One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 8 Initially Jianfei Six Cells

Chapter 8 Initially Jianfei Six Cells

Ghost Island, Budojo.

Including the large signboard, dozens of Beasts Pirates cadres sat on both sides of the dojo, carefully watching the father-daughter battle in the center of the dojo, and many cadres showed unbearable expressions on their faces.

This is not training at all, but one-sided abuse. The point is, His Highness Yamato is only a four-year-old child!


Yamato knelt on the ground, panting heavily, his originally pink and lovely face was swollen and bruised, blood stains and sweat mixed together, continuously dripping to the ground.

For a little girl, this injury is undoubtedly extremely serious, but she is the daughter of Kaido of the Beasts, with the blood of the Oni family, her physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people!

"It hurts. No, it doesn't hurt!"

Yamato raised his head with difficulty, his father was staring at her in his vision blurred by blood, his brows were furrowed, and he seemed dissatisfied.

She couldn't help but clenched the iron rod tightly, and forced herself to stand upright. Since the agreement that day, my father has really kept the agreement, taking her with me no matter where he goes, and caring for her very much.

At the same time, my father will also fight with her every day to train her fighting skills.

It was painful, but it was nothing compared to the happy time with my father.

Eat a full meal and sleep without pain!

She wants to become stronger!

She can't let her father down!


The girl raised the iron rod with both hands, roared and launched a charge, then flew backwards at a faster speed, and slammed into the wall of the dojo, with a "boom", the girl was like planting a carrot, half of her body was embedded in the wall !

"His Highness Yamato!"

Seeing the unconscious little girl embedded in the wall, many cadres cried out in surprise, and their palms were squeezed into cold sweat.

Even if he wanted His Highness Yamato to become stronger, it would be too much. If this continues, His Highness Yamato might really be beaten to death.

Kaido put down the kicked foot and ordered with a deadpan expression: "Take Yamato down and let the best doctor take good care of her."

"Yes, Boss Kaido!"

The medical personnel already in place immediately stepped forward, carefully lifted Yamato onto a stretcher, and sent him to the medical room.

After Yamato left, Kaido looked at the cadres, his sharp eyes were like blades, making people afraid to look directly at them.

"You are called here today, and there is something big to announce."

Everyone immediately straightened their backs and made a gesture of listening. A few days ago, they heard that the boss of Kaido had a new plan, so it was hard not to let people pay attention.

"Currently in Wanokuni, only the Capital of Flowers is completely under our control. In other areas, such as Kuri, Nozomi, Rabbit Bowl, Linghou, and Baiwu, we have far less control over them!"

Kaido's voice is full of dissatisfaction. In the past few days, he has a certain understanding of the situation in Wanokuni.

The Wanokuni system is similar to the enfeoffment system. Each township is governed by a daimyo, and even the general has no right to interfere too much.

Coupled with Orochi's unpopularity, the daimyos of the townships are naturally unwilling to obey. If Kozuki Oden was not too disappointing, the townships would have gathered their strength to fight against Orochi.

However, the samurai who resisted the snake did not sit still. They mostly hid in the townships in the form of ronin and bandit groups, specializing in plundering the caravans of the capital of flowers.

As the backer of Orochi, Beasts Pirates are also the main targets of samurai attacks. These guys are secretly sheltered by famous names from various villages, and they are very difficult to deal with.

Like a fly!

"For a long time, those troublesome samurai wanderers have brought us great losses, so I plan to wipe them out."

Kaido's eyes were fixed: "I will select the six strongest people from the real fight. Each person will be in charge of an area, and cooperate with Orochi's subordinates to completely wipe out the resisting samurai forces."

After a pause, he added: "These six real fighters should be called Fei Liubao!"

"Flying Six Cells!"

The real fighters cheered up immediately, and looked at each other with hostility in their eyes. Everyone was at the same level, so naturally no one would accept the other.

Holdem stood up and asked everyone what they were most concerned about: "Boss Kaido, what are the benefits of being Fei Liubao?"

"Of course there are benefits."

Kaido grinned: "First of all, Fei Liubao will become the supreme commander in charge of the area, and his status is only under the big kanban, and he can refuse orders from the big kanban!"


The real fighters have a happy face, not only can become the regional commander, but also can refuse the orders of the big Kanban. Doesn't that mean that in the future, only the boss of Kaido needs to look at the face!

Kaido was very satisfied with Zhenda's reaction, and continued: "Secondly, in order to strengthen Fei Liubao's strength, I will personally train Fei Liubao, and even bestow Devil Fruit!"


I was just happy just now, but now I am shocked!

The real fighters are full of excitement, not only can they get the guidance of the boss Kaido, but they may also get the precious Devil Fruit, it’s like a dream!

"There is one last point!"

Kaido threw out the deadly bait: "With my permission, Fei Liubao can challenge the big kanban by name, and if he wins, he will replace it!"



My mouth is so dry that I can't believe what I'm hearing.

In the past, if you want to challenge the big Kanban, you need to make a lot of credit, but now you only need to become Fei Liubao to get the opportunity!

There are not a few real players staring at the position of the big kanban!

Kaido looked sideways at Jhin and Quinn: "No problem?"

"Well, it's okay."

Jhin was extremely calm, and did not forget to hurt others: "But Quinn, who is holding back, may not necessarily be."

"Shut up, human scum!"

Quinn cursed, and then laughed sinisterly: "Mhahaha, Jhin, I'm different from you, I'm really looking forward to being challenged!"

He loves to have fun!

"That's it!"

Kaido turned to look at the real fighters: "Any questions?"


The real fighters all stood up, their eyes glowing red.

Holdem pulled out his long knife and licked the edge excitedly: "Boss Kaido, what should I do to be promoted to Fei Liubao?"

"The method is very simple!"

Kaido opened his arms: "I will be your opponent, and the one who can stand up in the end will become the first generation of Flying Six Cells!"

"Fight with Kaido boss?"

The real fighters were speechless. If they besieged Jhin and Quinn, they might still have a chance, but they couldn't be opponents if they attacked Kaido's boss.

For a moment, no one dared to move!

"Don't be afraid!"

Kaido hooked his hands: "I will treat you the same way I treated Yamato just now, and there is only one thing you have to do, stick to the end, don't worry, I don't use Haki!"


As soon as the voice fell, Holdem, who was the closest, roared immediately, and rushed up with a samurai sword in both hands!

Seeing this, the other Zhenda couldn't control their boiling emotions anymore, and raised their weapons and rushed towards Kaido!

"It doesn't matter, let's go!"

"Hahahaha, Fei Liubao's position is mine!"

"Let Boss Kaido see the real power of fighting!"

(end of this chapter)

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