader and father really made Shinsengumi envious.

"Mr. Kaido."

There was a smile on the corner of Sasaki's mouth. He still clearly remembered that Kaido said that His Highness Yamato should become a general, and Kaido was indeed cultivating His Highness Yamato seriously, and in a good way.

He is absolutely convinced at this moment that the person who can change this country is definitely not Kozuki Oden, but Kaido's daughter, His Royal Highness Onihime!

The news of Suzugo's reform quickly spread throughout Wanokuni, to the astonishment of everyone, especially the daimyos of each township.

Nozomi daimyo Fuzuki Miyumi and Uzuki Utsuki Tempura drink together, discussing the changes that Suzugo has activated.

"It's surprising that Kaido would allow his daughter to mess around. He is not a person who cares about the people."

"Although that guy is not a good person, he may be a good father!"

"makes sense."

"When Ushimaru went to the weapons factory before, I remember he mentioned that Princess Onihime is a cute little girl."

"Unfortunately, she is Kaido's daughter."

The positions of the two sides are destined to be opposites, unless they put down the dignity of the samurai and compromise with Kaido, but that is impossible!

The two sighed. On the one hand, they regretted Yamato's identity, and on the other hand, they were sincerely happy about Yamato's extravagant behavior, and there was also a trace of jealousy.

"It's so enviable!"

They also want to be as proud as Yamato, spending huge sums of money to improve the poor lives of Nozomi and the people in Tuwan, but they are all living a difficult life, let alone helping the people in the territory.

Nine miles, Oden Castle.

"This must be Kaido's conspiracy!"

Kin'emon and other retainers were filled with righteous indignation. The better Kaido's side behaved, the more uneasy they felt.

"Don't think too much about it."

Oden smiled and shook his head: "I met Miss Guiji once, she is a very kind and lovely girl, she will not have any bad intentions."

"Your Highness, you trust the other party too easily!"

Kin'emon's face darkened: "That princess Onihime may be very kind, but without Kaido's instruction, it would be impossible to do such a behavior. This must be the other party's means to buy people's hearts."

"Haha, there's nothing wrong with that."

Oden smiled and shook his head: "The other party is indeed helping the people improve their lives, and it is only natural that they are loved."

"Your Highness!"

"do not talk."

The retainers were anxious, this was what they were most worried about!

His daimyo is obsessed with dancing, which disappoints the people. Even a three-year-old child knows Kuri's foolish highness, but Kaido's daughter keeps improving the lives of the people in Linghou and wins the hearts of the people.

ebb and flow

The retainers gritted their teeth. They were really afraid that one day, when Lord Oden raised his arms and shouted to attack Kaido, no one behind him responded, and even stood behind him!

(end of this chapter)

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